robp@amiga.UUCP (Robert A. Peck) (03/21/86)


One of the questions that is often asked about the Amiga is:


There are actually two different levels of multi-tasking that are
possible on the Amiga, and which of these that you use depends on
the nature of the subtask you wish to perform.

o       If your code is largely self-contained, and does no I/O and
        uses no disk-resident library code, you can probably spawn
        a task, as is demonstrated in the task-spawning message.

o       If your code needs to do I/O, (or uses AmigaDOS functions
        in ANY way), it will have to be spawned as a process rather
        than as a task.  MULTI-PROCESSING is shown here.


There are two programs contained in this message:

o	littleproc.c - a demonstration routine that is spawned by
	another process.  The normal startup code with which it
	is linked automatically waits for a workbench-startup message
	before it gets going.  Using the same message port that was
	provided when the process was initiated, it again goes to
	sleep waiting for a message that contains specific information...
	in this case, the parameters that the master program is using,
	namely its stdout and stderr filehandles.  Thus, this spawned
	process can be made to output to the same window from which
	the originating process was begun.

o	proctest.c - a demo program that loads and starts littleproc,
	and unloads its code and data when it finishes.

A process is a superset of a task, and the various AmigaDOS routines
require that a process control block and its associated information
be available in order to run.  Thus this code is provided to allow
a user who requires a process rather than a task to have an example
on which to build.

The example was tested from the CLI, and compiled under Amiga C, 
(Lattice 3.03).  

Link information:
; "process.with"

FROM lib:Astartup.obj process.o
TO process
LIBRARY lib:amiga.lib

; "littleproc.with"

FROM lib:Astartup.obj littleproc.o
TO littleproc
LIBRARY lib:amiga.lib


        This program is provided as a service to the programmer
        community to demonstrate one or more features of the Amiga
        personal computer.  These code samples may be freely used
        for commercial or noncommercial purposes.

        Commodore Electronics, Ltd ("Commodore") makes no
        warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect
        to the program described herein, its quality, performance,
        merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.
        This program is provided "as is" and the entire risk
        as to its quality and performance is with the user.
        Should the program prove defective following its
        purchase, the user (and not the creator of the program,
        Commodore, their distributors or their retailers)
        assumes the entire cost of all consequent damages.  In 
        no event will Commodore be liable for direct, indirect,
        incidental or consequential damages resulting from any
        defect in the program even if it has been advised of the 
        possibility of such damages.  Some laws do not allow
        the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
        liabilities for incidental or consequential damages,
        so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply.

Program dependencies:

 	Use c-devel:examples/makesimple on proctest.c and
	littleproc.c BUT modify makesimple to use:

		Astartup.obj and amiga.lib only instead of
		Lstartup.obj and lc.lib+amiga.lib.  

	AND specify "-v" option (delete stack checking)
	for lc2.  This eliminates any need to link with
	lc.lib or Lstartup.obj for this particular example.

	Note:  I haven't tried to make this compatible with
	the Lattice startup code.... the only point of
	incompatibility is my own use of stdout/stderr.
	Lattice defines them differently.  AmigaDOS stdout
	and stderr are BPTR's to an AmigaDOS data structure.
	When using amiga.lib to provide "printf" at link time,
	printf internally uses the AmigaDOS version of stdout.
	If you link with lc.lib specified first, then it 
	uses its own interpretation of stdout, so they
	will not be compatible with the values received from
	the Open() function ("O"pen() is AmigaDOS, "o"pen is Lattice).

	Lattice defines stdout/stderr as the address of an i/o block.
	If the main process is compiled under Lattice and
	the slave process is also compiled under Lattice,
	then the values passed for stdout and stderr
	will be compatible.  If not, then there is probably
	something a person could do to make them compatible.

	Perhaps some other person would care to investigate
	this and provide a translation method between the
	two.  (Its a problem when one tries to mix two
	different manufacturer's idea of underlying code

The purpose of the program is to allow you to see how a slave process
can be initialized and started.  Please ignore the stdout/stderr
difficulties, and utilize whatever methods you wish for I/O.

/* proctest.c *************************************************** */

/* author:  Rob Peck   3/14/86                 */
/* system software version: V1.1               */

#include "exec/types.h"
#include "exec/nodes.h"
#include "exec/lists.h"
#include "exec/libraries.h"
#include "exec/ports.h"
#include "exec/interrupts.h"
#include "exec/io.h"
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include "libraries/dos.h"
#include "libraries/dosextens.h"

#include "workbench/startup.h"

#define PRIORITY 0
#define STACKSIZE 5000

extern struct Message *GetMsg();
extern int LoadSeg();
extern struct MsgPort *CreateProc();

struct MyMess { 
   struct Message mm_Message;
   int 		  mm_OutPointer;
   int 		  mm_ErrPointer; 

extern int stdout;
extern int stderr; 

	struct Message *reply;
	struct Process *myprocess;

	/* Message that we send to the process to wake it up */

	struct WBStartup *msg;		
	/* Message to contain my own parameters to pass on to spawned 
	 * process, sample only.  Just to prove that we correctly
	 * create a process, we are giving it something other than nil: 
	 * as its stdout and stderr... in fact, giving it OUR values 
	 * so we can share the same output window.  
	struct MyMess *parms;	

	/* Because main() is itself started as a process, it automatically
	 * has a message port allocated for itself.  Located at
	 *  &((struct Process *)FindTask(0))->pr_MsgPort 

	int littleSeg;	

	/* Actually littleSeg is a BPTR, but the int declaration
	 * keeps the compiler happy and we don't use the
	 * value ourselves anyhow... just pass it on.

	char *startname, *parmname;

	struct MsgPort *mainmp;   /* pointer to main's msg port */
	struct MsgPort *littleProc; /* pointer to spawned proc's msg port */

/* Provide names for the messages we are passing so we can check the returned
 * messages at the message ports.... that is if we choose to do so.
	startname = "startermessage";
	parmname  = "parameterpass";
/* LOAD THE PROGRAM TO BE STARTED FROM MAIN ****************************** */

	littleSeg = LoadSeg("littleproc");
	if(littleSeg == 0) 
		printf("\nlittleproc not found");

/* CREATE A PROCESS FOR THIS OTHER PROGRAM ******************************* */

	littleProc = CreateProc("littleguy",PRIORITY, littleSeg, STACKSIZE);
	if( littleProc == 0 ) 
		printf("\Couldn't create the process");
		exit( 1000 );

/* ********************************************************************** */
/* Locate the message port that is allocated as part of the process
   that started main() in the first place */

	myprocess = (struct Process *)FindTask(0);

	mainmp = &myprocess->pr_MsgPort;

/* ********************************************************************** */

/*  	In fact, because we created the process the way that is shown
	here, if you use the standard startup code, the program must
	be started as though called from Workbench.  It is now waiting for
	a startup message.   

	(There is, in fact, another way to call a loaded program's code,
	but it does not entail starting another process.  Rather it
	uses a direct call (as a subroutine) to the loaded code.  The
	other program runs on your own stack, so your program must
	have sufficient stack to handle both of you.  It also runs
	under your own process, so your own program does not get
	control until that other program has completed.  The program
	return()'s or exit()'s to you, providing the appropriate
	returncode.  This run-loaded-subroutine topic is covered in 
	a separate code sample.)

********************************************************************** */
	/* This message block is a wakeup call to the process we created. */
	msg = (struct WBStartup *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct WBStartup), 
		/* Preset the necessary arguments for message passing */

		msg->sm_Message.mn_ReplyPort = mainmp;
		msg->sm_Message.mn_Length = sizeof(struct WBStartup);
		msg->sm_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name = startname;	
		/* Passing no workbench arguments to this process; 
		 * we are not WBench.  Of course, if we want to pass 
		 * workbench-style arguments this way, we can.
		msg->sm_ArgList = NULL;
		/* If the process is being opened without a ToolWindow 
		 * (Workbench sets this up) as a parent, slave will simply
		 * go on to do its own main()  ... as shown in Astartup.asm
		msg->sm_ToolWindow = NULL;
		/* Send the startup message */
		printf("\nCouldnt allocate mem for WBStartup!\n");
		goto aarrgghh;	/* Oh no, a "goto" ! */
	/* *************************************************************** */
	/* Just a sample message, still using the same message and 
	 * reply ports
	 * Littleproc is a cooperating process...it KNOWS it must wait 
	 * until a message arrives at its port, containing the parameters 
	 * it should use for output.  
	 * The startup message is handled by the standard startup code.  
	 * This parameter message is handled by the program code itself.   
	 * The startup message is returned to the replyport by the startup 
	 * code, after the program code exits or returns.

	parms = (struct MyMess *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct MyMess),MEMF_CLEAR);
		parms->mm_Message.mn_ReplyPort = mainmp;
		parms->mm_Message.mn_Length = sizeof(struct mymess);
		parms->mm_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name = parmname;

		/* NOTE THAT THESE ARE THE AStartup.asm stdout and stderr; 
		 * the example works only if both master and slave are
		 * compiled and linked with the same startup code. */

		parms->mm_OutPointer = (int)stdout;
		parms->mm_ErrPointer = (int)stderr;
		/* send him our parameters */

		/* wait for the reply from parameter pass. */

		reply = GetMsg(mainmp); 

		/* Message node name should contain the address of the 
		 * string "parms" if error checking was included.
		 * User should probably allocate separate ports for 
		 * parameter passing different from the main port 
		 * automatically allocated by the system when a 
		 * process is initiated.  It would alleviate
	 	 * some of the checking that is appropriate to do 
		 * when multiple kinds of messages arrive at the same port.
		 * Wait for the return of the wbstartup message before 
		 * main itself is allowed to exit.  


		reply = GetMsg(mainmp); 

		/* Message node name should be 
		 * address of "startermessage"  */

		/* NOTE: there should be checking here to see if the message
	 	 * received at this port was the string, or the wakeup call.
	 	 * This sample code only assumes that the string is received
	 	 * and replied first, then the wakeup call message is returned
	 	 * as the little task is exiting.  


		printf("\nSlave exited; Master unloaded its code and data\n");
		printf("\nCouldn't allocate memory for parameter message\n");
		/* arrive here on good or bad exit */
	if(parms) { FreeMem( parms, sizeof(struct MyMess));    }
	if(msg)   { FreeMem( msg,   sizeof(struct WBStartup)); }

}	/* end of main */

/* littleproc.c ******************************************************** */

/* Sample slave code for create process test */

/* author: Rob Peck   3/4/86  */

/* system software version: V1.1               */

#include "exec/types.h"
#include "exec/nodes.h"
#include "exec/lists.h"
#include "exec/libraries.h"
#include "exec/ports.h"
#include "exec/interrupts.h"
#include "exec/io.h"

#include "libraries/dos.h"
#include "libraries/dosextens.h"

#include "workbench/startup.h"

/* these are going to be supplied to the slave by the starter */
/* they are actually defined in the startup code (Astartup.asm) */

extern int stdout;
extern int stderr;

struct MyMess {
   struct Message mm_Message;
   int mm_OutPointer;
   int mm_ErrPointer;

extern struct Message *GetMsg();
extern struct Task *FindTask();
extern struct FileHandle *Open();

	struct MyMess *msg;
	struct MsgPort *myport;
	struct Process *myprocess;

	struct FileHandle *myOwnOutput;

	myprocess = (struct Process *)FindTask(0);

	myport = &myprocess->pr_MsgPort;

	/* Wait for starter to post a message.  Special sample message 
	 * has his stderr, stdout so we can both post stuff to the 
	 * same CLI window as he started from */


	msg = (struct MyMess *)GetMsg(myport);

	stdout = msg->mm_OutPointer;

	/* Use printf to prove that it is really a process... 
	 * a simple task cannot do this without crashing! */

	printf("\nHere I am, that slave process you started!!!");
	printf("\nNow going to open MY OWN window.\n");


	myOwnOutput = Open("CON:10/10/320/150/SlaveProcess",MODE_NEWFILE);
	if(myOwnOutput == 0)
		ReplyMsg(msg);	/* tell main I'm done */
		exit(0);	/* can't return an error code anyhow */
		stdout = (int)myOwnOutput;	
		/* reset my output file handle */
		printf("See, I can do AmigaDOS!");
		Delay(250);	/* 250/50 = 5 seconds */
		stdout = msg->mm_OutPointer;

	/* Now simply fall off the end of the world, 
	 * returns to the startup code, and should exit cleanly */


/* ******************************************************************* 

As a final note, one could have created and started another process by 
using the Execute command of AmigaDOS:

	success = Execute("someprogram",0,0);

but I went through this exercise to show interprocess communication
setup and message passing.  I hope that the sample code provides some
insite into the multi-processing capabilities of AmigaDOS.

******************************************************************* */