cjp@vax135.UUCP (Charles Poirier) (04/22/86)
I just witnessed a very strange problem with Deluxe Paint. I loaded it by booting Workbench in df0: and putting Deluxe Paint in df1:. Then, cd df1: and dpaint hi, then put my images disk in df0:. I painted around for a while, eventually playing with brushes: flipping, bending, rotating, shearing. I ended up with a fairly big, very warped brush, about 1/4 screen wide; but it was not in the "outline mode" that dpaint uses when almost out of memory. Then the weirdest thing happened. Dpaint dialed out on my Hayes SmartModem! From the sound of the 7 touchtones, it *could* have been the number I use to connect to the Vax at work, thus this may just be the result of an "A/" on the serial port (which tells the Hayes to repeat the last dialed number). It was definitely a data line. It kept doing this, over and over, whenever I moved this bent brush with the mouse. It didn't matter if I was drawing or not. It seemed to happen more often when in roughly the lower-right part of the screen. Many of the dialings got cut off in mid-dial, as the other end hung up its modem. Now, I *know* that "dpaint hi" closes the workbench and takes over the Amiga. But it shouldn't be running the serial port, should it????? I wasn't printing or anything. Perhaps this is Electronic Arts' Deluxe Remote Diagnostic System? Perturbed, Charles Poirier
steve@amiga.UUCP (04/22/86)
In article <1414@vax135.UUCP>, cjp@vax135.UUCP (Charles Poirier) writes: > I just witnessed a very strange problem with Deluxe Paint. I loaded it > by booting Workbench in df0: and putting Deluxe Paint in df1:. Then, > cd df1: and dpaint hi, then put my images disk in df0:. > > I painted around for a while, eventually playing with brushes: > flipping, bending, rotating, shearing. I ended up with a fairly big, > very warped brush, about 1/4 screen wide; but it was not in the > "outline mode" that dpaint uses when almost out of memory. > > Then the weirdest thing happened. Dpaint dialed out on my Hayes > SmartModem! From the sound of the 7 touchtones, it *could* have been I have my Amiga hooked up to a terminal line on a Sun workstation with the output going to one of the windows. I use this for debuggin purposes. I was using DPaint the other day and was shearing a brush in hi-res mode when "poof", diagnostic messages started scrolling up the Sun screen. This is what came out:- Dalloc: Allocation FAILURE:(4876 bytes) memavail = 12848 I guess EA forgot to remove a diagnostic or two! Still, it's not exactly going to affect the multi-tasking capabilities, is it ? [:-) Steve