[net.games.board] Second annual CSC computer Othello Tournament

csc@watmath.UUCP (Computer Sci Club) (09/13/85)

We are pleased to announce ...

				The second annual
 	     	University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
	 		  Computer Othello Tournament

When: 	Saturday, November 9, 1985.
Where: 	University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Math and Computer Building.
Who: 	Anyone. 
Why: 	To encourage programming for purposes other than completing 
	CS assignments.

The competition is open to all senient beings from anywhere in Known Space.
Each entrant is required to have written a non-commercial computer program
which plays the game of Othello. The programs may run on any computer that

	a) the competitor can transport to or dial up from the competition
	   site; or
	b) is available for use by the Computer Science Club. These include
	   a Honeywell DPS-8/49 running GCOS8, a VAX 11/780 running 4.2BSD,
	   and an IBM 4341 running VM/CMS.

The program may be written in any computer language, or implemented in 
hardware if so desired (although we may be a little touchy about plugging
your custom board into our VAX...). The competitor or a proxy must be 
present at the competition site during the tournament; if you need someone
to act as a proxy, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

The games will be run under international Othello rules, with each player
allotted 30 minutes of playing time per match. The competition will 
be organized as a five-round Swiss system tournament. 

Trophies will be provided by the Computer Science Club to
the top three finishers in the competition, and the winner's name
will be inscribed on the permanant tournament trophy. There will also
be an award for the top undergraduate finisher from the University of

Entry fee for the competition will be $5.00 (Canadian) for Club members
and $10.00 (Canadian) for others. An entry form is follows in the next article;
if you are interested in competing, please fill it out and return it.
Deadline for entries is November 2, 1985. 

Last year's competition was a great deal of fun for all involved, and we
hope to be bigger and better this year!  For complete rules or more 
information, please contact:

		Computer Science Club
		MC 3037
		University of Waterloo
		200 University Avenue West
		Waterloo, Ontario
		N2L 3G1