From: AAPH332%UA.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU I am seriously considering, among other possibilities, purchasing an AMIGA for use as a laboratory data collection/ analysis device. Before I can make up my mind, however, I need to get answers for a few questions. 1. Suppose I want to "read" several (five) 12 or 16 bit digital devices "simultaneously"; i.e. I want to move data from some external digital devices to (possibly sequential) RAM as quickly as possible. The devices should (or will) all be set prior to the read. 2. Suppose I want to output different data to several different digital devices "simultaneously"; i.e. I want to move data from preveously loaded RAM to external digital devices. 3. Suppose I want to read two digital devices, compare the data, and output another digital signal to a third device that depends on the result of the comparison. I want to do this FAST too. I am willing to put together some hardware to do this. I think I can also manage the software, provided that this can be done at all. What I need to know is where do I "plug in" to get the fastest data flow rate. I guess I should say that I only want to do this once every second or so. Can I "wire" the devices as high order otherwise unused memory locations and then just move the data? Any help, etc. etc. etc. Thnak you. D. DeSmet AAPH332@UA.BITNET Thought for the day: I feel more like I do now than I did when I started writing this. ************************************************************************