[net.sf-lovers] Alexei Panshin

ecl@mtgzz.UUCP (e.c.leeper) (10/29/85)

(Originally posted to net.books only.)

> three books:  _Masque World_, _The Thurb Revolution_, and _Starwell_, which
> were supposed to be a kind of James-Bond-in-space series with hero Anthony
> Villiers.  They were listed as being by Alexei and Cory Panshin.  They weren't
> just disappointing; they were poorly written, extremely short (~150pp.  and in
> larger-than-average print), and in general seemed to be the work of an amateur
> pulp SF writer.  I don't know who Cory Panshin is -- son, I suspect -- but I
> bet he or she wrote 95% of this and got Alexei to agree to add his name to the
> cover.

Cory Panshin is Alexei Panshin's wife.  The Villiers novels originally came out
under Alexei's name alone in the late 1960's (the one I glanced at was 1968)
for 75 cents each from Ace.  The story behind "Alexei and Cory Panshin" (as I
understand it) is that Panshin at one point, in a burst of high writing energy
and low bank account, sold the rights (first refusal rights, whatever) for his
next five novels to a publisher.  After he spent the advance, he realized that
he'd have to write five novels for nothing (well, it would seem that way) and
hit upon the idea of co-authoring his future work with his wife, thereby
avoiding having to turn it over to said publisher.  (I'm not trying to libel
him, merely repeating what I have heard.  If it's not true, I'm sure Jayembee
will correct me.)  I suspect he has adopted a policy of releasing all his work
under the double byline as a precaution.  While his wife may be co-authoring
his current novels, it seems unlikely that she retroactively helped write the
Villiers novels.

I haven't read the Villiers novels, though I have known people who have enjoyed
them immensely.  Panshin (singular/plural) has also written:
	SF IN DIMENSION (non-fiction)
as well as others than I can't think of off-hand.

					Evelyn C. Leeper

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