julian@riacs.edu (Julian E Gomez) (04/13/89)
April Bay Area ACM/SIGGRAPH Meeting Computer Graphics & Educational Software An Interactive Multimedia Experience A panel of speakers from NeXT, Inc., Apple Computer, Inc., Activision Entertainment, and Stanford University will give short presentations and demos of software for K-12, high school, and the university levels. Topics to be discussed are the design and creation of interactive multimedia software which integrates the use of computer graphics, sound, video, HyperCard, CD-ROM, laserdisc, and more. This meeting should be of particular interest to educators, computer artists, programmers, HyperCard users, and potential NeXT computer users. Tuesday, April 25, 1989 7:30 PM (note earlier time than usual) Xerox PARC 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto -- "Have you ever wondered if taxation without representation was cheaper?" Julian "a tribble took it" Gomez julian@riacs.edu