[net.sf-lovers] MZB and feminism.


From: Peter G. Trei <OC.TREI@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU>

     Oh goody! MZB as feminist writer is finally revived in SFL. There
is a wonderful bit of MZB trivia I have been waiting for months to
mention, and it is finally time. This entry appeared in the
Fancyclopedia II by Richard Eney in 1959:

(start of quote)
          Prime mover for this all-girl fan club was Marion Cox.
     Her club included 50 or more femmefans, such as Carol
     Mckinney, Maril Shrewsbury, Vee Hampton, DEA, and others,
     but \not/ Marion Z Bradley, who wrote in the club 00, The
     Femmizine, for Jan '53:
          "Frankly I think it's impossible for women, with
     no help from the 'sterner sex', to do anything in the
     literary fanzine field. Man alone can manage something of
     strength and talent without feminine influence. It may be
     graceless, even ugly, but it will be strong.  Women alone,
     sans masculine influence, impetus, or admiration, produce
     nothing of worth."

     /Aw, shucks Marion.../ To justify this vigourous opinion the
     club, formed in 1952, ran down in 1953, was revived in
     mid-1954 by Honey Wood and Noreen Falasca, and collapsed
     once more.

(end of quote)
     It amazing how much peoples veiws can change over the years.

     On a related topic, there have appeared many notes slagging
caro.pa@xerox.arpa for his letter in #409 describing Tiptree and
Norton as male, and recommending Gor for its 'radically different'
veiw of women.
     Good God, lighten up a bit!  Any but the most narrow reading
shows this letter is a joke!  It sometimes seems that people cant
recognize humor in the absence of a :-).

						Peter Trei