oleg@birtch.UUCP (Oleg Kiselev) (01/06/86)
Situation : recompiling ENTER on Pyramid 90X (UNIFY port done by Uniq) Here is the problem: UNIFY's fprg.a library contains ONE unresolved reference to _tolower. And fprg.a is linked in when I try to compile a few custom routines into Unify's ENTER ( I'd like to be able to use the reporting capabilities on queries AND use my masking routines for input). The things go sour when the _tolower reference does not get resolved. It can't be the ctype(3) _tolower which is a macro in both att's SV and 4.2 BSD universes. That's on the 4.2BSD side. On att side __ctype_ is unreseolved. __ctype_ is used in termcap.a and is declared in BSD's libc_p.a (but not in libc.a) and does not come up as an error. There is a __ctype symbol defined in ATT's libc.a (and libc_p.a). And there is _tolower symbol defined in ATT universe's libc.a as well. So here is a question : How am I to compile ENTER? In att universe there is no __ctype_ and in ucb universe there is no _tolower function ( whatever it is!). If _tolower reference is present in the UNIFY archive it points to the SV (att universe) environment. __ctype_ in termcap.a points to the ucb developement environment. This is all very confusing to me... How can ENTER be compiled if neither universe will provide all the necessary symbols? How the hell did Uniq do it?! Reply to this news group or through e-mail. -- Disclamer: I don't work here anymore - so they are not responsible for me. +-------------------------------+ Don't bother, I'll find the door! | STAY ALERT! TRUST NO ONE! | Oleg Kiselev. | KEEP YOUR LASER HANDY! |...!{trwrb|scgvaxd}!felix!birtch!oleg --------------------------------+...!{ihnp4|randvax}!ucla-cs!uclapic!oac6!oleg