[net.micro.amiga] Amiga price cuts

ccrjohnm@ucdavis.UUCP (John McLaughlin) (03/28/86)


	I read in the San Francisco Chronicle that the Amiga is
begin cut in price by $500, is this true? is this just for package
deals (computer,monitor,memory) or is it an across the board cut in
prices.  This means that a 256k Amiga w/ color monitor would run
~1295, or much closer to the 520/1040 st.  Reactions anyone?

			John Mclaughlin
			Micro Computer Consultant
			1-916-752-1667 (weekdays)

neil@atari.UUcp (Neil Harris) (03/30/86)

In article <262@ucdavis.UUCP>, ccrjohnm@ucdavis.UUCP (John McLaughlin) writes:
> 	I read in the San Francisco Chronicle that the Amiga is
> begin cut in price by $500, is this true? is this just for package
> deals (computer,monitor,memory) or is it an across the board cut in
> prices.

The price is only true for the 256K Amiga with built-in drive and color
monitor.  It seems like they have a warehouse full of color monitors and
are looking to get rid of them, since most Amigoids have been acquiring
Sony or other better-quality monitors.  According to Commodore, this offer
expires at the end of May, about when the overabundance should run out.

mkidwel@nswc-wo.ARPA (04/12/86)

From: mkidwel@nswc-wo.ARPA

Your information regarding price cuts for Amiga is correct.  Local dealers
are offering the equivalent of a 28% price reduction.  If you purchase the
basic A1000 (1295), they will throw in the Amiga RGB Monitor for FREE!