This is my first attempt at posting a USENET article so bear with me... I have a question about Transformer and how it works (I've never seen it in action). Does it read and execute the IBM 808x code on the fly? I was given the impression that this is what it does. If this is the case then I am wondering why this method was chosen over an actual code "transformer". This would take in 808x code and output 68000 code. I realize there are many difficulties (particularly I/O) with this approach, but it seems to me that all the same difficulties had to be overcome with the Transformer which is available now. Once you had run the program I am proposing (how about calling it CLONE) on your IBM software you could dispose of the 808x code because you now have an 86000 version of it (which will run at speed on the 86000). I can think of a lot of nice ideas on how to implement such a program, but, unfortunately, I have no experience whatsoever with 808x microprocessor(s) and very little with the 68000. Also, I do not have access to an IBM PC. Maybe I'm wrong about how Transformer works so I might as well not go on with this line of thought until someone lets me know. Ok, Flame away... Steve McAfee BTW: I enjoy hearing about what other systems can do and find such discussions very informative, but I too would like to suggest taking the "my-machine-is-better-than-your-machine" arguments elsewhere. They aren't very professional. Disclaimer: These opinions/ideas in no way reflect those of the company I work for.