[net.games.board] Supremacy - Reaction

andy@altos86.UUCP (Andy Hatcher) (03/04/86)


Well one of friends bought Supremacy anyway (even though it was
expansive).  But we were very disappointed.  The market was too
easily influenced.  In our game, everyone expanded out to take
over all of the unpopulated territories, but there was very little
fighting.  If you do this then there is a world wide depression,
because everyone has enough production for their needs and every
body is selling.   The market price of all of the commodities stayed
around 1-10M.  Everyone was spending more money than they were
taking in (army maintenence and coporate costs).

Then two people got together and made a deal which
really showed the inherent problems with the market.  The
first person, sold everything they had (driving the price down to
$1M), then at the end of their turn they bought (16 of every
commodity) driving the price up to $1 billion.  The next person
sold all twelve of each commodity that he had and collected
48 billion dollars and gave half to the person who drove up the

The other two people in the game could have done the same thing,
but the whole nature of the game was changed, now everyone has
enough money to buy as many nukes and L-stars as they want.

		Oh well, enough said,
		Anybody have some rule changes to help this.
				Andy Hatcher

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