[ba.seminars] Bay Area ACM/SIGGRAPH Feb mtg

julian@riacs.edu (Julian E Gomez) (02/16/90)

February Bay Area ACM/SIGGRAPH Meeting

The Present and Near-Future Use of Computer Animation
in the Film & Entertainment Industry

Michael Wahrman

The use of computer graphics in the entertainment industry (films and
theme parks) has dramatically changed over the last two years. Computer
animation since Tron has been used almost exclusively in broadcast and
advertising. DeGraf/Wahrman, whose corporate purpose was to determine
what could be done with this technology in the entertainment arena,
found itself with a feature (8.5 minutes of Jetsons: The Movie project)
and two theme park attractions in the style of Star Tours.

Furthermore, there is tremendous interest in the interactive use of
computer animation in the area of "Virtual Reality". We will discuss
the projects that we are presently involved in, the projects for the
future and show as much footage as our clients will allow.

Tuesday, February 27, 1990
8 pm
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) Auditorium
3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto

Write to siggraph@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov if you need directions.

"Have you ever wondered if taxation without representation was cheaper?"

	Julian "a tribble took it" Gomez