pariseau@well.UUCP (Robert S. Pariseau) (06/08/86)
OK, so I'm back. Having overcome my basic sloth and inertia, I've gotten myself hooked back to usenet via the Programmer's Well. Right now it's dank and gloomy in here. They tell me I can send and receive usenet mail through this thing as, er, well. We'll see. I just spent the last few hours finding a copy of "rn". It seems that as part of your initiation, you get to figure out how the sign-in system has mangled your default search path. But I shan't let a little thing like that hold me up! I'll be on Usenet regularly now, with time out for travelling about interviewing and such. No, I've not yet hooked up with the next great hope of the computer world. But I AM looking at some interesting things. Muchly to my surprise, quite a few of these things are happening down in LA. For you folks in the southland, I may need to call upon you soon for help with the natives and the quaint local customs! Cheerio, and all that. It's good to be back!
demo@watdcsu.UUCP (COURSE USE [DCS]) (06/09/86)
Welcome back to the fold to to of the lost sheep, namely RJ Mical and Bob Pariseau. Hopefully this will again mean more original information over the net and answers to questions (you didnt think this was going to be all fun and games did you :-) Anyway , glad to have you both back. Now for the first request do either of you have the specs for the hardware expansion and can you post it . if you are for some reason not allowed to please tell us this. The posting of this information will probably cut net traffic in half due to the loss of all those other requests for this data. Thanks, Rick Attenborough UUCP:demo@watdcsu mail:323-100 Seagram Drive Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3B8 Phone: (519)885-2375