[net.micro.amiga] A simple clock program

mwm%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU@caip.RUTGERS.EDU (03/04/86)

From: Mike (I'll be mellow when I'm dead) Meyer <mwm%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU>

I know, I know - everybody and their brother has a clock program. This
one has the advantage that it lives completely in the screen title
bar. It's just what I want from a clock, and I figure others might be
interested in it, so here it is.

The only problem I still have is that sometimes, the drag bar will
cover the time. If someone knows how to fix this (get refresh
messages, maybe?), I'd like to hear about it.


 * clock - a dumb, digital clock in the upper right-hand corner. Designed
 *	to be small, not flexible!
 * Copyright (c) 1986, Mike Meyer
 * Permission is hereby granted to distribute this program for any purposes
 * whatsoever, so long as this notice, including the above copyright, is
 * included with the distribution. Unlike other people, I don't care if you
 * make money off of this, so long as I get credit for having written it.

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <devices/timer.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>

#include <stdio.h>

 * Things to tweak:
 *	WIN_WIDTH - the width of the window output screen. Should be 136.
 *	WAIT_TIME - how long to wait between updates. Also the maximum
 *		mis-time you can get.  Finally, it's the longest period of
 *		time you have to put up with the clock broken. Measured in
 *		seconds.
#define	WIN_WIDTH	136
#define WAIT_TIME	15

static struct NewWindow	New_Window = {
	(590 - WIN_WIDTH), 0,	/* Upper right, out of the way */
	WIN_WIDTH, 10,		/* Just big enough for the time */
	-1, -1,			/* Default pens */
	CLOSEWINDOW,		/* All we care about is closing */
	WINDOWCLOSE		/* Borderless, fairly standard window */
	(struct Gagdet *) NULL,
	(struct Image *) NULL,
	"",			/* Empty title */
	(struct Screen *) NULL,
	(struct BitMap *) NULL,
	0, 0, 0, 0,		/* no change sizes, doesn't matter */
	WBENCHSCREEN		/* Of course! */
	} ;

static char	Date_Buffer[8] ;	/* Now you know where the time goes! */

static struct IntuiText	Date_Text = {
	1, 0,				/* Use the standard pen colors */
	JAM2,				/* Use both of them */
	29, 1,				/* in the upper left-hand corner */
	(struct TextAttr *) NULL,	/* Use default text */
	Date_Buffer,			/* Buffer for time */
	(struct IntuiText *) NULL	/* All of text */
	} ;

struct IntuitionBase	*IntuitionBase ;

 * Some things that need to be shared with done.
static struct Window		*Window = NULL ;
static struct timerequest	Time_Req ;
static struct MsgPort		*Timer_Port = NULL, *CreatePort() ;
#ifdef	DEBUG
static short			cli = FALSE ;

#ifdef	DEBUG
main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv; {
_main() {
	register int		hours, minutes ;
	register char		*buffer = Date_Buffer ;
	struct DateStamp	now ;
	struct IntuiMessage	*Msg, *GetMsg() ;

#ifdef	DEBUG
	if (argc) cli = TRUE ;
	if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
	    OpenLibrary("intuition.library", INTUITION_REV)) == NULL)
		done(20, "Can't open Intuition library") ;

	if ((Timer_Port = CreatePort("Timer Port", 0)) == NULL)
		done(20, "Can't create timer port") ;

	if (OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK, (char *) &Time_Req, 0) != NULL)
		done(20, "Can't open timer device") ;
	Time_Req . tr_node . io_Message . mn_ReplyPort = Timer_Port ;
	Time_Req . tr_node . io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST ;
	Time_Req . tr_node . io_Flags = 0 ;
	Time_Req . tr_node . io_Error = 0 ;

	if ((Window = (struct Window *) OpenWindow(&New_Window)) == NULL)
		done(20, "Can't open window") ;
	buffer[3] = ':' ;
	buffer [0] = buffer[6] = ' ' ;

	for (;;) {
		DateStamp(&now) ;
		hours = now . ds_Minute / 60 ;
		minutes = now . ds_Minute % 60 ;
		buffer[1] = hours / 10 + '0' ;
		if (buffer[1] == '0')		/* Blank out a possible */
			buffer[1] = ' ' ;	/* leading 0 */
		buffer[2] = hours % 10 + '0' ;
		buffer[4] = minutes / 10 + '0' ;
		buffer[5] = minutes % 10 + '0' ;

		PrintIText(Window -> RPort, &Date_Text, 0, 0) ;

		Time_Req . tr_time . tv_secs = WAIT_TIME ;
		Time_Req . tr_time . tv_micro = 0 ;
		SendIO((char *) &Time_Req . tr_node) ;
		Wait(1 << Window -> UserPort -> mp_SigBit
		   | 1 << Timer_Port -> mp_SigBit) ;

		while (Msg = GetMsg(Window -> UserPort)) {
			if (Msg -> Class == CLOSEWINDOW) {
				ReplyMsg(Msg) ;
				done(0, "exit") ;
			ReplyMsg(Msg) ;

		(void) GetMsg(Timer_Port) ;
 * done - just clean up that which is open, and then leave.
done(how, why) int how; char *why; {

	AbortIO((char *) &Time_Req . tr_node) ;
	if (Window) CloseWindow(Window) ;
	if (Time_Req . tr_node . io_Message . mn_ReplyPort)
		CloseDevice(&Time_Req) ;
	if (Timer_Port) DeletePort(Timer_Port) ;
	if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase) ;
#ifdef	DEBUG
	if (cli) printf("clock: %s\n", why) ;

	OpenWorkBench() ;			/* As requested */
	exit(how) ;