[net.micro.amiga] Okidata ML92 driver & WB dump

glu@gypsy.UUCP (03/09/86)

Here is a printer driver for Okidata ML92 printers. I use it with my
parallel printer. It does both alpha and graphics and is written according
to the guidelines in ROM Kernel Manual 1.1. I also included a routine to
dump an entire workbench screen on the printer (copied from Fred Fish's
disk #5, added routines to make it link and run).
You have to separate the following file into 11 different files (including
a makefile to compile and link it).

I will probably improve the printer driver (i.e. optimize graphics printing
because it's real slooooow, provide italics fonts for alpha printing and
support some more of the suggested escape sequences in ROM Kernel Manual)
If somebody else enhances it, please let me participate in your improvements

	My address is
		Raimund Gluecker
		26 Trafalgar Court
		Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
		(609) 896-4860 (nights) (609) 734-6536 (days - eastern time)

	Since I'm not a UNIX Guru, I can't figure out my electronic mail
	address. If you do not have a C compiler, you might as well send
	me $6 and I'll copy the stuff on a disk and send it to you.

----- cut ----- cut ----- cut ----- cut ----- cut ----- cut ----- cut -----
/* data.c data.c data.c data.c data.c data.c data.c data.c data.c data.c */
/* Command Table Data for Okidata ML92 */

char *CommandTable[] = {
			/* reset			RIS	*/
    "\377",		/* initialize			RIN	*/
    "\012",		/* lf				IND	*/
    "\015\012",		/* return, lf			NEL	*/
    "\377",		/* reverse lf			RI	*/

    "\033I\033D",	/* normal character set		SGR0	*/
    "\377",		/* italics on			SGR3	*/
    "\377",		/* italics off			SGR23	*/
    "\033C",		/* underline on			SGR4	*/
    "\033D",		/* underline off		SGR24	*/
    "\033H\033T",	/* boldface on			SGR1	*/
    "\033I",		/* boldface off			SGR22	*/

    "\377",		/* set foreground color		SFC	*/
    "\377",		/* set background color		SBC	*/

    "\036",		/* normal pitch			SHORP0	*/
    "\034",		/* elite on			SHORP2	*/
    "\036",		/* elite off			SHORP1	*/
    "\035",		/* condensed (fine) on		SHORP4	*/
    "\036",		/* condensed off		SHORP3	*/
    "\037",		/* enlarged on			SHORP6	*/
    "\036",		/* enlarged off			SHORP5	*/

    "\377",		/* shadow print on		DEN6	*/
    "\377",		/* shadow print off		DEN5	*/
    "\377",		/* doublestrike on		DEN4	*/
    "\377",		/* doublestrike off		DEN3	*/
    "\0331",		/* Near Letter Quality on	DEN2	*/
    "\0330",		/* Near Letter Quality off	DEN1	*/

    "\033J",		/* superscript on		SUS2	*/
    "\033K",		/* superscript off		SUS1	*/
    "\033L",		/* subscript on			SUS4	*/
    "\033M",		/* subscript off		SUS3	*/
    "\033K\033M",	/* normalize			SUS0	*/

    "\377",		/* partial line up		PLU	*/
    "\377",		/* partial line down		PLD	*/

    "\377",		/* US char set			FNT0	*/
    "\377",		/* French char set		FNT1	*/
    "\377",		/* German char set		FNT2	*/
    "\377",		/* UK char set			FNT3	*/
    "\377",		/* Danish I char set		FNT4	*/
    "\377",		/* Swedish char set		FNT5	*/
    "\377",		/* Italian char set		FNT6	*/
    "\377",		/* Spanish char set		FNT7	*/
    "\377",		/* Japanese char set		FNT8	*/
    "\377",		/* Norweign char set		FNT9	*/
    "\377",		/* Danish II char set		FNT10	*/

    "\377",		/* proportional on		PROP2	*/
    "\377",		/* proportional off		PROP1	*/
    "\377",		/* proportional clear		PROP0	*/
    "\377",		/* set prop offset		TSS	*/

    "\377",		/* auto left justify		JFY5	*/
    "\377",		/* auto right justify		JFY7	*/
    "\377",		/* auto full justify		JFY6	*/
    "\377",		/* auto justify off		JFY0	*/
    "\377",		/* letter space			JFY3	*/
    "\377",		/* auto center on		JFY1	*/

    "\0338",		/* 1/8" line spacing		VERP0	*/
    "\0336",		/* 1/6" line spacing		VERP1	*/

    "\033F",		/* set form length		SLPP	*/
    "\377",		/* Perf skip on			PERF	*/
    "\377",		/* Perf skip off		PERF0	*/
    "\377",		/* left margin set		LMS	*/
    "\377",		/* right margin set		RMS	*/
    "\377",		/* top margin set		TMS	*/
    "\377",		/* bottom margin set		BMS	*/
    "\377",		/* top & bottom margin set	STBM	*/
    "\377",		/* left & right margin set	SLRM	*/
    "\033%C000",	/* clear margins		CAM	*/

    "\377",		/* set horizontal tab		HTS	*/
    "\377",		/* set vertical tab		VTS	*/
    "\377",		/* clear horizontal tab		TBC0	*/
    "\033\011\015",	/* clear all horizontal tabs	TBC3	*/
    "\377",		/* clear vertical tab		TBC1	*/
    "\377",		/* clear all vertical tabs	TBC4	*/
    "\033\011\015",	/* clear all h & v tabs		TBCALL	*/
    "\377",		/* set default tabs		TBSALL	*/

    "\377"		/* entended command		EXTEND	*/

/* dospecial.c dospecial.c dospecial.c dospecial.c dospecial.c dospecial.c */
/* Okidata ML 92 special commands */

#include	"exec/types.h"
#include	"devices/printer.h"
#include	"devices/prtbase.h"

extern struct PrinterData *PD ;

UWORD *command ;	/* command number as defined in printer.h */
char OutputBuffer[] ;	/* buffer into which to return converted command */
BYTE *vline ;		/* value of the current line position */
BYTE *currentVMI ;	/* value of the current line spacing */
BYTE *crlfFlag ;	/* setting of the add <lf> after <cr> flag */
UBYTE Parms[] ;		/* parameters that came with ANSI command */
	int i, x = 0 ;
	static char
	 initTabs[]="\033\011008,016,024,032,040,048,056,064,072\n" ;
	static char
	 initPrinter[]="\0331\0336" ;

	if (*command == aRIN ) {
		/* initialize output buffer */
		for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
			OutputBuffer[x++] = initPrinter[i] ;

		/* get preferences settings */
		if ( (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintQuality) == DRAFT )
			OutputBuffer[1] = '0' ;

		*currentVMI = 36 ; /* initially 1/6" line spacing */
		if ( (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintSpacing) == EIGHT_LPI ) {
			OutputBuffer[3] = '8' ;
			*currentVMI = 27 ;

		if ( (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintPitch) == ELITE )
			OutputBuffer[x++] = '\034' ;
		else if ( (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintPitch) == FINE )
			OutputBuffer[x++] = '\035' ;
/* what else? */
		*command = aTBSALL ;

	if (*command == aTBSALL) {
		for (i=0; i < 38; i++ )
			OutputBuffer[x++] = initTabs[i] ;
		return(x) ;

/* other special functions? -> later italics in downloadable character set */

	return(0) ;

/* Dump.h Dump.h Dump.h Dump.h Dump.h Dump.h Dump.h Dump.h Dump.h Dump.h */
union printerIO {
       struct IOStdReq ios;
       struct IODRPReq iodrp;
       struct IOPrtCmdReq iopc;

/* DumpRPort.c DumpRPort.c DumpRPort.c DumpRPort.c DumpRPort.c DumpRPort.c */
#include "exec/types.h"
#include "intuition/intuition.h"
#include "devices/printer.h"
#include "Dump.h"

int DumpRPort(req, rastPort, colorMap, modes, sx, sy, sw, sh, dc, dr, s)
	union printerIO *req ;
	struct RastPort *rastPort;
	struct ColorMap *colorMap;
	ULONG modes;
	UWORD sx, sy, sw, sh;
	LONG dc, dr;
	req->iodrp.io_Command	= PRD_DUMPRPORT;
	req->iodrp.io_RastPort	= rastPort;
	req->iodrp.io_ColorMap	= colorMap;
	req->iodrp.io_Modes	= modes;
	req->iodrp.io_SrcX	= sx;
	req->iodrp.io_SrcY	= sy;
	req->iodrp.io_SrcWidth	= sw;
	req->iodrp.io_SrcHeight	= sh;
	req->iodrp.io_DestCols	= dc;
	req->iodrp.io_DestRows	= dr;
	req->iodrp.io_Special	= s;

int OpenPrinter(request)
	union printerIO *request;
{	return(OpenDevice("printer.device", 0, request, 0));

int ClosePrinter(request)
	union printerIO *request;
{	return(CloseDevice(request));

/* DumpWB.c DumpWB.c DumpWB.c DumpWB.c DumpWB.c DumpWB.c DumpWB.c DumpWB.c */
/* The following is a copy of program "printer.c" from Fred Fish's Disk #5 */
/*      It links together with the object produced from "DumpRPort.c"	   */
 *	This program is provided as a service to the programmer
 *	community to demonstrate one or more features of the Amiga
 *	personal computer.  These code samples may be freely used
 *	for commercial or noncommercial purposes.
 * 	Commodore Electronics, Ltd ("Commodore") makes no
 *	warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect
 *	to the program described herein, its quality, performance,
 *	merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.
 *	This program is provided "as is" and the entire risk
 *	as to its quality and performance is with the user.
 *	Should the program prove defective following its
 *	purchase, the user (and not the creator of the program,
 *	Commodore, their distributors or their retailers)
 *	assumes the entire cost of all necessary damages.  In 
 *	no event will Commodore be liable for direct, indirect,
 *	incidental or consequential damages resulting from any
 *	defect in the program even if it has been advised of the 
 *	possibility of such damages.  Some laws do not allow
 *	the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
 *	liabilities for incidental or consequential damages,
 *	so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply.

/* printer.c - program to do a raster dump to whatever printer is specified
 * 		by Preferences, of the Workbench Screen.  
 * Author:  Rob Peck, 12/1/85
 * This code may be freely utilized to develop programs for the Amiga

#include "exec/types.h"
#include "intuition/intuition.h"
#include "devices/printer.h"
#include "Dump.h"

union printerIO *request;	/* a pointer to a request block */
extern int DumpRPort();
extern int OpenPrinter();
extern int ClosePrinter();
extern struct IORequest *CreateExtIO();
extern struct Window *OpenWindow();
extern struct Port *CreatePort();
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;

struct NewWindow nw = {
        0, 0, 100, 40, 0, 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
        0, 0, 0, 0, WBENCHSCREEN
        struct Window *w;
        struct Screen *screen;
        struct RastPort *rp;
        struct ViewPort *vp;
        struct ColorMap *cm;
	union printerIO sizeDummy;
        int modes,width,height,error;
        struct Port *printerPort;      /* at which to receive reply */
        IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary(
						"intuition.library", 0);
        if (IntuitionBase == NULL) exit(INTUITION_WONT_OPEN);

        w = OpenWindow(&nw);
        if(w == NULL) goto cleanup1;
        screen = w->WScreen;    /* get screen address from window */
        CloseWindow(w);         /* once have screen address, no
                                 * more need for window, close it.
        vp = &screen->ViewPort; /* get screen's ViewPort, from
                                 * which the colormap will be gotten */
        rp = &screen->RastPort; /* get screen's RastPort, which
                                 * is what gets dumped to printer */
        cm = vp->ColorMap;      /* retrieve pointer to colormap for
                                 * the printer dump */
        modes = vp->Modes;      /* retrieve the modes variable */
        width = vp->DWidth;     /* retrieve width to print */
        height = vp->DHeight;   /* retrieve height to print */

        printerPort = CreatePort("my.print.port",0);
        request =  (union printerIO *)CreateExtIO(printerPort,

        error = OpenPrinter(request);
        if(error != 0) goto cleanup2;

	Delay(300);	/* 300/60 = 6 seconds delay before it starts */
        error = DumpRPort(
                        request,/* pointer to initialized request */
                        rp,     /* rastport pointer */
                        cm,     /* color map pointer */
                        modes,  /* low, high res, etc (display modes)*/
                        0, 0,   /* x and y offsets into rastport */
                        width,height, /* source size */
                        width,(height * 2), /* dest rows, columns */
			| SPECIAL_ASPECT /* io Special value, says print
                                 * as pixels only, direct copy */
        DeleteExtIO(request, sizeof(sizeDummy));
}               /* end of demo screen dump */

* init.asm init.asm init.asm init.asm init.asm init.asm init.asm init.asm   *

**** initialization for Okidata ML 92 *****************************

	SECTION		printer

*---- Included files ----------------------------------------------

	INCLUDE		"exec/types.i"
	INCLUDE		"exec/nodes.i"
	INCLUDE		"exec/lists.i"
	INCLUDE		"exec/memory.i"
	INCLUDE		"exec/ports.i"
	INCLUDE		"exec/libraries.i"

	INCLUDE		"macros.i"

*---- Imported Functions ------------------------------------------

	XREF_EXE	CloseLibrary
	XREF_EXE	OpenLibrary
	XREF		_AbsExecBase


*---- Exported Globals --------------------------------------------

	XDEF		_Init
	XDEF		_Expunge
	XDEF		_Open
	XDEF		_Close
	XDEF		_SysBase
	XDEF		_GfxBase


	SECTION		printer,DATA
_PD		DC.L	0
_PED		DC.L	0
_SysBase	DC.L	0
_GfxBase	DC.L	0


	SECTION		printer,CODE
		MOVE.L	4(A7),_PD
		LEA	_PEDData(PC),A0
		MOVE.L	A6,-(A7)
		MOVE.L	_AbsExecBase,A6
		MOVE.L	A6,_SysBase

		LEA	GLName(PC),A1
		MOVEQ	#0,D0
		CALLEXE	OpenLibrary
		MOVE.L	D0,_GfxBase
		BEQ	initGLErr

		MOVEQ	#0,D0
		MOVE.L	(A7)+,A6

		MOVEQ	#-1,D0
		BRA.S	pdiRts

		DC.B	'graphics.library'
		DC.B	0
		DS.W	0

		MOVE.L	_GfxBase,A1
		LINKEXE	CloseLibrary

		MOVEQ	#0,D0
* macros.i macros.i macros.i macros.i macros.i macros.i macros.i macros.i   *

*	Printer Device Macros

*---- external definition macros -------------------------------



*---- library dispatch macros ----------------------------------


		LINKLIB _LVO\1,_SysBase

		LINKLIB _LVO\1,_GfxBase

makefile makefile makefile makefile makefile makefile makefile makefile 
# works with make/pdmake from Fred Fish's disk #2
# I use the Lattice C 3.03 from a disk called "CC" and the assembler from a
# disk called "ASM". After you have modified the 3 macros at the beginning
# of the makefile you should copy the makefile to RAM: and then cd to RAM:
# This way I have the minimum disk changes with just one drive.
# It compiles and links both the Okidata ML92 printer driver and the Dump
# Workbench routines.

SOURCE	= C-work:printer	# redefine with the destination of your 
				# source directory
CCDISK	= cc:			# redefine with name of your cc disk
ASMDISK	= ASM:			# redefine with name of your asm disk

CFLAGS1	= -iRAM: -i$(CCDISK)include/ -i$(CCDISK)include/lattice/
ASMOPT	= -i RAM:+$(ASMDISK)include

CC1	= $(CCDISK)c/lc1 $(CFLAGS1) RAM:
CC2	= $(CCDISK)c/lc2 RAM:
ASM	= $(ASMDISK)c/Assem RAM:

OBJS1	= $(SOURCE)/data.o	$(SOURCE)/dospecial.o	$(SOURCE)/init.o
OBJS2	= $(SOURCE)/tag.o	$(SOURCE)/render.o
OBJS	= $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(OBJS4) $(OBJS5)

doit :	clear $(SOURCE)/Okidata_ML92 $(SOURCE)/DumpWB init

init :
	assign CWD: $(SOURCE)
	assign cclib: $(CCDISK)lib
	assign ASMlib: $(ASMDISK)lib
	copy CWD:macros.i RAM:
	copy CWD:Dump.h RAM:

clear :
	assign ASMlib:
	assign cclib:
	assign CWD:

$(SOURCE)/Okidata_ML92 : $(OBJS) $(SOURCE)/printer.link
	delete RAM:macros.i
	copy $(SOURCE)/printer.link to RAM:
	$(CCDISK)c/alink WITH RAM:printer.link
	copy RAM:Okidata_ML92 DEVS:printers
	copy RAM:Okidata_ML92 CWD:
	delete RAM:Okidata_ML92 RAM:printer.link

$(SOURCE)/data.o :	$(SOURCE)/data.c
	copy $(SOURCE)/data.c RAM:
	copy RAM:data.o CWD:
	delete RAM:data.?

$(SOURCE)/dospecial.o :	$(SOURCE)/dospecial.c
	copy $(SOURCE)/dospecial.c RAM:
	copy RAM:dospecial.o CWD:
	delete RAM:dospecial.?

$(SOURCE)/render.o :	$(SOURCE)/render.c
	copy $(SOURCE)/render.c RAM:
	copy RAM:render.o CWD:
	delete RAM:render.?

$(SOURCE)/init.o : $(SOURCE)/init.asm $(SOURCE)/macros.i
	copy $(SOURCE)/init.asm RAM:
	$(ASM)init.asm -o init.o $(ASMOPT)
	copy RAM:init.o CWD:
	delete RAM:init.\#?

$(SOURCE)/tag.o : $(SOURCE)/tag.asm
	copy $(SOURCE)/tag.asm RAM:
	$(ASM)tag.asm -o tag.o $(ASMOPT)
	copy RAM:tag.o CWD:
	delete RAM:tag.\#?

$(SOURCE)/DumpWB : $(SOURCE)/DumpWB.o $(SOURCE)/DumpRPort.o
	$(CCDISK)c/alink cclib:Lstartup.obj+cwd:DumpWB.o+cwd:DumpRPort.o TO RAM:DumpWB LIBRARY cclib:lc.lib,cclib:amiga.lib
	copy RAM:DumpWB CWD:
	delete RAM:DumpWB

$(SOURCE)/DumpWB.o : $(SOURCE)/DumpWB.c Dump.h
	copy $(SOURCE)/DumpWB.c RAM:
	copy RAM:DumpWB.o CWD:
	delete RAM:DumpWB.?

$(SOURCE)/DumpRPort.o : $(SOURCE)/DumpRPort.c Dump.h
	copy $(SOURCE)/DumpRPort.c RAM:
	copy RAM:DumpRPort.o CWD:
	delete RAM:DumpRPort.?

printer.link printer.link printer.link printer.link printer.link printer.link 
FROM CWD:tag.o,CWD:init.o,CWD:data.o,CWD:dospecial.o,CWD:render.o
TO RAM:Okidata_ML92
LIBRARY cclib:lc.lib,cclib:amiga.lib

/* render.c render.c render.c render.c render.c render.c render.c render.c */
/* Graphics render for Okidata ML 92 */

#include "exec/types.h"
#include "exec/nodes.h"
#include "exec/lists.h"
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include "devices/prtbase.h"

extern struct PrinterData *PD;

int Render(ct, x, y, status)
UBYTE ct ;	/* color type = 0 for b&w printers */
UWORD x, y ;	/* x and y coordinates of pixel */
		/* or pc and pr print values, or special */
UBYTE status ;	/* print status (0-init, 1-enter_pixel, 2-dump) */
	static char *SpoolBuffer ;
	char *malloc() ;
	UWORD i, k;			/* mics. var */
	BYTE err;			/* the error # */

	switch(status) {

	case 0 : /* allocate memory for printer buffer */
		BUFSIZE = x;
		PD->pd_PrintBuf = (UBYTE *)AllocMem(BUFSIZE,MEMF_PUBLIC);
		SpoolBuffer = (char *)AllocMem(BUFSIZE*2+5,MEMF_PUBLIC);
					/* used to actually print */
		if (err=(PD->pd_PrintBuf == 0)) return(err);
			/* non graphic, clear, clear left margin, 72 DPI */
		return(0) ;
		break ;

	case 1 : /* put pixel in buffer */
		PD->pd_PrintBuf[x] = PD->pd_PrintBuf[x] | (1 << (y % 7));
		return(0) ; /* flag all ok */
		break ;

	case 2 : /* dump buffer to printer */
		k = 1 ;
		for (i=0 ; i < BUFSIZE; i++ ) {
			SpoolBuffer[k] = PD->pd_PrintBuf[i]&127 ;
			if (SpoolBuffer[k++] == '\3') /* double ETX */
				SpoolBuffer[k++] = '\3' ;
		SpoolBuffer[0]   = '\03' ; /* Begin graphic mode */
		SpoolBuffer[k++] = '\03' ; /* Graphic linefeed */
		SpoolBuffer[k++] = '\16' ;
		SpoolBuffer[k++] = '\03' ; /* End graphic mode */
		SpoolBuffer[k++] = '\02' ;

		(*(PD->pd_PWrite))(SpoolBuffer,k); /* write out Buffer */

		return(0) ; /* flag all ok */
		break ;

	case 3 : /* clear and init buffer */
		for (i=0; i< BUFSIZE; i++)
			PD->pd_PrintBuf[i] = 0 ;
		return(0) ; /* flag all ok */
		break ;

	case 4 : /* free print buffer memory */
		(*(PD->pd_PBothReady))() ;
		FreeMem(PD->pd_PrintBuf,BUFSIZE) ;
		FreeMem(SpoolBuffer,BUFSIZE*2+5) ;
		return(0) ;
		break ;

		return(0) ;

* tag.asm tag.asm tag.asm tag.asm tag.asm tag.asm tag.asm tag.asm tag.asm   *

***** printer device dependent code tag ***************************

	SECTION		printer

*---- Included files ----------------------------------------------

	INCLUDE		"exec/types.i"
	INCLUDE		"exec/nodes.i"
	INCLUDE		"exec/strings.i"

	INCLUDE		"devices/prtbase.i"

*---- Imported Names ----------------------------------------------

	XREF		_Init
	XREF		_Expunge
	XREF		_Open
	XREF		_Close

	XREF		_CommandTable
	XREF		_PrinterSegmentTable
	XREF		_DoSpecial
	XREF		_Render

*---- Exported Names ----------------------------------------------



		MOVEQ	#0,D0		; show error for OpenLibrary()

		DC.W	1		; Version
		DC.W	0		; Revision

		DC.L	printerName
		DC.L	_Init
		DC.L	_Expunge
		DC.L	_Open
		DC.L	_Close
		DC.B	PPC_BWGFX	; Printer Class black & white graphic
		DC.B	PCC_BW		; Color Class black & white
		DC.B	80		; Max Columns
		DC.B	1		; Number of Character Sets
		DC.W	7		; Number of rows
		DC.L	576		; Maximum of X dots
		DC.L	0		; Maximum of Y dots = infinite
		DC.W	72		; X Dots per inch
		DC.W	72		; Y Dots per inch
		DC.L	_CommandTable	; as defined in data.c
		DC.L	_DoSpecial	; as defined in dospecial.c
		DC.L	_Render		; as defined in render.c
		DC.L	10		; Timeout

		STRING	<'Okidata_ML92'>


lbg@gitpyr.UUCP (03/12/86)

Is it possible to get the screen dump routine out of here for use with   
a printer other than the Okidata?  The file is too big to go through at 
1200 baud and there is no good search field to help you get to the start
of each embeded file!



perry@leopard.UUCP (Perry S. Kivolowitz) (03/14/86)

> Is it possible to get the screen dump routine out of here for use with   
> a printer other than the Okidata?  The file is too big to go through at 

Cheer Up! The 3rd issue of amazing computing will contain a rather nice
asynchronous screen image printer (SCRIMPER) for any printer capable of
printing raw dot matrices.

The program (runable from WB or CLI) will also be available soon on a
future Fish Disk.
