[net.micro.amiga] fprintf

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (09/20/86)

Here are two printf() calls.  fprintf() for FILE HANDLES, and
xprintf() for XSTDIO FILE POINTERS.  (These calls will also exist in
the next revision of MY.LIB).  

If anything it's another example of assembly programming: library calls,
C<->Assembly interfacing, and stack manipulation.  The program is almost
completely self contained (except for calls to xwrite(), Write(), and

It even has comments!

In anycase, it should be a boon for those of you who need a ?printf()...
you can adapt it to almost anything.

				"Defense Computer... they say it got smart"


;  Handles formatted printing to xstdio file pointers w/ xprintf
;  Handles formatted printing to Amiga file handles   w/ fprintf

      xdef  _xprintf
      xdef  _fprintf
      xref  _xwrite
      xref  _Write
      xref  _LVORawDoFmt
      xref  _SysBase

      jsr      xformat           ;RawDoFmt to buffer and write setup
      jsr      _xwrite
      bra      done
      jsr      xformat           ;same thing
      jsr      _Write
      lea.l    268(A7),A7

      ;XFORMAT takes a Xprintf(xx, cs, arg, arg...)  where xx is any
      ;integer and returns (xx, buf, bytes) on the stack suitable for an
      ;immediate call to xwrite() or Write().  The caller must deallocate
      ;268 bytes from the stack when done.
      ;                                     (oret)
      ;  A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 RET FI BUF NUM <thebuffer> printfret fi cs args
      ;  ^               ^                     ^
      ;  1               2                     3

      move.l   A7,A0             ;sp now at pos. #3      A0 = pos #3
      sub.l    #268,A7           ;sp now at pos. #2      SP = pos #2
      move.l   (A0),(A7)         ;copy return address
      move.l   8(A0),4(A7)       ;copy fi or fh  to FI
      lea.l    16(A7),A1         ;address of buffer
      move.l   A1,8(A7)          ;place in          BUF
      movem.l  A2-A6,-(A7)       ;save regs              SP = pos #1
      move.l   A1,A3             ;A3 = buffer pointer
      lea.l    16(A0),A1         ;A1 = lea of printf arg list
      move.l   12(A0),A0         ;A0 = control string
      move.l   #_xc,A2           ;A2 = call vector

      move.l   _SysBase,A6       ;exec library call
      jsr      _LVORawDoFmt(A6)

      move.l   28(A7),A3         ;buffer start
loop  tst.b    (A3)+             ;find end of string
      bne      loop
      sub.l    28(A7),A3         ;get string length
      subq.l   #1,A3
      move.l   A3,32(A7)         ;place in          NUM
      movem.l  (A7)+,A2-A6       ;restore registers used

      move.b   D0,(A3)+