[net.micro.amiga] Display Hacks, Inc.

ewhac@well.UUCP (Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab) (07/02/86)

[ Deletion of this line is a violation of Federal Law ]

	Here's something to watch when you're bored.  I watched it for about
five minutes, and it occurred to me that this may give some people
headaches.  I therefore disclaim any and all responsibility for minds lost
or stolen.

	Putting this program together is rather icky, so be patient; it
really does do something interesting.

	Remember, this is only a crock.

					Display Hacks, Inc.

@*S^i$(^!)U&#)(&@#(*^!^%@&U@* It slices, it dices... *S!&o%@(@)*!)T&!)(&@!
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
#	nart.readme
#	nart.c
#	rnd.s
#	rotate.s
# This archive created: Wed Jul  2 00:43:29 1986
# By:	Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab ()
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'nart.readme'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'nart.readme'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'nart.readme'
	How to make this beastie:

Assumptions: source is in current directory, MetaComCo assembler is in df1:,
	Alink is in your C: directory.

1> df1:c/assem rnd.s -o rnd.o
1> df1:c/assem rotate.s -i df1:include -o rotate.o

At this point, put your Lattice compiler in df1:

1> df1:c/lc1 -idf1:include/ nart
1> df1:c/lc2 -v nart		; -v really isn't necessary
1> alink df1:lib/astartup.obj+nart.o+rnd.o+rotate.o library df1:lib/amiga.lib+df1:lib/lc.lib to nart faster


	NART is the New Art program (if you have the Manx compiler with an
examples directory, you have the old art program).  It's a display hack that
I finally got around to making "flow."  May actually hold your interest for
a few seconds.  May give some people headaches.


	I originally tried to write this under Manx, but it became
non-trivial, so I didn't bother.  Getting what I wanted to happen under
Lattice was no picnic either.  If you manage to coerce this to work under
Manx, let me know.

	Yes, including lc.lib is necessary, but by trickery and deceit at
the linking stage, I have managed to keep the code size down.

 ________                ___
           \            /___--__                Leo L. Schwab
  ___  ___ /\               ---##\              ihnp4!ptsfa!well!ewhac
      /   X  \_____    |  __ _---))                      ..or..
     /   /_\--    -----+==____\ // \  _         well ---\
___ (   o---+------------------O/   \/ \        dual ----> !unicom!ewhac
     \     /                ___ \_  (`o )       hplabs -/       ("AE-wack")
 ____ \___/                          \_/
              Recumbent Bikes:                  "Work FOR?  I don't work FOR
            The _O_n_l_y Way To Fly!                anybody!  I'm just having fun."
if test -f 'nart.c'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'nart.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'nart.c'
/*  :ts=8 bk=0
 * In the tradition of stupid programs, Leo Schwab presents (yet again)
 * The Art Program.
 * Modofied to do even neater things.
 * 8607.1

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>

#define XSIZE           319
#define YSIZE           199

extern int rnd();

struct IntuitionBase    *IntuitionBase;
struct GfxBase          *GfxBase;
struct Screen   *scr, *OpenScreen();
struct Window   *win, *OpenWindow();
struct ViewPort *vp;

struct NewScreen scrdef = {
        0, 0, XSIZE+1, YSIZE+1,
        4,              /*  16 colors  */
        0, 1,           /*  detail/block pens  */
                        /*  "Automatically" set up screen format  */
        ((XSIZE>320) ? HIRES : 0) | ((YSIZE>200) ? LACE : 0),
        NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL  /* no special font, title, gadg, or bitmap */

struct NewWindow windef = {
        0, 0, XSIZE+1, YSIZE+1,
        0, 1,
        NULL, NULL, NULL,       /* no special gadget, checkmark or title */
        NULL,                   /* screen pointer; will get set later */
        NULL,                   /* no custom bitmap */
        0, 0, 0, 0,             /* ignored */

main ()
        register struct RastPort *rp;
        int i, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, pen = 16, flag = 0,
            xa1[150], ya1[150], xa2[150], ya2[150];
        register int x1, y1, x2, y2;

        openstuff ();
        rnd (-87634);
/*	rp = win -> RPort;    <-- This is slower because of layers    */
        rp = & (scr -> RastPort);
        SetDrMd (rp, COMPLEMENT);
        ShowTitle (scr, FALSE);
        SetRast (rp, 0);
        x1 = rnd (XSIZE+1);  y1 = rnd (YSIZE+1);
        x2 = rnd (XSIZE+1);  y2 = rnd (YSIZE+1);
        setdisp (&dx1, &dy1);
        setdisp (&dx2, &dy2);

       while (1) {
        for (i=0; i<150; i++) {
		rotate ();
                if (GetMsg (win -> UserPort)) {
                        closestuff ();
                        exit (TRUE);
                if (rnd (12) == 3)
                        if (rnd (2))
                                setdisp (&dx1, &dy1);
                                setdisp (&dx2, &dy2);

                x1 += dx1;  y1 += dy1;
                if (x1 > XSIZE || x1 < 0) {
                        dx1 = -dx1;
                        x1 = x1<0 ? 0 : XSIZE;
                if (y1 > YSIZE || y1 < 0) {
                        dy1 = -dy1;
                        y1 = y1<0 ? 0 : YSIZE;
                x2 += dx2;  y2 += dy2;
                if (x2 > XSIZE || x2 < 0) {
                        dx2 = -dx2;
                        x2 = x2<0 ? 0 : XSIZE;
                if (y2 > YSIZE || y2 < 0) {
                        dy2 = -dy2;
                        y2 = y2<0 ? 0 : YSIZE;

                if (!--pen)
                        pen = 15;
                rp -> Mask = pen;       /* kludge; COMPLEMENT does not  */
                Move (rp, x1, y1);      /* perform as advertised  */
                Draw (rp, x2, y2);
                if (flag) {
                        Move (rp, xa1[i], ya1[i]);
                        Draw (rp, xa2[i], ya2[i]);
                xa1[i] = x1;  ya1[i] = y1;
                xa2[i] = x2;  ya2[i] = y2;
       flag = 1;
       }        /* End of the while */

openstuff ()
        if (!(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
            OpenLibrary ("intuition.library", 1))) {
                printf ("Awright, where's Intuition?\n");
                exit (FALSE);

        if (!(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
            OpenLibrary ("graphics.library", 1))) {
                printf ("Graphics?  Heeeere graphics....\n");
                exit (FALSE);

	if (!(scr = OpenScreen (&scrdef))) {
                printf ("Can't open your screen.\n");
                exit (FALSE);

        windef.Screen = scr;
        if (!(win = OpenWindow (&windef))) {
                printf ("Window painted shut.\n");
                exit (FALSE);
	vp = &(scr -> ViewPort);
	setcolors ();

closestuff ()
        CloseWindow (win);
        CloseScreen (scr);
        CloseLibrary (GfxBase);
        CloseLibrary (IntuitionBase);

setdisp (x, y)
register int *x, *y;
        *x = rnd (9) - 4;
        *y = rnd (9) - 4;

/*  What I really wanted was the HSL color wheel.  Oh well....  */
setcolors ()
	int r, g, b, i;

	for (i=1; i<16; i++) {
		if (i <= 5) {
			r = (6-i) * 15 / 5;
			g = (i-1) * 15 / 5;
			b = 0;
		} else if (i > 5 && i <= 10) {
			r = 0;
			g = (11-i) * 15 / 5;
			b = (i-5) * 15 / 5;
		} else if (i > 10) {
			r = (i-10) * 15 / 5;
			g = 0;
			b = (16-i) * 15 / 5;
		SetRGB4 (vp, i, r, g, b);
	SetRGB4 (vp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if test -f 'rnd.s'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'rnd.s'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'rnd.s'
*  :ts=8 bk=0
* Yet Another random number generator.  By Leo Schwab.
* Based on an idea posted on the USENET (Thanks, Sam Dicker!)
* For the MetaComCo assembler
* Calling convention:
*  long rnd (range);
*  long range;
* Assembling:
*  df1:c/assem rnd.s -o rnd.o
* 8606.30

		section code
		xdef	_rnd

_rnd		lea	rndseed,a0	Get address of seed
		move.l	4(sp),d1	Get range argument
		tst.l	d1
		ble.s	setseed		Go reset seed

		move.l	(a0),d0		Get seed
		ADD.L   D0,D0
		BHI.S   over
		EORI.L  #$1D872B41,D0
		move.l	d0,(a0)		Save new seed
		andi.l	#$ffff,d0	Coerce into word
		andi.l	#$ffff,d1
		divu	d1,d0		Divide by range
		swap	d0		 and get remainder (modulus)
		ext.l	d0

setseed		neg.l	d1		Probably don't need this
		move.l	d1,(a0)

		section data
rndseed		dc.l	0
if test -f 'rotate.s'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'rotate.s'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'rotate.s'
*\  :ts=8 bk=0
* The color rotater for the New Art program.
* This was written in machine code for speed (Lattice has this odd habit
* of pessimizing code).
* Calling convention:
*  rotate ();
* Assembling:
*  df1:c/assem rotate.s -i df1:include -o rotate.o
* 8607.1

		include	"exec/types.i"
		include	"exec/libraries.i"
		include "graphics/view.i"

xlib		macro
		xref	_LVO\1

callsys		macro

		xdef	_rotate

		xref	_GfxBase
		xref	_vp

		xlib	LoadRGB4

		rorg	0

_rotate		movem.l	a2-a3/a6,-(sp)

		movea.l	_vp,a0
		movea.l a0,a1
		movea.l vp_ColorMap(a1),a1
		movea.l cm_ColorTable(a1),a1
		movea.l a1,a2
		adda.w	#1*2,a2		Point at the colors we want
		movea.l	a2,a3
		addq.w	#2,a3
		moveq	#13,d0
		move.w	(a2),d1
loop		move.w	(a3)+,(a2)+
		dbra	d0,loop
		move.w	d1,(a2)

		movea.l	_GfxBase,a6
		moveq	#32,d0
		callsys	LoadRGB4

		movem.l	(sp)+,a2-a3/a6

exit 0
#	End of shell archive