[net.games.board] Machiavelli - Differences from Diplomacy

faigin@sdcrdcf.UUCP (Daniel Faigin) (09/04/85)

*Long Article Warning*  

In my last article, I briefly touched on the differences between
Machiavelli and Diplomacy (henceforth, M and D). Today's article
will be a bit more precise, as I have brought my rulebook with

[Determination Of Control Of Cities]

1. To control a city, one must either be in the city, or have
been the last one in the province with no one in the city.

2. A player controls all provinces initially defined as being
their "home" in the scenario description.

[Order Writing]

There are a number of different orders that may be done in M:

[A] Advance. As in D. This order cannot be given to garrisons.
Armies may be order to advance into provences where there is a
garrison in the city but noone in the province.

[B] Besiege. Given to a Fleet or Army in a province with a
garrisoned city. It takes two "campaigns" (turns) to successfully
siege. Units doing this may be supported.

[H] Hold. As in D.

[L] Lift Siege. It is used to end a siege in process. If a unit
was besieging last campaign, it cannot be ordered to advance this
campaign. It must first lift the siege.

[S] Support. As in D.

[T] Transport. Same as "Convoy"

Conversion. This is used when an army or fleet moves into a city
to become a garrison, or out of the city of a fleet or army. If
the city is a port, this allows you to convert fleets to armies
in two campaigns.

[Sequence of Play]

In the advanced game of M, the sequence of play is: 
(OPTIONAL) Famine Phase
(A) Adjustment and Income (Spring only). 
(OPTIONAL) Famine Unit Removal
(OPTIONAL) Plague Phase
(B) Negotiation
(OPTIONAL) Ducat Borrowing
(C) Order Writing
(D) Ducat Expenditure
(E) Assasination
(F) Order Execution/Conflict Resolution


Income in the Advanced Game is computed as follows:

(a) One ducat for each body of water currently occupied.
(b) One ducat for each province controlled.
(c) Income as indicated for each city controlled.
(d) One or two die rolls of variable income based on the country
and scenario in use.

This income is used during adjustment to pay for military units
(3 ducats per, with special units costing more) or may be saved
for "bribes".

At the start of the game, players set up as listed in a scenario,
and then compute their income.

They then pay for units, possibly removing some. No new units may
be added initially.

New units may be placed only in controlled provinces that contain
a city in the "home" country. 

Note that the number of units is not based on the number of
cities (supply center) as in D or in basic M.

[Possible Expenditures]

The possible expenditures are:

(A) Famine Relief. Cost: 3d.
(B) Pacify Rebellion. Cost: 12d.
(C) Counter Bribe. This is directed to a specific provice, and is
in units of 3d.

         *BRIBES *

(D) Disband Autonomous Garrison. 6d minimum.
(E) Buy Autonomous Garrison. 9d minimum.
(F) Committed Garrison to Autonomous. 9d minimum.
(G) Disband Committed Garrison. 12d minimum.
(H) Disband Army or Fleet. 12d minimum.
(I) Buy Army or Fleet. 18d minimum. (You can write orders for it
the same turn).

You must be next to the unit to bribe it.  Bribes that fail are
wasted. Only the highest bribe is considered, but all moneys are
spent. Increments must be in multiples of 3d. If (highest bribe)
- (counter bribes) >= minimum, it succeeds.

(J) Conquered Province to Rebel. 9d.
(K) Home Province to Rebel. 15d.

There are lots of rules of rebellion. I won't go into them.

(L) Assasinate. You indicate which country. Cost is 12d per point
on a die, up to 36d total. Roll. If you get one of your points,
the country is in civil disoder for one campaign.

There are more rules of assasination also.

There are also a number of optional rules: Plague, Famine (both
pains), Special Elite Military Units (good), etc. 

Hopefully, that gives you an idea of the game. Again, I highly
recommend it.

Daniel Faigin
UUCP: {akgua allegra ihnp4 hplabs sdcsvax trwrb cbosgd}!sdcrdcf!faigin  
ARPA: sdcrdcf!faigin@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA --or-- sdcrdcf!faigin@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU

W: SDC, 2525 Colorado MD 91-01; Santa Monica CA 90406; (213) 820-4111 x6393
H: 11743 Darlington Avenue #9; Los Angeles CA 90049; (213) 826-3357

The views and opinions expressed in  this message are not necessarily those of
my  employer,  except  the janitor who agrees with everything I write.  I hope
for his early recovery and release.