[net.games.board] looking for diplomacy players and alternates

sohail@terak.UUCP (Sohail M. Hussain) (11/12/85)

Having participated in a couple of games of diplomacy I thought
that I would try my hand at being a moderator. Would you care to

The rules attached are the same as the ones used by Jeff Myers,
uwmacc!myers. (thanks jeff)

I need to come up with a name with which to refer to this game,
any suggestions would be welcome. (E1985? or Hussain diplomacy #1)

Sohail Hussain

uucp:	 ...{ihnp4,decvax,seismo,noao,savax}!terak!sohail
phone:	 602 998 4800
us mail: Calcomp/Sanders Display Products Division
	 (Formerly Terak Corporation)
	 14151 N 76th street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

		Suggested Ground Rules for Usenet Diplomacy

Players & Countries:
	If all players agree, countries will be determined by preference lists
	submitted by the players (each country ranked from most preferred to
	least prefered); otherwise, countries determined by lot by the

	Players must submit a list of all the electronic paths in which they
	can be contacted to the moderator before the initial diplomacy period.

Victory Conditions:
	As per the rules; if the game is ended by unanimous agreement, the
	player(s) with the most supply centers wins.

Civil Disorder:
	If a player is compelled to drop out of a game and cannot find his
	or her own replacement, a replacement will
	be supplied from a list of alternates, if possible.  Otherwise the
	standard Civil Disorder rules will apply.  Players who need to drop
	out are encouraged to continue to receive the move results, even
	though they are no longer actively involved in the game.  This also
	goes for players playing an eliminated country.

	If you only need to miss one turn, you may have a friend act
	in your stead for a single turn (excluding the player of another
	country).  If you miss a turn, a call will be put out for an
	alternate to take your place; if you then miss the next turn,
	the alternate's move will apply, and you'll be out of the game.
	A country which has gone for one or more turns without moves
	submitted may still be picked up by the original player or an
	alternate, whoever submits orders first.

	It is strongly suggested that Alternates submit moves for each
	country still in the game, in case of unsuspected NMR's by any
	country (especially the first couple of years).  It helps to keep
	the alternates interested in what is happening and can help the
	game from being unbalanced by a critical turn NMR.

	Note that the units of a country in Civil Disorder may receive support
	in holding.

	Move deadlines will be ten days apart.  Moves must be RECEIVED by
	the indicated due date.  The GM will send out turn results no later
	than two days after the move deadline.  Moves will not be adjudicated
	until the day after the deadline, to allow for last minute changes by
	players who submitted turns early.

Writing Moves:
	Retreats and Builds/Teardowns are a problem in a pbm game if you
	want to get a fair number of moves in.  This problem will be
	resolved by forcing the players to submit these actions with
	their moves.  Retreats and Builds/Teardowns must be submitted in a
	conditionalized form with your move.  You may conditionalize these
	however you see fit, but you may not conditionalize retreats on
	the retreats of other players, nor your builds on the builds of
	other players.

	For all units which might possibly retreat in a turn, you should
	specify whether that unit should be retreated or disbanded.  If you
	would like it to be retreated, you must submit a prioritized list
	of provinces to retreat to.  If the situation warrants something
	more complex (multiple conditional retreats), you may qualify your
	orders however you wish, as long as you are clear.  For instance,
	you might only allow retreats to one or two provinces, with
	disbandment otherwise.  A retreating unit given no orders
	will disband.  A retreating unit given partially ambiguous orders
	will retreat randomly, with as much as you make clear incorporated.

	Builds or disbandments which are not specified (or incompletely
	specified) will generate a random result, with as many of your
	wishes which are clear incorporated.

	As retreats/builds are not conditional in ftf Diplomacy, there is the
	potential to tip one's hand if conditional orders are published
	in full.  Consequently, only the moderator will see the actual
	conditional orders, and the moderator will broadcast only the final
	result of all retreats/builds.

	Diplomacy can go on at any time.  Remember that you
	can communicate with other players separately, in small groups,
	or via broadcast messages.  The moderator will not become actively
	involved in the game in any manner.

	Since the moderator is not actively involved in the game,
	all diplomatic messages should be CARBON COPIED to the moderator
	(being a moderator can be boring, otherwise).

The Usenet:
	During Diplomacy, usenet foulups can enhance the flavor of the
	game by simulating the "fog of war" :-}.  However, the problem is
	more serious when you are trying to get moves to the moderator, or
	get results out to the players.  The moderator will immediately
	acknowledge all official mail.  You may also wish to use different
	paths, or mailings at different times of day.

	Communication can also be done through net.games.pbm when appropriate.
	All turn results will be posted there, as well as mailed to all
	players and alternates individually.

Sohail Hussain

uucp:	 ...{ihnp4,decvax,seismo,noao,savax}!terak!sohail
phone:	 602 998 4800
us mail: Calcomp/Sanders Display Products Division
	 (Formerly Terak Corporation)
	 14151 N 76th street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260