[net.games.board] Park and Shop

wargo@sdcsla.UUCP (Dave Wargo) (08/30/85)

This might just be the place to ask this question.

Has anyone out there ever played "Park and Shop"?

Is it any good ?

Where can I get one ?



westerm@ecn-aa.UUCP (Richard P Westerman) (09/11/85)

In article <958@sdcsla.UUCP> wargo@sdcsla.UUCP (Dave Wargo) writes:
>Has anyone out there ever played "Park and Shop"?
>Is it any good ?
>Where can I get one ?

Whenever I went to my grandparents as a kid (a long, long time ago!) I
would play Park & Shop -- I remember it as being a fun game. Just 
recently I visited my grandparents and my children and I played Park &
Shop -- it is still a fun game. Don't know where to get one however (my
grandparent's copy is over 15 years old).

    Whom: Rick Westerman                       Phone: +1-317-494-8344
    UUCP: {decvax, ihnp4, seismo, ucbvax}!pur-ee!westerm
    USPS: Ag Data Network, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN 47907