[net.micro.amiga] April BADGE Meeting

glass@sri-unix (04/12/86)

From: ARPA@glass (Brett Glass)

              Bay  Area  Amiga  Developers' GroupE  (BADGE)

The next meeting of BADGE will take place on Thursday, April 17th,
at 7:00 PM. Our guest speaker for this meeting will be master Amiga
programmer Dan Silva, author of Deluxe Paint.

Also available at the meeting will be the complete Fred Fish Amiga
software library (now up to >16< disks), which contains source and
object for many useful and instructive Amiga programs. If you have
a machine which you can bring, please do so -- it will help
tremendously with disk copying and program demonstrations. Donations
of refreshments will also be graciously appreciated.

Following the meeting will be the traditional post-meeting meeting and
religious discussion at the Oasis (see map).

Who Are We?
The Bay Area Amiga Developers' GroupE (BADGE) is an organization of serious
hardware and software developers for the Amiga computer. Our charter is to
promote and facilitate the development of new Amiga products by providing a
forum for communication between developers. Past meetings have featured
talks by such Amiga luminaries as R.J. Mical (author of Intuition),
Jim Mackraz (C-A's current user-interface wizard), and Carl Sassenrath
(author of the Amiga Exec).

BADGE meets on the third Thursday of every month, at 7:00 PM, in Building 'G'
of SRI International in Menlo Park, California. To get there, take the
Bayshore Freeway (Route 101) to the Willow Road exit. Proceed west on Willow,
past Middlefield Road (about 3 lights). Turn right on Laurel (the first stop
sign after Middlefield), and proceed about 1/2 mile to the intersection
of Laurel and Mielke. Building 'G' will be on the right at the intersection.
                              _                     _
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        |        ! !         |@||  Ravenswood Ave. |@||
        | E      !_!            |                     | M
        | l      !_!            |                     | i
        |        !_!            |  --------           | d
        | C      !_!    Mielke  |--| Bldg |           | d
        | a      !_! ...--------|  | 'G'  |         _ | l         ^
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        | n      !_!          a |                     | i         |
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 ------ | a      !_!            |                  |*|| R
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 ------ |        ! !            |                     |
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! ! = RR Track     <s> = Stop Sign     |@| = Traffic light    /   = Palm Tree

For more information, contact Brett Glass at:

CIS [72267,3673]