[net.sf-lovers] Trying to remember a book title

cgf@infinet.UUCP (Chris Faylor) (10/17/85)


When I was in the third grade (about 24 years ago) I read a book that
sort of got me started on science fiction/fantasy.  It involved some
kids who found an old coin which granted them wishes... sort of.
The coin was so old that they had to wish for everything twice to
get a complete wish, otherwise they only got half of what they
wished for.

I only remember brief scenes beyond that.  I think I remember
that they went back in time and met Merlin at King Arthur's Court
and he considered taking the coin away from them until they talked
him out of it. I remember that they tried to modify the behavior of
their mother (who was giving them a hard time) to make her less
strict and were not pleased with the outcome.  Eventually the coin
stopped working for them and they passed it along to someone else.

I would really like to find this book again.  It invoked a sense
of wonder in me that I have not forgotten.


I feel more like I do now than I did when I first got here.


gail@calmasd.UUCP (Gail B. Hanrahan) (10/21/85)

In article <274@infinet.UUCP> cgf@infinet.UUCP (Chris Faylor) writes:
>When I was in the third grade (about 24 years ago) I read a book that
>sort of got me started on science fiction/fantasy.  It involved some
>kids who found an old coin which granted them wishes... sort of.
>The coin was so old that they had to wish for everything twice to
>get a complete wish, otherwise they only got half of what they
>wished for.

This is HALF MAGIC, by Edward Eager.  Three libraries I've been
in have had Eager's books in the children's section, so you might
try there.  His other books are


and one other that I can't remember at the moment.

(*If anyone has copies of these books that they wish to sell,
please send me mail.)


Gail Bayley Hanrahan
Calma Company, San Diego

oday@hplabsc.UUCP (Vicki O'Day) (10/21/85)

The book you are looking for about a coin that grants wishes
is called Half Magic, by Edward Eager.

He is one of my favorite children's authors, and wrote six
or seven other books in the same style as Half Magic.  Some
others are:  Knight's Castle, Seven Day Magic and Magic By the
Lake.  The children in his books are very believable (they are
childish, instead of being like little adults), and the stories
have a humorous style.  Eager (and his characters) are admirers
of Edith Nesbit, another great writer of books with magic.  His
books are similar to hers, but easier for kids to read because
they are set in a more recognizable present.

Vicki O'Day

francis@osu-eddie.UUCP (RD Francis) (10/22/85)

> When I was in the third grade (about 24 years ago) I read a book that
> sort of got me started on science fiction/fantasy.  It involved some
> kids who found an old coin which granted them wishes... sort of.
> The coin was so old that they had to wish for everything twice to
> get a complete wish, otherwise they only got half of what they
> wished for.

The name of the book is _Half_Magic_, and it is by Edward Eager.
He wrote a number of other books, some of them involving the same
characters -- let's see...
     Magic by the Lake
     The Well-Wishers
     Seven-Day Magic
and three others that I can't remember at the moment.

Excellent read -- if you don't think of yourself as being too old to
read them ( I don't -- I borrowed them of a friend last spring )

RD Fozz Francis  ..!cbosgd!osu-eddie!francis or francis@osu-eddie.UUCP

ccrrick@ucdavis.UUCP (Rick Heli) (11/04/85)

> {}
> When I was in the third grade (about 24 years ago) I read a book that
> sort of got me started on science fiction/fantasy.  It involved some
> kids who found an old coin which granted them wishes... sort of.
> The coin was so old that they had to wish for everything twice to
> get a complete wish, otherwise they only got half of what they
> wished for.
> I only remember brief scenes beyond that.  I think I remember
> that they went back in time and met Merlin at King Arthur's Court
> and he considered taking the coin away from them until they talked
> him out of it. I remember that they tried to modify the behavior of
> their mother (who was giving them a hard time) to make her less
> strict and were not pleased with the outcome.  Eventually the coin
> stopped working for them and they passed it along to someone else.
> I would really like to find this book again.  It invoked a sense
> of wonder in me that I have not forgotten.

Half Magic by Edward Eager.  He also wrote sequels called
Knight's Castle (the best in my opinion) in which the children of
the protagonists in Half Magic relive Ivanhoe, Magic by the Lake
which featured the same characters as in Half Magic and 2 or 3
other books with similar features.  These books are wonderful and
I do my best to introduce them to all young children of my
					--rick heli
					(... ucbvax!ucdavis!ccrrick)