dillon.UUCP@ucbvax.UUCP (09/24/86)
#! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create: # breakup.uue # memory.b # misc.b # string.b # xstdio.b # This archive created: Tue Sep 23 22:10:20 1986 export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH if test -f 'breakup.uue' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'breakup.uue'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'breakup.uue' begin 600 breakup M```#\P`````````,``````````L```!Q````;@```=T````C`````@```!0` M```(```````````````I````#`````````/I````<2//````'"/`````)"/( M````*$*Y````("QY````!"/.````!)/)3J[^VBA`2JP`K&<``*AA``%L(&P` MK-'(T<@@:``0T<C1R$CG(#!%^0```*Q'^0```"QT`7``$!@FRF`"%-A1R/_\ M0AH@.0```"0@>0```"@2&%.`;QX,`0`@;_12@B;*8`H2&%.`#`$`(&\$%,%@ M\D(:8-Q"&D*;(`),WPP$2'D````L+P!.N0```&@CP````!!.N0```'@CP``` M`!0CP````!A.N0````!P`"YY````'$YU80``QF$``+`CP````"!"IR\`)$`@ M*@`D9Q`L>0````@@0"(H``!.KO^"(BH`(&<H)#P```/M3J[_XB/`````$"/` M````%"/`````&&<*Y8@@0"EH``@`I$ZY`````'``8`0@+P`$+GD````<+P`L M>0````0@.0````AG`B)`3J[^8DJY````(&<.3J[_?")Y````($ZN_H8@'TYU M2.<!!BX\``.`!RQX``1.KO^43-]@@'!D8+!![`!<3J[^@$'L`%Q.KOZ,3G5" MN0````A#^0```:P@/````!Y.KOW8(\`````(9[9.=0`````#[````!H````! 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M0`Q.=0``+PXL>0````A.KO_*+%].=2\.+'D````(3J[_Q"Q?3G5(YS`"+'D` M```(3.\`#@`03J[_ODS?0`Q.=0`````#[`````<````!````!@```"`````V M````4@```&P```!\````C@````````/R```#Z0````PO#BQY````!$SO``,` M"$ZN_SHL7TYU```O#BQY````!")O``@@+P`,3J[_+BQ?3G4```/L`````@`` >``$````$````'`````````/R```#Z@````````/R ` end SHAR_EOF fi if test -f 'memory.b' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'memory.b'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'memory.b' /* * MEMORY.B V2.00 * * Memory routines. malloc() is memory hog since it * simply call AllocMem(). * * malloc(bytes) -allocate * free(ptr) -free a single allocation * free_memory() -free all allocations (must be done before exit) * bzero(s, n) -zero a memory area. * bset (s, n, v) -set a memory area. * bmov (s, d, n) -move source to dest. * */ /*BREAKUP src/xalloc.h */ typedef struct _ALLC { struct _ALLC *next; struct _ALLC **prev; long bytes; char buf[4]; } ALLC; #define HSIZE 12 extern ALLC *Allc_base; extern char *malloc(); /*BREAKUP src/malloc.c */ #include "xalloc.h" char * malloc(bytes) { register ALLC *a; a = (ALLC *)AllocMem(bytes + HSIZE, 0); if (Allc_base) Allc_base->prev = &a->next; a->next = Allc_base; a->prev = &Allc_base; a->bytes = bytes + HSIZE; Allc_base = a; return (a->buf); } /*BREAKUP src/free.c */ #include "xalloc.h" free(ptr) char *ptr; { register ALLC *a; if (ptr) { a = (ALLC *)(ptr - HSIZE); *a->prev = a->next; if (a->next) a->next->prev = a->prev; FreeMem (a, a->bytes); } } /*BREAKUP src/free_memory.c */ #include "xalloc.h" ALLC *Allc_base; free_memory() { register ALLC *next; while(Allc_base) { next = Allc_base->next; FreeMem (Allc_base, Allc_base->bytes); Allc_base = next; } } /*BREAKUP src/bzero.asm */ ;BZERO.ASM ; written in assembly for speed. Could have written one to write a ; long at a time, but would be lengthy. xdef _bzero _bzero move.l 4(A7),A0 ;pointer move.l 8(A7),D0 ;# bytes beq lend ;zero 0 bytes loop2 clr.b (A0)+ subq.l #1,D0 bne loop2 lend rts /*BREAKUP src/bmov.asm */ ;BMOV.ASM ; written in assembly for speed. Could have written one to write a ; long at a time, but would be lengthy. xdef _bmov _bmov move.l 4(A7),A0 ;source move.l 8(A7),A1 ;destination move.l 12(A7),D0 ;#bytes beq lend ;no bytes to copy cmp.l A0,A1 ;A1 ? A0 beq lend ble destlessrc ;dest > src, backwards copy required add.l D0,A0 add.l D0,A1 loop1 move.b -(A0),-(A1) subq.l #1,D0 bne loop1 rts destlessrc ;dest < src, forwards copy required loop2 move.b (A0)+,(A1)+ subq.l #1,D0 bne loop2 lend rts /*BREAKUP src/bset.asm */ ;BSET.ASM ; written in assembly for speed. Could have written one to write a ; long at a time, but would be lengthy. xdef _bset _bset move.l 4(A7),A0 ;pointer move.l 12(A7),D1 ;what to set move.l 8(A7),D0 ;# bytes beq lend ;zero 0 bytes loop2 move.b D1,(A0)+ subq.l #1,D0 bne loop2 lend rts SHAR_EOF fi if test -f 'misc.b' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'misc.b'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'misc.b' /* * MISC.B V2.00 * * xmisc.h * * atoi(str) * * simple string to integer routine * * bool = openlibs(libs_mask) * * #include <dillon/xmisc.h> * open multiple libraries. See xmisc.h TRUE is returned * if all libraries could be openned, FALSE if any of them * could not be openned. If FALSE is returned, all * libraries that had been openned with openlibs() will be * closed as if a closelibs(-1) had been called. * * closelibs(libs_mask) * * close libraries that had been openned with openlibs. * Usually one passes a -1 to this routine to close all * openned libraries. * * NOTE: if you use openlibs and closelibs, all xxBase * variables will be declared for you. You should not use * the standard OpenLibrary() call if you use openlibs() * (unless you are openning a library which doesn't exist in * openlibs) * * please inform me if I forgot any libraries. * * bool = wildcmp(wild, name) * * compare two strings. The first contains '*' and '?' * wildcards. This routine will return TRUE (1) or FALSE (0) * if the wildcard name matches the normal name. * * check32() * * call before anything else. This routine will print an * error message and exit() if the program was compiled with * 16 bit ints. * * io_open() * io_close() * * IO device support. See the io_open() and io_close() * routines below. * */ /*BREAKUP src/xmisc.h */ #define GRAPHICS_LIB 0x0001L #define INTUITION_LIB 0x0002L #define EXPANSION_LIB 0x0004L #define DISKFONT_LIB 0x0008L #define TRANSLATOR_LIB 0x0010L #define ICON_LIB 0x0020L #define MATH_LIB 0x0040L #define MATHTRANS_LIB 0x0080L #define MATHIEEEDOUBBAS_LIB 0x0100L #define MATHIEEESINGBAS_LIB 0x0200L #define LAYERS_LIB 0x0400L #define CLIST_LIB 0x0800L #define POTGO_LIB 0x1000L #define TIMER_LIB 0x2000L /*BREAKUP src/atoi.c */ atoi(str) register char *str; { register long i = 0; register long neg = 0; while (*str == ' ') ++str; if (*str == '-') { ++str; neg = 1; } while (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9') i = (i << 1) + (i << 3) + *str++ - '0'; return ((int)((neg)?-i:i)); } /*BREAKUP src/openlibs.c */ #include "xmisc.h" long GfxBase; long IntuitionBase; long ExpansionBase; long DiskfontBase; long TranslatorBase; long IconBase; long MathBase; long MathTransBase; long MathIeeeDoubBasBase; long MathIeeeSingBasBase; long LayersBase; long ClistBase; long PotgoBase; long TimerBase; long xfiller15; long xfiller16; openlibs(mask) unsigned short mask; { static char *strarray[] = { "graphics", "intuition", "expansion", "diskfont", "translator", "icon", "mathffp", "mathtrans", "mathieeedoubbas", "mathieeesingbas", "layers", "clist", "potgo", "timer", "x15", "x16" }; register long *base = &GfxBase; register char **str = strarray; char buf[64]; for (; mask; mask >>= 1, ++base, ++str) { if (mask & 1) { strcpy(buf, *str); strcat(buf, ".library"); if ((*base = OpenLibrary(buf, 0)) == 0) goto fail; } } return (1); fail: closelibs(-1); return (0); } /*BREAKUP src/closelibs.c */ #include "xmisc.h" extern long GfxBase; closelibs(mask) unsigned short mask; { register long *base = &GfxBase; for (;mask; mask >>= 1, ++base) { if ((mask & 1) && *base) { CloseLibrary(*base); *base = 0; } } } /*BREAKUP src/wildcmp.c */ /* * Compare a wild card name with a normal name */ #define MAXB 8 wildcmp(wild, name) char *wild, *name; { register char *w = wild; register char *n = name; char *back[MAXB][2]; int bi = 0; while (*n || *w) { switch (*w) { case '*': if (bi == MAXB) { puts ("Too many levels of '*'"); return (0); } back[bi][0] = w; back[bi][1] = n; ++bi; ++w; continue; goback: --bi; while (bi >= 0 && *back[bi][1] == '\0') --bi; if (bi < 0) return (0); w = back[bi][0] + 1; n = ++back[bi][1]; ++bi; continue; case '?': if (!*n) { if (bi) goto goback; return (0); } break; default: if (*n != *w) { if (bi) goto goback; return (0); } break; } if (*n) ++n; if (*w) ++w; } return (1); } /*BREAKUP src/check32.c */ check32() { unsigned int i; i = 0; --i; if (i != 0xFFFFFFFF) { puts ("MUST BE COMPILED WITH 32-bit INT's!"); exit (50000); /* no joke */ } } /*BREAKUP src/io.c */ /* * IO.C (must be compiled 32-bit ints) * * I/O support for devices. * io_open() - Generalized OpenDevice() which does everything for * you. * * io_close() - Generalized CloseDevice(). Should only be used * with io_open()'d devices. * * long * io_open(device_name, unit, flags, &rreq, &wwreq, req_size, spec1, spec2) * * char *device_name -the device name (ex: "serial.device") * int unit -unit # * int flags -OpenDevice flags * struct IOxxxxxx *rreq -address of pointer (will be filled in) * struct IOxxxxxx *wreq -address of pointer (will be filled in) * int req_size -size of above structures * long spec1,spec2 -special arguments for preinitialization * (depends on the device your openning) * * EXAMPLE: * ---------------------- * typedef struct IOExtSer SIO; * * #define SERFLAGS (SERF_XDISABLED | SERF_SHARED) * SIO *srr, *swr; * long mask; * * mask = io_open("serial.device",0,0,&srr,&swr,sizeof(SIO),SERFLAGS,0); * ... * io_close(srr, swr, sizeof(SIO)); * * ---------------------- * * The structure for rreq and wreq depend on the device you are openning. * You must be sure to specify the correct size. * * Some devices, such as the serial device, require certain fields inside * their IO structures to be initialized before the OpenDevice(). Since * io_open() Allocates these structures for you, these extra parameters * must be passed to io_open() via SPEC1 and SPEC2 in the arguments list * as outlined below: * SPEC1 SPEC2 * console.device window pointer window structure size * parallel.device parallel flags 0 * serial.device serial flags 0 * **ALL OTHERS** 0 0 * * note on audio device: You must ADCMD_ALLOCATE and ADCMD_FREE * manually. * * You also pass io_open() the address of two pointers (e.g. **x). These * will be filled in by io_open() to result in a READ and WRITE request * structure, each with it's own reply port, and with it's io_Command * fields initialized to CMD_READ and CMD_WRITE, respectively. You may * specify a NULL for the **WRITE request structure instead of a * **wreq. This will result in only a READ request structure being * set up. * * You do not have to use the structures for only CMD_READ and CMD_WRITE, * of course, you can use them for any io command. * * a signal MASK with one bit set is returned. This is the signal bit * for the read-request structure (if rreq was NULL, then it is the * signal for the write-request structure). an example mask: * 00000000001000000000000000000000 in binary. * * 0 is returned if the open fails. * * * io_close(rreq, wreq, size) * * specify 0 for the wreq if it doesn't exist (e.g. you passed a * NULL for it in the io_open() ). */ #include <exec/types.h> #include <exec/ports.h> #include <exec/io.h> #include <exec/memory.h> #include <devices/serial.h> #include <devices/parallel.h> #define FAIL(ifzero) if (!ifzero) goto fail typedef struct IORequest IOR; typedef struct IOStdReq STD; typedef struct MsgPort PORT; extern char *AllocMem(); extern PORT *CreatePort(); long io_open(name, unit, od_arg, prr, pww, size, special1, special2) char *name; IOR **prr, **pww; long special1, special2; { PORT *rport, *wport; IOR *rreq, *wreq; int ret; rreq = wreq = NULL; rport = wport = NULL; rport = CreatePort(NULL,0); FAIL(rport); rreq = (IOR *)AllocMem(size, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR); FAIL(rreq); if (pww) { wport = CreatePort(NULL,0); FAIL(wport); wreq = (IOR *)AllocMem(size, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR); FAIL(wreq); } if (special1) { if (scmp(name, SERIALNAME)) ((struct IOExtSer *)rreq)->io_SerFlags = special1; if (scmp(name, PARALLELNAME)) ((struct IOExtPar *)rreq)->io_ParFlags = special1; if (scmp(name, "console.device")) { ((STD *)rreq)->io_Data = (APTR)special1; ((STD *)rreq)->io_Length= special2; } } rreq->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = rport; ret = OpenDevice(name, unit, rreq, od_arg); FAIL(!ret); if (pww) { *wreq = *rreq; /* structure assignment */ wreq->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = wport; wreq->io_Command = CMD_WRITE; *pww = wreq; } rreq->io_Command = CMD_READ; *prr = rreq; return (1 << rport->mp_SigBit); /* return read sig bit */ fail: if (rport) DeletePort(rport); if (wport) DeletePort(wport); if (rreq) FreeMem(rreq, size); if (wreq) FreeMem(wreq, size); return (0); } io_close(rreq, wreq, size) IOR *rreq, *wreq; { if (rreq) { CloseDevice(rreq); if (rreq->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort) DeletePort(rreq->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort); FreeMem (rreq, size); } if (wreq) { if (wreq->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort) DeletePort(wreq->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort); FreeMem (wreq, size); } } scmp(s1, s2) register char *s1, *s2; { while (*s1 == *s2) { if ((*s1 | *s2) == 0) return (1); ++s1; ++s2; } return (0); } SHAR_EOF fi if test -f 'string.b' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'string.b'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'string.b' /* * STRING.B V2.00 * * strlen, strcpy, strncpy, strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp * */ /*BREAKUP src/strlen.asm */ xdef _strlen _strlen move.l 4(A7),A0 ;pointer loop tst.b (A0)+ ;loop until 0 bne loop sub.l 4(A7),A0 sub.l #1,A0 move.l A0,D0 rts /*BREAKUP src/strcpy.asm */ xdef _strcpy _strcpy move.l 4(A7),A0 ; dest move.l 8(A7),A1 ; src loop move.b (A1)+,(A0)+ ; src to dest bne loop ; until zero move.l 4(A7),D0 rts /*BREAKUP src/strncpy.c */ char * strncpy(dest, src, n) register char *dest, *src; register int n; { register char *orig = dest; while (*src && n--) *dest++ = *src++; *dest++ = '\0'; return (orig); } /*BREAKUP src/strcat.asm */ xdef _strcat _strcat move.l 4(A7),A0 ; dest move.l 8(A7),A1 ; src move.l A0,D0 ; return the destination loop1 tst.b (A0)+ ; skip start of string bne loop1 subq.l #1,A0 ; dec. so now points at the 0 loop2 move.b (A1)+,(A0)+ ; src to dest bne loop2 ; until zero rts /*BREAKUP src/strncat.c */ char * strncat(dest, src, n) register char *dest, *src; register int n; { register char *orig = dest; while (*dest) ++dest; while (*src && n--) *dest++ = *src++; *dest++ = '\0'; return (orig); } /*BREAKUP src/strcmp.c */ strcmp(s1, s2) register unsigned char *s1, *s2; { while (*s1 && *s2) { x: if (*s1 < *s2) return (-1); if (*s1 > *s2) return (1); ++s1; ++s2; } if (*s1 == *s2) return (0); goto x; } /*BREAKUP src/strncmp.c */ strncmp(s1, s2, n) register unsigned char *s1, *s2; register int n; { while (n && *s1 && *s2) { --n; x: if (*s1 < *s2) return (-1); if (*s1 > *s2) return (1); ++s1; ++s2; } if (n == 0 || (*s1 == *s2)) return (0); goto x; } SHAR_EOF fi if test -f 'xstdio.b' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'xstdio.b'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'xstdio.b' /* * XSTDIO.B V2.00 * * 32 bit library... you should use it only with 32 bit compilers * * Provides an alternative to normal standard IO functions. Mainly, you * have a little more control over the situation, and most of the functions * are independant of each other (makes for smaller executables). However, * YOU MUST XCLOSE ALL OPEN FILES BEFORE YOU EXIT, it will not be done * automagically. * * In all cases (e.g. close, xdetach ...) any unwritten data will be * written out as if an xflush() had been called. All functions are pretty * straight forward with a few exceptions (if you don't like it, tough). * * * * fi = xopen(file, "access", bufsize); * * access is "r" read (fail if non-existant) * "r+" read and write (fail if non-existant) * "w" write (truncates or new file if non-existant) * "w+" append (append or new file if non-existant) * * bufsize of 0 is actually 1 (but I don't suggest you use * such a small bufsize). If you write a 20K block out * and you have a 1 character bufsize, it will be written * out 1 character at a time, so don't do that. * * returns NULL if it failed. * * ret = xasync(fi, mode); * * Execute Asyncronous command or set Asyncronous mode for a * file. Currently, the following modes are supported: * * -1 : Returns (0) if asyncronous writes are off, (1)if on. * 0 : Turn off asyncronous writes * 1 : Turn on asyncronous writes, returns bool * 2 : reserved for future use * * 3 : (internal) Wait for asyncronous oper. to complete * 4 : (internal) execute asyncronous write (You should * NEVER call this!) * * When on, buffer flushes are double-buffered. That is, * if you write to the file slow enough (e.g. modem capture), * none of the xstdio write functions will ever cause a * delay. Since it's double buffered, a second buffer is * allocated while xasync is on. * * calling w/ mode 4, though it will not crash machine, * will not have any desirable effects. * * Future Versions will also have an asyncronous READ * capability. * * * fi = xattach(fh, bufsize); * * attach a File Handle and a buffer to create an xstdio * file pointer. Returns NULL if it failed (fh is NOT * closed). * * fh = xdetach(fi); * * detach the File Handle from an xstdio file pointer (fi) * and DEALLOCATES the fi. The File Handle will be Seek'd * to the correct place. This always works. * * bool = xsetbuf(fi, newbufsize); * * change the size of an fi's buffer. If it failed (0), the * old buffer is STILL IN PLACE! Remember that if * asyncronous mode is on, the the actual bytes allocated is * double what you specify (two buffers instead of one). * * chars = xgets(fi, buf, n); * * get a string from an fi. The string is \0 terminated and * DOES NOT HAVE A '\n'. 'chars' is the size of the string * INCLUDING the \0. Therefore, if 0 is returned, you * reached the end of the file or an error occured. * * bool = xputs(fi, buf); * * writes a string to an fi. a '\n' will automatically be * appended to the string. the '\0' that terminates the * string is NOT written (e.g. the logical reverse of xgets()) * * FALSE (0) is returned on error. * * c = xgetc(fi); * * -1 is returned on EOF * * bool = xputc(fi, c); * * Note: Since files are buffered, a write error may not be * returned until the buffer is flushed (by xputc() or * manually) * * actual= xread(fi, buf, n); * * 0 is returned on end of file or error. * * bool = xwrite(fi, buf, n); * * Note: xwrite() only returns a true or false. Additionaly, * since files are buffered, a write error may not be * returned until the buffer is flushed (by xwrite() or * manually) * * bool = xflush(fi); * * flush the buffers. FALSE is returned only if the buffer * was modified AND the Write failed. If the buffer was not * modified, no Write() is done. * * newpos= xseek(fi, offset, which); * * 'which' uses AMIGA convensions: -1 start * 0 current * 1 end * * NOTE: the NEW position is returned, not the old. * * * pos = xtell(fi); * * returns the current position of the r/w pointer * * * xclose(fi); * * You may pass xclose() a NULL without harm. * * ptr = gets(buf); * * \0 terminated from Input(). Same as normal gets(). Note * that this one returns passed pointer, or NULL on end-of- * input or error. * * This is rather a slow function, since it must call Read() * one character at a time. If possible, you should * xattach() the Input() file handle to an xstdio file * pointer and use xgets(). * * bool = puts(str); * * Amiga.LIB's puts() does not allow strings over 256 chars, * this one allows strings of any size. * * FALSE is returned on error. */ /*BREAKUP src/xstdio.h */ typedef struct { long replyport; /* non-zero = asyncronous I/O active */ int (*func)(); /* asyncronous dispatch function */ long fh; /* file handle */ long i1, i2, max; /* buffer indexes (current, end, bufsize) */ long pos, vpos; /* real current, virtual current */ char stat; /* modified? */ unsigned char *buf; /* za buffer */ unsigned char *bufexg; /* exchange buffer for async. IO */ } FILE; #define FIS_MODIFIED 0x01 #define FIS_APEND 0x02 #define ASYNC_OFF 0 #define ASYNC_WRITE 1 #define ASYNC_WAIT 3 #ifndef MODE_READWRITE #define MODE_READWRITE 1004 #endif #ifndef MODE_READONLY #define MODE_READONLY 1005 #endif #ifndef MODE_OLDFILE #define MODE_OLDFILE 1005 #endif #ifndef MODE_NEWFILE #define MODE_NEWFILE 1006 #endif #ifndef MEMF_CLEAR #define MEMF_CLEAR (1 << 16) #endif #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif extern FILE *xopen(), *xattach(); extern long xread(), xseek(), xtell(), xdetach(); /*BREAKUP src/xopen.c */ #include "xstdio.h" FILE * xopen(name, str, size) register char *name, *str; long size; { register FILE *fi; register int mode; register long fh = 0; if (size < 1) size = 1; fi = (FILE *)AllocMem((long)sizeof(FILE), MEMF_CLEAR); if (fi) { if (str[0] == 'r') { mode = MODE_READONLY; if (str[1] == '+') mode = MODE_READONLY; /* actually rw */ } if (str[0] == 'w') { mode = MODE_NEWFILE; if (str[1] == '+') { if (fh = Open(name, MODE_OLDFILE)) Seek(fh, 0L, 1); } } if (!fh) fh = Open(name, mode); if (fh) { fi->fh = fh; fi->max = size; if (fi->buf = (unsigned char *)AllocMem(size, 0)) { fi->pos = fi->vpos = Seek(fh, 0L, 0); } else { Close(fh); goto fail; } } else { fail: FreeMem(fi, (long)sizeof(FILE)); return(NULL); } } return(fi); } /*BREAKUP src/xasync.c */ /* * XASYNC.C * * These routines control the asyncronous write mode for xstdio files. * Vectors are setup such that this object module is only included if you * specifically make a call to xasync(). So if you aren't using asyncronous * I/O, the extra code is not included. * */ #include <exec/types.h> #include <libraries/dos.h> #include <libraries/dosextens.h> #include "xstdio.h" typedef struct StandardPacket STDPKT; typedef struct FileHandle FH; typedef unsigned char u_char; xasync(fi, mode) register FILE *fi; { register long rp; switch (mode) { case -1: return (fi->replyport != 0); case 0: if (fi->replyport) { xasync_wait(fi); DeletePort(fi->replyport); FreeMem (fi->bufexg, fi->max); fi->replyport = 0; fi->bufexg = 0; fi->func = 0; } return (1); case 1: if (fi->replyport == 0) { if (rp = CreatePort(NULL,NULL)) { if (!(fi->bufexg = (u_char *)AllocMem(fi->max, 0))) { DeletePort(rp); return (0); } } fi->replyport = rp; fi->func = xasync; } return (1); case 2: /* Reserved for future asyncronous READ mode */ break; case 3: xasync_wait(fi); return (1); case 4: xasync_send(fi); return (1); } return (0); } static xasync_wait(fi) register FILE *fi; { if (fi->replyport && (fi->stat & FIS_APEND)) { WaitPort (fi->replyport); FreeMem( GetMsg(fi->replyport), sizeof(STDPKT) ); fi->stat &= ~FIS_APEND; } } static xasync_send(fi) register FILE *fi; { register int *iptr; register STDPKT *sp; register FH *file; unsigned char *temp; file = (FH *)(fi->fh << 2); sp = (STDPKT *)AllocMem(sizeof(STDPKT), MEMF_CLEAR); sp->sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name = (char *)&(sp->sp_Pkt); sp->sp_Pkt.dp_Link = &(sp->sp_Msg); sp->sp_Pkt.dp_Port = (struct MsgPort *)fi->replyport; sp->sp_Pkt.dp_Type = ACTION_WRITE; iptr = &sp->sp_Pkt.dp_Arg1; iptr[0] = (long)file->fh_Arg1; iptr[1] = (long)fi->buf; iptr[2] = fi->i1; xasync_wait (fi); /* Wait for previous to finish */ PutMsg (file->fh_Type, sp); /* file handler */ fi->stat |= FIS_APEND; /* new operation pending */ temp = fi->buf; /* swap write buffers */ fi->buf = fi->bufexg; fi->bufexg = temp; } /*BREAKUP src/xclose.c */ #include "xstdio.h" xclose(fi) register FILE *fi; { if (fi) { xflush(fi); if (fi->func) /* turn off asyncronous i/o */ (*fi->func)(fi, ASYNC_OFF); if (fi->fh) /* close file handle */ Close(fi->fh); FreeMem(fi->buf, fi->max); FreeMem(fi, sizeof(FILE)); } } /*BREAKUP src/xgetc.c */ xgetc(fi) { unsigned char c; if (xread(fi, &c, 1)) return ((int)c); return (-1); } /*BREAKUP src/xputc.c */ xputc(fi, c) { char c; return (xwrite(fi, &c, 1)); } /*BREAKUP src/xread.c */ #include "xstdio.h" long xread(fi, buf, n) register FILE *fi; register char *buf; register long n; { register long r, rr = 0; for (;;) { r = fi->i2 - fi->i1; if (r > n) r = n; if (r) { bmov(fi->buf + fi->i1, buf, r); buf += r; n -= r; rr += r; fi->vpos += r; fi->i1 += r; } if (n) { if (xfilbuf(fi)) continue; } break; } return(rr); } /*BREAKUP src/xwrite.c */ #include "xstdio.h" xwrite(fi, buf, n) register FILE *fi; register char *buf; register long n; { register long w; for (;;) { w = (fi->max - fi->i1 < n) ? fi->max - fi->i1 : n; bmov(buf, fi->buf + fi->i1, w); n -= w; buf += w; fi->vpos += w; fi->i1 += w; if (fi->i2 < fi->i1) fi->i2 = fi->i1; fi->stat |= FIS_MODIFIED; if (n) { w = xflush(fi); if (w == 0) return (0); continue; } break; } return (1); } /*BREAKUP src/xsetbuf.c */ #include "xstdio.h" xsetbuf(fi, size) register FILE *fi; register long size; { register char *new1, *new2; register int (*func)(); if (size < 1) /* min buffer size */ size = 1; xflush(fi); /* flush output */ new1 = (char *)AllocMem(size, 0); /* allocate new buffer */ new2 = NULL; if (func = fi->func) /* async buffer */ new2 = (char *)AllocMem(size, 0); if (new1 && (!func || new2)) { /* all ok? */ if (func) { /* flush async */ (*func)(fi, ASYNC_WAIT); FreeMem(fi->bufexg, fi->max); } FreeMem(fi->buf, fi->max); fi->buf = new1; /* emplace new bufs */ fi->bufexg = new2; fi->max = size; return (1); } if (new1) /* error, deallocate */ FreeMem(new1, size); if (new2) FreeMem(new2, size); return (0); } /*BREAKUP src/xattach.c */ #include "xstdio.h" FILE * xattach(fh, size) long fh, size; { register FILE *fi; if (size < 1) size = 1; fi = (FILE *)AllocMem(sizeof(FILE), MEMF_CLEAR); if (fi) { if (fi->buf = (unsigned char *)AllocMem(fi->max = size, 0)) { fi->pos = fi->vpos = Seek(fi->fh = fh, 0L, 0); return (fi); } FreeMem(fi, sizeof(FILE)); } return (NULL); } /*BREAKUP src/xdetach.c */ #include "xstdio.h" long xdetach(fi) register FILE *fi; { register long fh; xflush(fi); Seek(fh = fi->fh, fi->vpos - fi->pos, 0); /* seek to virtual pos */ fi->fh = NULL; xclose(fi); return (fh); } /*BREAKUP src/xtell.c */ #include "xstdio.h" long xtell(fi) FILE *fi; { return (fi->vpos); } /*BREAKUP src/xseek.c */ #include "xstdio.h" long xseek(fi, offset, how) register FILE *fi; register long offset, how; { register long abs, i1; if (how < 1) { /* seek beg, seek rel */ abs = offset; /* get absolute offset */ if (!how) abs += fi->vpos; i1 = fi->i1 + abs - fi->vpos; /* figure new index */ if (i1 >= 0 && i1 <= fi->i2) { /* still in buffer? */ fi->i1 = i1; fi->vpos = abs; return (abs); } xflush_wait(fi); Seek(fi->fh, abs, -1); } else { xflush_wait(fi); /* flush buffer and */ Seek(fi->fh, offset, 2); /* seek to new position */ } fi->pos = fi->vpos = Seek(fi->fh, 0L, 0); return (fi->vpos); } /*BREAKUP src/xputs.c */ #include "xstdio.h" xputs(fi, buf) FILE *fi; char *buf; { if (xwrite(fi, buf, (long)strlen(buf)) && xwrite(fi, "\n", 1L)) return(1); return(0); } /*BREAKUP src/gets.c */ char * gets(buf) register char *buf; { register int i = 0; register long infh = Input(); while (Read(infh, buf+i, 1L)) { ++i; if (buf[i-1] == 13 || buf[i-1] == 10) break; } return ((i) ? ((buf[i-1] = '\0'), buf) : 0); } /*BREAKUP src/puts.c */ puts(buf) char *buf; { register long fh = Output(); register int len = strlen(buf); if (Write(fh, buf, len) == len && Write(fh, "\n", 1)) return (1); return (0); } /*BREAKUP src/xgets.c */ #include "xstdio.h" xgets(fi, buf, max) register FILE *fi; register char *buf; register long max; { register int i; --max; for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) { if (fi->i1 == fi->i2) { if (xfilbuf(fi) == 0) { buf[0] = '\0'; return(0); } } buf[i] = fi->buf[fi->i1++]; ++fi->vpos; if (buf[i] == '\n') break; } buf[i] = '\0'; return(i+1); } /*BREAKUP src/xfilbuf.c */ #include "xstdio.h" xfilbuf(fi) register FILE *fi; { register long n; register long fh = fi->fh; xflush_wait(fi); if (fi->vpos != fi->pos) Seek(fh, fi->vpos - fi->pos, 0); n = Read(fh, fi->buf, fi->max); if (n <= 0) { fi->pos = fi->vpos; Seek(fh, fi->pos, -1); return (0); } fi->pos = fi->vpos + (fi->i2 = n); return(1); } /*BREAKUP src/xflush.c */ #include "xstdio.h" xflush(fi) register FILE *fi; { register long vstart; register int i; register int r = 1; if (fi->stat & FIS_MODIFIED) { vstart = fi->vpos - fi->i1; if (fi->pos != vstart) { if (fi->func) (*fi->func)(fi, ASYNC_WAIT); Seek (fi->fh, vstart - fi->pos, 0); } if (fi->replyport) { (*fi->func)(fi, 4); /* asyncronous */ i = fi->i1; } else { i = Write(fi->fh, fi->buf, fi->i1); /* syncronous */ } if (i != fi->i1) { r = 0; if (i < 0) i = 0; } fi->pos = vstart + i; fi->stat &= ~FIS_MODIFIED; } fi->i1 = fi->i2 = 0; return (r); } xflush_wait(fi) FILE *fi; { register int r; r = xflush(fi); if (fi->func) (*fi->func)(fi, ASYNC_WAIT); return (r); } /*BREAKUP src/xprintf.asm */ ;XPRINTF.ASM ; ; Handles formatted printing to xstdio file pointers w/ xprintf ; Handles formatted printing to Amiga file handles w/ fprintf xdef _xprintf xdef _fprintf xref _xwrite xref _Write xref _LVORawDoFmt xref _SysBase _xprintf jsr xformat ;RawDoFmt to buffer and write setup jsr _xwrite bra done _fprintf jsr xformat ;same thing jsr _Write done lea.l 268(A7),A7 rts ;XFORMAT takes a Xprintf(xx, cs, arg, arg...) where xx is any ;integer and returns (xx, buf, bytes) on the stack suitable for an ;immediate call to xwrite() or Write(). The caller must deallocate ;268 bytes from the stack when done. ; ; (oret) ; A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 RET FI BUF NUM <thebuffer> printfret fi cs args ; ^ ^ ^ ; 1 2 3 xformat move.l A7,A0 ;sp now at pos. #3 A0 = pos #3 sub.l #268,A7 ;sp now at pos. #2 SP = pos #2 move.l (A0),(A7) ;copy return address move.l 8(A0),4(A7) ;copy fi or fh to FI lea.l 16(A7),A1 ;address of buffer move.l A1,8(A7) ;place in BUF movem.l A2-A6,-(A7) ;save regs SP = pos #1 move.l A1,A3 ;A3 = buffer pointer lea.l 16(A0),A1 ;A1 = lea of printf arg list move.l 12(A0),A0 ;A0 = control string move.l #_xc,A2 ;A2 = call vector move.l _SysBase,A6 ;exec library call jsr _LVORawDoFmt(A6) move.l 28(A7),A3 ;buffer start loop tst.b (A3)+ ;find end of string bne loop sub.l 28(A7),A3 ;get string length subq.l #1,A3 move.l A3,32(A7) ;place in NUM movem.l (A7)+,A2-A6 ;restore registers used rts _xc move.b D0,(A3)+ rts SHAR_EOF fi exit 0 # End of shell archive