[net.micro.amiga] Keypad



     I've been using Textcraft 1.0 (and I'm not going to complain
about it here).  I'm just curious about how it differentiates the
keypad keys from keyboard numbers.  Is the ASCII value returned
different, or is the keyboard memory-mapped in some weird way?
     Also, I only know about graphics what I've picked up in bits
and pieces.  Is there any way to simply load in a graphics file to
memory and have it display to the screen, or is it more complicated
than that?  (For example, to load the Workbench Demo "Mandril", can
I just POKE some location to set 640x400, then transfer bytes to
a "screen memory"?)  Forgive me if I sound like I come from a
TRS-80 background, because I do.

     Thanks... nj <s7ylf4%irishmvs.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.EDU>