[net.sf-lovers] Down In Flames

bstempleton (01/06/83)

                     D O W N   I N   F L A M E S
                     - - - -   - -   - - - - - -

                            BY LARRY NIVEN

                  COPYRIGHT (c) 1977 by Larry Niven

     The following requires some explanation.  At least!

     On January 14, 1968, Norman Spinrad and I were at a party  thrown
by  Tom  &  Terry  Pinckard.   We were filling coffee cups when Spinny
started this whole thing.

     "You ought to drop the known space series," he said.  "You'll get
stale." (Quotes are not necessarily dead accurate.)

     I explained that I was writing stories outside the "known  space"
history,  and  that I would give up the series as soon as I ran out of
things to say within its framework.  Which would be soon.

     "Then why don't you write a novel that tears it to shreds?  Don't
just abandon known space.  Destroy it!"

     "But how?" (I never asked why.  Norman and I think alike in  some

     "Start with the premise that the whole thing is a  shuck.   There
never  was  a  chain  reaction  of  novae in the galactic core.  There
aren't any Thrintun.  It's all a gigantic hoax.  Write  it  that  way.
"Then,  Spinny  said,  "if the fans write letters threatening to lynch
you, you write back saying, 'It's only a story...'"

     We found a corner.  During the next four hours we worked out  the
details.  Some I rejected.  Like, he wanted to make the Tnuctipun into
minions of the Devil.  (Yes, the Devil.) Like,  he  wanted  me  to  be
inconsistent.  I can't do that, not on purpose.

     The incredible thing is that when we finished, we did indeed have
a consistent framework.  I wrote it up during the following week, as a
set of assumptions and a plot outline.  It would have been the longest
of my novels up to that time.

     What happened?

     About April 1968, I ran into an idea called a Dyson  sphere.   It
gripped  my  imagination.   I  designed  a  compromise structure, less
roomy, but with some distinct advantages:  the Ringworld is  prettier,
it's  got  gravity without the unlikelihood of gravity generators, and
you can see the sky.

     So I wrote RINGWORLD, and  the  PROTECTOR,  and  then  the  three
SF-detective novelettes lumped under THE LONG ARM OF GIL HAMILTON.  In
1968 the "known space" history included about 250,000 words.  In  1977
it's  more  than twice that large, and some of the assumptions in DOWN
IN FLAMES have gotten lost.

     So I was writing  RINGWORLD,  and  I  gave  the  DOWN  IN  FLAMES
material  to  Tom  Reamy for his fanzine TRUMPET.  The material wasn't
all that consistent or  well  organized;   it  was  done  for  my  own
benefit, and I stopped halfway.

     It's nine years later, and I can't resist the impulse to put  the
thing  into  better  shape.   Those of you who haven't read any of the
"known space" series are going to find it incredibly cryptic, and what
can  I  do  but apologize?  For those of you who have, remember:  it's
all a hoax.

                       PRELIMINARY ASSUMPTIONS

     1) Beowulf Shaeffer never visited the galactic core.

     2) The Long Shot, the alleged Quantum II hyperdrive ship used  in
AT  THE  CORE,  was a hoax.  For eight months that "spacecraft" rested
somewhere in the West End of Jinx, while Beowulf Shaeffer was  treated
to  an  elaborate  movie of a trip to the galactic core and back.  The
hyperdrive machinery he saw through LONG SHOT's transparent  hull  was
hiding  other  machinery:   3D  movie  projectors, artificial gravity,
computer controls on a fake mass sensor.  It wouldn't take much.

     3) The core suns are not exploding.

     4) The Thrintun or Slaver Species, supposed to  exist  a  billion
and a half years ago (WORLD OF PTAVVS), never existed.

     5) The Tnuctipun (supposed to be a slave race to the Slavers) are
real enough;  but they are contemporary with humanity.

     6) The Puppeteers are in their pay.

     7) They have accepted employment because they  dare  not  refuse.
The Tnuctipun are vicious and vindictive.

     8) Since the Puppeteers are not  fleeing  the  explosion  in  the
galactic  core,  what  are  they  fleeing?   Why,  they're fleeing the
Tnuctipun, of course.   And  taking  some  of  their  funds  from  the

     9) Kzanol (WORLD OF PTAVVS) is neither the last Thrint  (Slaver),
nor  a  robot.   He  is,  now  get  this, he is a product of Tnuctipun
biological engineering:  a tailored species with only one member.  His
memories are heavily detailed science fiction.

     10) Many  of  the  stasis  boxes  are  relics  of  the  Tnuctipun
occupation  of  known space.  So are the genetically tailored species,
the sunflowers and stage trees  and  Bandersnatchi,  found  throughout
known space.

     The Tnuctipun were all through here.  They evacuated  our  region
of  space not long ago, certainly less than a million years ago.  They
were forced to leave a lot of gene-tailored life and a number of  lost
stasis  boxes;   though  they could count on most of the relics of the
empire disintegrating with age.

     But they had time to leave other evidence, in  stasis  boxes,  to
contribute  to  the  hoax.   Later they created Kzanol and left him in
stasis on the continental shelf off Brazil.

     The major hoax is the Slaver War,  supposed  to  have  occured  a
billion  and  a half years ago.  The Tnuctipun could not conceal their
presence in known space;  but they could hide the fact that  they  are

     11) The truth is that the Tnuctipun are all through known  space.
It will be seen how this is possible.

     12) Clearly the Bandersnatchi were not designed  to  spy  on  the
Slavers  for  the  Tnuctipun.  Tnuctipun get a kick out of eating meat
that was sentient when alive.  So,  they  designed  the  Bandersnatchi

     13) When the Tnuctipun cleared out, some of their number got left
behind.   That  group  went  to  savagery, then built its civilization
again, and began carving out an interstellar empire.  We call them the
Kzinti.   The  Kzinti  know  nothing  of the Tnuctipun;  but there are
Tnuctipun hidden among the Kzinti.

     14) There's proof  of  sorts:   a  psychological  point.   Female
Kzinti  are  dumb  animals,  no more.  The Kzinti may be thought of as
asexual.  So it is with the Tnuctipun too.  A Kzin will understand the
kick  they  get  from  eating  intelligent  beings.   There  has to be
something to replace the kick of  mating  with  someone  of  your  own

     15) And a second point of proof.  The Grog's psi  power  is  very
like the Slaver's.  The Grog might well be a degenerate Slaver, except
that with the Grog the female is dominant and intelligent.  How  could
that be?

     Obvious.  The Thrint  (Kzanol)  was  copied  from  the  Grog  and
modified.   But  the Tnuctipun got it garbled;  they could not believe
in a sentient female.

     16) The core of the hoax is the Core explosion:  the lie that our
galaxy  is a Seyfert galaxy, that in twenty thousand years the wave of
radiation will make all of known space uninhabitable, and most of  the
galaxy  too.   The  hoax  may  extend  much  further than known space.
Refugees will be passing through from  nearer  the  Core.   Dozens  of
species  will  be  mothballing  whole planets, expecting eventually to
return.  They will sheath seeds and eggs of useful life-forms in  lead
or  stasis  fields,  and make every effort to preserve their artifacts
for thousands of years.

     Now look at it from the viewpoint of Tnuctipun returning to known
space.   They'll  find  all  the  worlds of known space deserted, with
their most valuable artifacts preserved.  They'll  find  trillions  of
beings  in  spacecraft  moving  at Quantum I hyperdrive.  All flavors,
these beings.  All moving at that single velocity, three days  to  the
light  year.   Match  direction and you match course for boarding.  In
many cases, no weapons;  too many species would concentrate solely  on
the tremendous task of moving billions of individuals clear out of the

     Obviously this would have  been  the  last  of  the  known  space
stories  (If  only  Blish  had stopped with his second Okie novel!  He
ended the universe, then had to back up!) I've given the assumptions I
have  to  make in order to get a coherent picture.  The framework does
answer some questions left open in the "known space" series and raises

     1) The Quantum II hyperdrive  was  advertised  for  sale  by  the
Puppeteers.   Why  didn't  someone  buy  it?  (Those who tried got the
runaround.  The QII ship never existed.)

     2) If the Grogs are degenerate  Slavers,  how  did  the  sex  get
changed?   (We  figured it backward.  The Tnuctipun reversed the sexes
through male chauvinist piggery.)

     3) The "soft weapon" (see the NEUTRON STAR collection) has to  be
a real abandoned Tnuctip artifact.

     It's too powerful to have been allowed to fall into  human  hands
deliberately;   even if it didn't remain there.  Why didn't the handle
fit a Kzinti (i.e., Tnuctip) hand?   Probably  because  the  Tnuctipun
have their own slave races.

     4) Even if the Ringworld is edge-on to the Core, it  isn't  thick
enough  to  shield itself (and Teela Brown!) from the gamma rays.  But
Teela's "luck" requires that she be safe there.  She is, if there's no
Core explosion.

     5) What of the Outsiders?

     With their Helium  II  metabolism,  they  are  not  "meat"  to  a
Tnuctip.   If they maintain their neutrality, nobody should harm them.
And they must have known of the Tnuctip plot for some time.

     Now we know why the Outsiders charged such a tremendous price for
the  answer to a simple question.  What are they going to do, now that
the galaxy is becoming uninhabitable?  Answer:  it isn't!

     Can we use the Outsiders?  How well can we balance profit against
their fear of the Tnuctipun?

     6) What happens to a ship that goes too deep into a gravity  well
while using Outsider hyperdrive?

     Snatched by the Tnuctipun!  There is no relevant physical law, no
mysterious  singularity  in hyperspace.  The need to enter a system at
sublight speeds will restrict the spread of humanity and keep us  from
regions where the fraud is apparent.

     So much for background.  What of the story itself?

     Obviously I'm setting up Armageddon.   Exposure  of  the  Tnuctip
fraud  will result in a cataclysm to shake the stars.  Fire and death,
and the Tnuctipun may win.

     They will have no allies.  The Kzinti have been changed, by  four
Man-Kzin Wars in which the most serious war-mongers, and the ones with
the least self-control, were the ones who died.  The Kzinti population
has  been considerably reduced.  Those left are not peaceful, but they
can  think  first  before  they  jump.   Telepaths   are   their   own
development.  And they have reason to have the Tnuctipun who abandoned
their ancestors.  The Kzinti will fight on our side,  though  we  must
watch for planted Tnuctip spies.

     No allies...but Tnuctip  technology  must  be  enormous.   Slaver
stasis  boxes  were  largely  planted.   What  we  found  in  them was
technology the Tnuctipun threw away!  What more are they hiding?

     I know some  of  the  characters  I'll  need.   Oddly,  the  most
necessary   are  the  most  familiar.   And  known  space  isn't  that

     I need either Kzanol or Larry Greenberg:  the only two characters
capable  of  recognizing a Tnuctip.  Kzanol is out of the question, as
you will see.  We've got to rescue Greenberg from where  we  left  him
last:  aboard a slowboat, one of the Lazy Eight series, which lost its
drive systems while moving at near lightspeed.  By Louis Wu's time  it
will be several hundred light-years from known space.

     (Louis is  out  of  it.   So  are  Teela  Brown  and  the  entire
Ringworld.  The Tnuctipun dare not attack the Ringworld.  For reasons,
see THE RINGWORLD ENGINEERS in a couple of years).

     I need Beowulf Shaeffer,  who  was  at  the  heart  of  the  Core
explosion  hoax.  If I set DOWN IN FLAMES after RINGWORLD, Shaeffer is
200-odd years old:  middle-aged despite boosterspice.

     I need an expert on Slaver relics.

     I need money and brains to work this.  That's easy.  I'll use the
Truesdale-monster (see PROTECTOR).

     Three more:  a mountaineer woman with Plateau eyes (Matt Keller's
talent;   see  A GIFT FROM EARTH), and a Kzin for a central character,
and a Grog for her mind-reading ability.


                            DOWN IN FLAMES


     Old   Beowulf   Shaeffer   is   relaxing   somewhere   when   the
Truesdale-monster  taps  him  on the shoulder.  "I need you," he says,
and produces whatever credentials it takes.  ARM, Belt Speaker,  King,
Secretary-General,  he's  got  'em.   Shaeffer's interest is captured.
Truesdale leads him away, talking a blue streak.

     We last saw the Truesdale-monster taking  a  fleet  of  ships  to
confront  an oncoming fleet of Pak refugee ships.  Whatever they found
out there (evidence of existence of the  Kzinti  Empire?   Maybe.)  it
caused  them  to  send  one  of  their number home to watch over human
space.  They sent the only flatlander:  Truesdale.

     At sublight speeds he arrived only recently.   Things  seem  calm
enough  in  known  space.   Against  all  expectation, the Kzinti seem
harmless.  But there is a mystery to be tracked  down,  and  the  Core
explosion needs some attention too.


     They are attacked at the spaceport.  The weapons are of the  Soft
Weapon  type:   "soft" in the sense used by Salvidor Dali, in that the
weapon changes shape.  The species  attacking  is  an  unfamilar  one,
agile  as  a  Pak,  without  much  brain,  and with hands to fit their

     Truesdale takes them in a mad run for his ship.  He loses a  leg,
cauterizes  it with his own laser, and off they go, Truesdale hopping.
The   alien   weapons   do   ferocious   damage;    they   include   a
total-conversion  setting;   but  Truesdale's  ship  is largely stasis


     Truesdale takes them to Camelot:   his  refuge  in  the  cometary
halo.   Camelot is similar to Kobold (see PROTECTOR) in that Truesdale
has been using gravity  generators  as  an  art  form.   On  the  way,
Truesdale  gives  his own background, and gets Shaeffer to go over his
tale of the trip to the Core (AT THE CORE).


     At Camelot Truesdale takes Shaeffer once more  through  the  Core
trip,  under drugs.  He still hasn't said what he's after.  He doesn't
get it.  But they were attacked, and that must be important.

     He examines the corpse of their attacker.  It would have been  no
brighter than a chimpanzee.  Something else is training these.

     They talk  endlessly.   Shaeffer  mentions  the  trip  to  Swoosh
(FLATLANDER).   Brennan  knows  a  good  deal about the Outsiders, and
shows it.  Shaeffer wonders about some of the questions he  asked  the
Outsiders  during  that single meeting.  When he mentions one question
("What will you do now that you know the Core is exploding?")  Brennan
hops up yelling, "That's it!"

     The attack starts in that instant.


     It catches them on the surface.  In the first  moments  Camelot's
gravity field goes and the air starts to expand into space.  Truesdale
is vaporized in the middle of a leap across a gap between the segments
of Camelot.

     Shaeffer dives for a  door.   Any  door:   the  nearest,  despite
warning  signs.  There's air.  Shaeffer inhale once in relief, once in
glorious disbelief, once to find out where  the  incredibly  delicious
smell  is coming from.  Then his mind turns off, and he's tracking the
tree-of-life root down through the corridors of Camelot's heart.


     Shaeffer wakes as a protector stage human, very  like  Truesdale:
knobby  joints, no obvious sex, expanded brain-case, skin thickened to
leather armor, etc.

     Escape is his first problem.  There's no ship;  there's not  much
left  of  Camelot.  If the aliens were searching Camelot with a device
to detect thinking minds, then Shaeffer's  dormancy  saved  him.   But
they may still be around.

     There are gravity generators.  Shaeffer repairs them, then  lines
them  up  to  accelerate  rocks  at  near-lightspeed.   Now he's got a
reaction drive.  He heads for the sun.

     The enemy attacks as his makeshift ship drops  toward  the  solar
system.   Shaeffer's  gravity  generators  throw  rocks  at  them.  He
follows with a sphere of neutronium in stasis.

     The Pluto Watch  picks  him  up.   Shortly  he  sets  himself  to
locating  and using Truesdale's organization on Earth...and to solving
an urgent problem:  the Grogs.


     Why didn't Truesdale exterminate the Grogs?  Why  wasn't  it  his
second  act?   His  first, of course, was to review the Kzinti problem
and pronounce them  harmless.   The  Grogs  look  dangerous.   They're
sessile,  granted.   They talk a good surrender.  But they're hypnotic
telepaths, and they  bid  fair  to  be  descendants  of  the  terrible
Slavers!  Except they're the wrong sex.  How in hell did that happen?

     Right, this must have  been  what  Truesdale  was  investigating.
Shaeffer will retrace his steps.


     Passing himself as Truesdale is trivial;  who'd look  beyond  the
facade  of  a  man-parody  done  in  coconuts and walnuts?  To command
Truesdale's  organization  he  need  only  locate  it,  and  he  does.
Truesdale  ruled  them  with money;  he's got a nice little commercial
empire going.

     Data on Grogs tells him nothing he didn't know.  Eventually he'll
have to go to Down.  Meanwhile, he investigates Slavers.


     His major step is to steal the Sea Statue (see WORLD  OF  PTAVVS)
from  the  Smithsonian.   Kzanol,  the only known Thrint, is in there.
Shaeffer kidnaps an expert on  Slaver  artifacts.   He  sets  up  some
safeguards, hopefully adequate, and opens the suit.

     The safeguards include a Grog tourist:  a  hairy  cone,  bald  on
top,  split  halfway down by her wide smile, eyeless, earless ...  and
her rock, and the tractor treads it's been mounted on.  It  turns  out
she's  not needed yet.  Kzanol is in the suit when Shaeffer breaks the
stasis field around it.  But there's a butcher knife  in  Kzanol.   As
any  fool might have guessed, Jack Brennan (see PROTECTOR) would never
have left Kzanol alive in there, and the odd sense of humor (a butcher
knife?) pretty well identifies his work.

     But the corpse is enough.  There are  enough  relics  of  Tnuctip
biological    engineering    around:     sunflowers,    stage   trees,
Bandersnatchi.  Schultz-Mann the expert of Slavers (for economy  we'll
make  her  a  woman  with  Plateau  eyes;  that trait may well come in
handy) says that Kzanol is of Tnuctip manufacture.  So, when  Shaeffer
produces it, is the corpse of an alien attacker.

     Chains of hypothesis lead Shaeffer to part of the  truth.   There
was no Slaver race and no Slaver War.  It's all Tnuctipun, and they're
still around.

     What do they look like?  (We know only the attacking alien.)

     Why the deception?

     What are they planning?

     How did Beowulf Shaeffer get into it at all?


     Shaeffer takes some time to ready Earth's and the Belt's defenses
against  a  return  of  the  attackers.  As a protector Shaeffer isn't
bothered by plans that  take  years  to  reach  fruition.   When  he's
convinced  that human space is safe, he moves on to the Kzinti empire,
taking with him the Grog, and Schultz-Mann, and a loose Kzinti tourist
with  a  full name.  With his aid, drop the word:  something dangerous
is going on, be ready.

     Then, a four hundred light year trip in hyperdrive,  taking  four
years.   Shaeffer  took  a  big ship and stocked it with tools and raw
materials.  He's got time to build gravity generators.  With these  he
can  match  velocities with the lost slowboat, board, and retrieve the
entire crew.  There are some problems here with culture shock;   these
humans date from the time of Gil the ARM and Lucas Garner.

     Larry Greenberg solves one problem fast.  He points at  the  Kzin
and says, "That's a Tnuctip!"

     The Grog says, "No, he isn't."

     Deduction comes last for the Shaeffer  monster.   If  Kzinti  and
Tnuctip  are  related  species, then there are Tnuctip spies among the
Kzinti.  By now they will have a Fifth Man-Kzin War going, probably.


     Third piece of the problem comes by straight extrapolation.   The
Tnuctipun  didn't interfere with Shaeffer's life, throughout 250 years
or more,  because  he  could  testify  to  the  Core  explosion.   But
Truesdale  might  have  seen through that hoax.  So the Tnuctipun sent

     Shaeffer turns back toward known space.  On the way he turns  all
of  the slowboat's crew of fifty or so, except for those too old, into
protector stage humans.  (He doesn't need tree of life, he needs  only
a  culture  of  the  virus,  and  that's  in  his  own body.  A little
biochemical work does it.)

     He does not expect the Tnuctipun to attack  in  hyperdrive!   But
then they aren't expecting fifty protectors playing games with gravity
generators.  Humans  would  expect  use  of  a  gravity  generator  in
hyperspace  to  destroy the ship at once;  but that hoax is obvious as
soon as the attacking ships appear.


     Eight years after leaving known space, Shaeffer's  band  returns.
There's  no  Fifth  Man-Kzin  War going.  The Tnuctipun tried that and
failed.  Now they're attacking throughout  known  space  with  half  a
dozen  slave races.  The Kzinti Empire (second most powerful among the
Good Guys) is paralyzed by Tnuctipun among  them,  and  distrusted  by
their  allies  because  some  Tnuctip corpses have been recovered from
attacking ships.  Shaeffer leaves a team to clear that  up,  with  the
Grog to point out the ringers.  He goes to war.


     Before it's over, we'll need billions of human protectors.   It's
a  Flash  Gordon/E.E.   Smith  war,  with  superior Tnuctip technology
battling tools and weapons worked up on the  spot  by  a  billion  Dr.
Zarkovs.  To Outsiders those same new inventions are money;  will they
sell us the location of the Tnuctipun?

     If they don't it can be deduced.  The  Tnuctipun  are  among  the
stars  of  the  galactic  rim.   The  Core explosion hoax was to drive
millions of refugee ships  right  to  their  tables.   Of  course  the
Puppeteers avoided that;  they drove their fleet up along the galactic
axis, and none but the suicidal ever boarded a spacecraft at all.

     So we come to the final phase, as Shaeffer's  legions  bring  the
war to the enemy.

     I'm not strongly tempted to  write  this  story.   The  scale  of
things  near the end gets bigger than I like.  There are too few human
characters involved.  And there's one assumption I don't like.

     The Long Shot spacecraft was used in RINGWORLD and it worked.

     What do we have to  assume?   Either  that  RINGWORLD  was  never
written  in  this universe, or that the Puppeteers modelled their hoax
on something they were only then developing, and they  later  finished
the job.

     Hey, that could be interesting after all.   After  the  Tnuctipun
are  finally  exterminated,  after  things settle down in known space,
someone finally takes a Quantum II hyperdrive ship toward the  hub  of
the galaxy.  And he finds that the galactic core is exploding.


Woods.pa@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (03/02/84)

From:  Don Woods <Woods.pa@PARC-MAXC.ARPA>

Niven's "Down In Flames" outline was sent to SF-Lovers about three years
ago.  It is must reading for dedicated fans of his Known Space universe.
I still have a copy on line, and am willing to make it available to the
list, but it's far too large to include in the digest (roughly 25000
characters).  How are we set up these days for FTP access to large

	-- Don.

kovner%gwen.DEC@decwrl.ARPA (08/19/85)

From: kovner%gwen.DEC@decwrl.ARPA

As I am on the Digital Engineering Net, I do not know how to access 
Down In Flames via ftp. If you could either explain how (if it is possible
at all) or mail me a copy which would be left accessible to others on this
net, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Steve Kovner

uucp: {decval,allegra,ucbvax}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-regina!kovner
ARPA: kovner%regina.DEC@decwrl.ARPA

ins_apmj@jhunix.UUCP (Patrick M Juola) (10/25/85)

In article <978@jhunix.UUCP> ins_ajsk@jhunix.UUCP (Jonathan Simon Kay) writes:
>I think Niven should write Down_In_Flames, _Ringworld_ or no _Ringworld_.
>One should never let consistency get in the way of a good story.

That assumes that _Down_in_Flames would be a good story -- I disagree.

wildbill@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU (William J. Laubenheimer) (10/29/85)

Does the title of this scenario imply that a permanent, albeit final,
solution to The Grog Problem will be implemented at some point? If not,
maybe it should...

                                        Bill Laubenheimer
----------------------------------------UC-Berkeley Computer Science
     ...Killjoy went that-a-way--->     ucbvax!wildbill