[net.games.board] Railbaron: Turn Ending Rule

wrd@tekigm2.UUCP (Bill Dippert) (12/31/85)

I must apologize to Scott and to all of those who play by the original rules.
Upon re-reading the original rule, I finally remembered why and where the 
Seattle Rules differs from the original in respect to the ending of a turn.
In the original rules under "MOVING": "The Bonus Roll" it is stated that you
may choose a new destination and start going to it when you have a bonus roll
coming.  This is in apparent conflict with the section "ENDING A TRIP" which
seems to say that your turn ends when you reach your destination.  Therefore,
when the Seattle Rules were formulated, the section in "MOVING" was deleted.
Thus we do indeed often times pay double going in and out of an "owned" city.
This is one case where the Seattle Rules are more costly (in terms of time & $)
but we felt that this aided in any confusion.  Most board games where similar 
rules are in effect follow the revised (Seattle) type rules.  I can see though
that this one rule change could become quite significant, particularly when you
buy your Superchief.  All I can say is that I still feel that the revised
"Seattle" rules are better in the long run.  As I pointed out in my original
article, I was not the originator of the rules -- Paul Vaughn of Seattle WA,
was.  I do not think that he is on the net, but those of your who are in the
Seattle area might give him a phone call and get him on the net for a better
discussion of the whys and wherefores.  Again, though, I repeat:  try the
Seattle Rules and see!
