(Siggraph) (05/12/88)
On Tuesday June 14th, The Bay Area ACM/SIGGRAPH is starting a once yearly series of distinguished speakers. These meetings will ponder the future of computer graphics in a slightly less formal setting than our normal monthly technical meetings. We feel it is important to do this in the Valley. "Are There Still 'Ten Unsolved Problems' in Computer Graphics" Dr. Frank Crow Xerox Palo Alto Research Center We will have a light dinner with the speaker outside Xerox PARC's Auditorium beginning at 6 PM. This will present a chance to mingle with our members, the speaker, the staff of the local group, and other people in the graphics community. This is something we are otherwise unable to do with our monthly meetings. Costs are: $10 for Bay Area ACM/SIGGRAPH members (in Advance) $12 for Bay Area ACM/SIGGRAPH members (at the door, space available) $15 for non Bay Area ACM/SIGGRAPH members (in advance) The lower ceiling will be the first 100 people and an upper ceiling of 150 people. Registration must be received by June 1 and we will try to mail an acknowledgement. Membership will be checked against our mailing 1988 list. Advanced registration can be obtained mailing a check, and the names of your party to Bay Area ACM/SIGGRAPH, P.O. Box 3553, Santa Clara, CA 95055.