[net.sf-lovers] New Heinlein Novel !!!

keithl@vice.UUCP (Keith Lofstrom) (10/28/85)

Hi, Folks.  Been away for a while...

## Robert A. Heinlein "The Cat Who Walks Through Walls"  Putnam, $17.95  ##
## ISBN 0-399-13103-5                                                    ##

For those of you who find Heinlein politically incorrect, skip this posting.
For the rest of you:

WOW.  "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" WAS my favorite Heinlein.  Before this
book.  Heinlein starts out in the "Free Luna" universe, about 150 years
later - and goes from there.

This is peppered with the usual bon mots, in jokes, heroic heros (and more
heroic heroines), chivalry, technology, tanstaafl, and joie de vivre 
(including both ends - warning for the prudish).  Unlike some recent 
Heinleins, this one has a pretty strong plot and some hints of subplot,
and an ending like a brick wall.

Let your project schedules slip a day.  Buy it and read it.  I found it
at Powells in Portland;  it should reach the hinterlands soon.

Keith Lofstrom
MS 59-316, Tektronix, PO 500, Beaverton OR 97077  (503)-627-4052
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