rj@amiga.UUCP (Robert J. Mical) (01/11/86)
Here it comes! OK, annouceth I the next iteration of Mandelbrot! This one is Mandelbrot 2.01, by Robert S. French and =RJ Mical=. This one is vastly improved over the last one. Included in the improvements: - This version is faster, anywhere from 10-25% faster, depending on the complexity of the picture - This one has a color change window, which allows you modify the color palette to any color set that pleases you. - TA-DAH, now you can save the picture you've generated in IFF format, to be read into any of "the many Amiga art tools" like Graphicraft or Deluxe Paint. - There are sundry other improvements which make it more useable and more understandable. The greatest thing about this new version of Mandelbrot is that it's *still* Public Domain, which means that you can examine -- and perhaps llearn from -- the code that does the program. I hope you enjoy it. So here it comes ... following this file are several LONG files of Mandelbrot 2.01. Power to the Progranmmer! -=RJ Mical=-
daemon@caip.UUCP (02/04/86)
From: George S. Musser Jr. I've haven't seen any more postings about fixes to Mandelbrot 2.01. To fix the problem with saving/loading, insert the following line in main(), after fwrite(&start_r,sizeof(start.r),1,fp): fwrite(&end_r,sizeof(end.r),1,fp); Anyone come up with any more mods? One of my biggest complaints is that you can't slide a hi-res screen out of the way to cut down on stolen cycles. George