From: MICHAEL%MAINE.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA (Michael Johnson) I've read it and I enjoyed it very much. I think that it is worth the price of the hardcover. The style is different than Hogan's usual, but very good nonetheless. He spends much less time on Hard Science and more on character development. He also did some VERY GOOD historical research on the period he is writing about and has developed a very good feel for what made things tick during that period. Definately worth reading, if only for an intriguing "what if" concerning the course and politics of WW II. The characters are believable and human, I thought, which some seem to think doesn't happen enough in Hogan's books. No spoiler warning on this since you can get as much information as I have given you about the storyline (and more) from the jacket blurbs. Mike Johnson "Ain't it a shame to be shot down in flames?"