[net.micro.amiga] Direct blitter access

rokicki@navajo.STANFORD.EDU (Tomas Rokicki) (08/07/86)

[ Blitter away your life ]

Here's some code I wrote to access and test the blitter.
The blit routines are isolated in a short file; the test
routines, which execute John Conway's cellular automata
game of LIFE, follow.  Read the comments for more information.

About the game of LIFE:  This program executes LIFE in a
318 by 188 display at 19.8 generations per second.
It starts with an `r' pentimino in the center of the screen,
and adds a cell at a random location for each generation.
To run, just type life.  With no arguments, it runs in one
bit plane; otherwise, the argument is the number of bit
planes to use.  (The top bit plane is the most recent
generation; the next is the next most recent generation, etc.)
To exit (and this is a kludge), move the mouse to the left
of the screen and slowly drag it around the vertical center
(you need to hit coordinates (0,100) exactly).

The program is entertaining if unusable; if anyone adds
user interaction, please let me know.

The following are the four files, separated by ------cut here------.
They compile under Manx 3.20; simple mods for Lattice.

------cut here------ (makefile)
life: life.o blit.o
	ln -o life life.o blit.o -lc

life.o: life.c structures.b
	cc -b +istructures.b life.c

structures.b: structures.h
	cc -b -a +hstructures.b structures.h

blit.o: blit.c
	cc -b +istructures.b blit.c
------cut here------ (structures.h)
 *   Structures include file.
#include "exec/exec.h"
#include "intuition/intuition.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "graphics/display.h"
#include "graphics/gfx.h"
#include "graphics/gfxmacros.h"
#include "stdio.h"
------cut here------ (blit.c)
 *   This include file includes the defines for all the blitter functions.
 *   It only allows use of the `blit' operations; for area fills or line
 *   drawing, it will need to be extended.
 *   Information gleaned from the Hardware Reference Manual.
#define BLTADD (0xdff040L)
 *   This structure contains everything we need to know.
 *   Do not do a structure copy into this!  Instead, assign
 *   each field.  The last field assigned must be bltsize; that
 *   starts up the blitter.  Also note that all of these are
 *   write only, and you can't read them.
struct bltstruct {
   short con0 ;
   short con1 ;
   short afwm ;
   short alwm ;
   short *csource, *bsource, *asource, *dsource ;
   short bltsize ;
   short dmy1, dmy2, dmy3 ;
   short cmod, bmod, amod, dmod ;
} *blitter = BLTADD ;
 *   We need an array which tells what to use for all 256 possible operations.
#define USEA (0x8)
#define USEB (0x4)
#define USEC (0x2)
#define USED (0x1)
char touse[256] ;
char fwma[16] ;
char lwma[16] ;
 *   Call initblitdata() once on startup before you ever call blit.
initblitdata() {
   register int i ;
   register int s ;

   for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
      s = USED ;
      if ((i >> 4) != (i & 15))
         s += USEA ;
      if (((i >> 2) & 51) != (i & 51))
         s += USEB ;
      if (((i >> 1) & 85) != (i & 85))
         s += USEC ;
      touse[i] = s ;
   s = 0xffff ;
   for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
      fwma[i] = s ;
      s = (s >> 1) & ~0x8000 ;
      lwma[i] = 0xffff - s ;
 *   This is the major user interface.  Takes addresses and offsets for
 *   all four locations, a modulo and sizes, and a function.
 *   Assumes the modulos for all sources and destination are the same.
 *   You might want to add some arguments or delete some.
 *   All arguments are in pixels (except the addresses and function.)
 *   Before you call this routine, call OwnBlitter(); after you have
 *   called it as many times as you need, call DisownBlitter().  Remember
 *   that you cannot do any printf's or anything else which requires the
 *   blitter when you own the blitter, so be careful with the debug code.
 *   The machine will lock but will not crash.
blit(aaddress, ax, ay,
     baddress, bx, by,
     caddress, cx, cy,
     daddress, dx, dy,
     modulo, xsize, ysize, function)
short *aaddress, *baddress, *caddress, *daddress ;
int ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy, modulo,
    xsize, ysize, function ;
   short *t ;

 *   Divide the modulo by 16 because we need words.
   modulo >>= 4 ;
 *   Wait for the blitter to finish whatever it needs to do.
   WaitBlit() ;
 *   Calculate the real addresses for d and c.
   blitter->dsource = daddress + modulo * dy + (dx >> 4) ;
   blitter->csource = caddress + modulo * cy + (cx >> 4) ;
 *   Mask out the low order bits of dx; add these to the xsize.  (The
 *   first bits will be masked using the first word mask.)
   dx &= 15 ;
   xsize += dx ;
   blitter->afwm = fwma[dx] ;
   blitter->alwm = lwma[(xsize - 1) & 15] ;
 *   Now calculate the shifts for the a and b operands.  The barrel
 *   shifter counts appear to be to the left instead of the more
 *   intuitive to the right.  Note that I take dx into account.
   t = aaddress + modulo * ay + (ax >> 4) ;
   ax = dx - (ax & 15) ;
   if (ax < 0) {
      t++ ;
      ax += 16 ;
   blitter->asource = t ;
   t = baddress + modulo * by + (bx >> 4) ;
   bx = dx - (bx & 15) ;
   if (bx < 0) {
      t++ ;
      bx += 16 ;
   blitter->bsource = t ;
 *   Now calculate the two control words.  If you want to do
 *   the addresses in reverse order, set the appropriate bit in con1.
   blitter->con0 = (ax << 12) + (touse[function] << 8) + function ;
   blitter->con1 = (bx << 12) ;
 *   Calculate the final total xsize in words, and the modulos.  The
 *   modulos are in bytes when written from the 68000.
   xsize = (xsize + 15) >> 4 ;
   blitter->amod = blitter->bmod = blitter->cmod = blitter->dmod =
      2 * (modulo - xsize) ;
 *   This last assignment starts up the blitter.
   blitter->bltsize = (ysize << 6) + xsize ;
------cut here------ (life.c)
 *   Here is a simple LIFE program which tests the blitter operations.
 *   It does not extensively test the shifts or anything, but it makes
 *   sure that the basic interface is correct.
#define HSIZE (320)
#define MODULO ((HSIZE + 15)/16)*16
#define VSIZE (190)
#define RASTSIZE (MODULO / 16 * VSIZE)
#include "structures.h"
short *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *t1=NULL, *t2=NULL, *t3=NULL, *t4=NULL, *t5=NULL ;
short noplanes ;
struct GfxBase *GfxBase = NULL ;     /* the GfxBase */
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL ; /* the IntuitionBase */
struct Screen *myscreen = NULL ;
struct NewScreen mynewscreen = {
   0,                                         /* left edge */
   0,                                         /* top edge */
   320,                                       /* width */
   200,                                       /* height */
   2,                                         /* depth (change for color?)*/
   1,                                         /* detail pen */
   2,                                         /* block pen */
   0,                                         /* screen mode */
   CUSTOMSCREEN,                              /* type */
   NULL,                                      /* use default font */
   (UBYTE *)"LIFE by Tomas Rokicki",          /* title */
   NULL,                                      /* initialize this gadget field */
   NULL } ;                                   /* no bitmap supplied */
 *   This routine gets a raster for temporary storage.
short *myalloc() {
   void *AllocMem() ;
   void *p ;

   if ((p=AllocMem(2L*RASTSIZE, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR))==NULL) {
      printf("Could not allocate raster data\n") ;
      cleanup() ;
   return(p) ;
 *   Here we set things up.
initialize() {
   initblitdata() ;
   if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary(
      "intuition.library",0L))==NULL ||
       (GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L))
      ==NULL) {
      printf("Couldn't open libraries.\n") ;
      cleanup() ;
   if ((myscreen = OpenScreen(&mynewscreen))==NULL) {
      printf("Couldn't open screen.\n") ;
      cleanup() ;
   a = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[0])) + 200 ;
   b = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[1])) + 200 ;
   c = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[2])) + 200 ;
   d = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[3])) + 200 ;
   e = ((short *)(myscreen->BitMap.Planes[4])) + 200 ;
   t1 = myalloc() ;
   t2 = myalloc() ;
   t3 = myalloc() ;
   t4 = myalloc() ;
   t5 = myalloc() ;
 *   Exit routine.
cleanup() {
   if (myscreen != NULL)
      CloseScreen(myscreen) ;
   myscreen = NULL ;
   if (IntuitionBase)
      CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase) ;
   IntuitionBase = NULL ;
   if (GfxBase)
      CloseLibrary(GfxBase) ;
   GfxBase = NULL ;
   if (t1)
      FreeMem(t1, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
   if (t2)
      FreeMem(t2, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
   if (t3)
      FreeMem(t3, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
   if (t4)
      FreeMem(t4, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
   if (t5)
      FreeMem(t5, 2L*RASTSIZE) ;
   exit(0) ;
#define PARITY (0x96)
#define CARRY (0xe8)
#define PARITY2 (0x3c)
#define CARRY2 (0xc0)
#define SPECIAL1 (0x12)
#define SPECIAL2 (0xe0)
#define COPY (0xf0)
 *   Does one LIFE generation.  Fancy algorithm uses only 10 blits.  If
 *   anyone can improve this, please let me know.
dogeneration() {
   OwnBlitter() ;
 *   Take horizontal sums.
   blit(a, 0, 1,
        a, 2, 1,
        a, 1, 1,
        t1, 1, 1,
   blit(a, 0, 1,
        a, 2, 1,
        a, 1, 1,
        t2, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, CARRY) ;
 *   Take sums for middle row.
   blit(a, 0, 1,
        a, 2, 1,
        a, 1, 1,
        t3, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, PARITY2) ;
   blit(a, 0, 1,
        a, 2, 1,
        a, 1, 1,
        t4, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, CARRY2) ;
 *   Now, sum each of the three columns.
   blit(t1, 1, 0,
        t1, 1, 2,
        t3, 1, 1,
        t5, 1, 1,
   blit(t1, 1, 0,
        t1, 1, 2,
        t3, 1, 1,
        t3, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, CARRY) ;
   blit(t2, 1, 0,
        t2, 1, 2,
        t4, 1, 1,
        t1, 1, 1,
   blit(t2, 1, 0,
        t2, 1, 2,
        t4, 1, 1,
        t4, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, CARRY) ;
 *   Now, check high two order bits, then combine with original and
 *   low order bit.
   blit(t1, 1, 1,
        t4, 1, 1,
        t3, 1, 1,
        t2, 1, 1,
 *   Before we do the final write, we copy bits down one generation.
   switch (noplanes) {
case 5:
   blit(d, 1, 1,
        d, 1, 1,
        d, 1, 1,
        e, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, COPY) ;
case 4:
   blit(c, 1, 1,
        c, 1, 1,
        c, 1, 1,
        d, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, COPY) ;
case 3:
   blit(b, 1, 1,
        b, 1, 1,
        b, 1, 1,
        c, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, COPY) ;
case 2:
   blit(a, 1, 1,
        a, 1, 1,
        a, 1, 1,
        b, 1, 1,
        MODULO, HSIZE-2, VSIZE-2, COPY) ;
default: ;
   blit(t2, 1, 1,
        t5, 1, 1,
        a, 1, 1,
        a, 1, 1,
   DisownBlitter() ;
 *   Random number generator; probably not a very good one.
int rnd(i)
int i ;
   static long seed = 323214521 ;
   long rval ;

   seed = seed * 123213 + 121 ;
   rval = (seed >> 5) & 65535 ;
   return ((i * rval) >> 16) ;
 *   Main routine.  If called with no arguments, makes 1 bit plane screen.
 *   Otherwise, first argument is used as the number of bit planes.
main (argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
   register int i ;
   register int x, y ;
   long t1[3], t2[3] ;

   if (argc < 2 || sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &noplanes) < 1 || noplanes < 1
                || noplanes > 5)
      noplanes = 1 ;
   mynewscreen.Depth = noplanes ;
   initialize() ;
   for (i=0; i<RASTSIZE; i++)
      a[i] = 0 ;
   a[2010] = 0x0060 ;
   a[2030] = 0x00c0 ;
   a[2050] = 0x0040 ;
   i = 0 ;
   DateStamp(t1) ;
   x = 12 ;
   while (x != 0 || y != 100) {
      x = rnd(HSIZE-2) + 1 ;
      y = rnd(VSIZE-2) + 1 ;
      a[y*20+(x>>4)] |= 1 << (15 - (x & 15)) ;
      dogeneration() ;
      i++ ;
      x = myscreen->MouseX ;
      y = myscreen->MouseY ;
   DateStamp(t2) ;
   printf("%ld ticks %d generations\n",
      t2[2]-t1[2] +
      (t2[1]-t1[1]) * 3000L +
      (t2[0]-t1[0]) * 4320000L, i) ;
   printf("Done.\n") ;
   cleanup() ;
------cut here------ (that's all, folks!)