[net.database] HELP: RTI Ingres on Unix Systems. Thank you

pavlov@hscfvax.UUCP (840033@G.Pavlov) (11/11/85)

 If you can help with this, please do; send me a phone number if you'd 
 prefer and I will call you.

 I am interested in purchasing RTI's "commercial" Ingres; it seems to do what
 we want.

 HOWEVER, I have received feedback from current users, particularly those own-
          ing VAX/VMS systems, that response time degrades inordinately when
          multiple users are accessing Ingres concurrently - both the package
          and the system slows down more so than with other DBMS's.

 I would appreciate any experience in this area that you may have had with RTI's
 Ingres on Unix-based systems. I would especially like to hear from those who
 have comparisons to Oracle.

    thank you, greg pavlov, fstrf, amherst, n.y., 716-837-4000

 P.S.: we evaluated a number of systems in the past 6 months and simulated mul       user environments to see how each system held up.  We would do the same
       with Ingres. BUT the port to our machine, an  HP9000 series 500, is not
       ready yet.  So I was forced to evaluate it on a VAX750/VMS system.