[net.micro.amiga] JAUG Meeting Summary

perry@well.UUCP (Perry S. Kivolowitz) (01/28/86)

We (the Jersey Amiga User Group) held our second meeting last Friday.
One hundred and sixty (count'em, 160) people were in attendence HALF
of whom had Amigas! Speakers were Harry Suckow of Manx Software Systems
and Jim Charne of Activision.

Harry talked about activities surrounding the future of the Manx C product.
Of interest, he said that:

	o	There will be a commercial (list 499) package as well
		as a developer (list 299) package. The commercial
		package comes with more support tools.

	o	Discounts will be available for official Amiga developers
		as well as students. I wont mention the discount amounts
		but consider them SUBSTANTIAL. Privately, he said that
		Manx may be willing to discuss a tradein deal for owners
		of Lattice licenses.

	o	The next release of the compiler (due to Beta testers
		any day now) will have a compile time flag switching 16 bit
		int operations into 32 bit ints. Manx suggests that any
		new code be developed to take advantage of the smaller
		integer size because there is a performance penalty for
		for using the larger ints.

	o	There was talk about a substantial optimizer effort going
		on within Manx. The effort (for one of their other compilers)
		will benefit the Amiga product. Global optimization over
		the parse tree was mentioned. This will mean that the
		good quality code produced now will become excellent 

Jim Charne demonstrated hacker, borrowed time and mindshadow. All available
now from dealers. The games are interactive fiction using color
stills to liven things up a bit.

The next JAUG meeting will be the third friday of February. I want
to take this opportinuty to ask any vendors out there to get in touch
with me (160 hungry customers is nothing to sneeze at) to arrange for
you to come down and talk. We are a non-profit group not associated
with Commodore-Amiga, Inc.

The Fish Disks (as I have christened them) were a big hit. While talking
about them (Fish Disks) a got tongue tied and it came our Fish Dicks. Maybe
thats' a strong argument for calling them something else. Anyway, everyone
in net land owes Fred a debt of gratitued for an excellent job.

Tune in next month when I summarize Cherry Lane's talk about music hardware
and software.

Perry S. Kivolowitz
(201) 271 - 4522 (amiga made message machine!)