[net.database] Call for Papers: Object Oriented DB Systems, California, Sep 86.

dayal@cca.uucp (Umeshwar Dayal) (03/16/86)


 International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems (OODBS)

 September 23-26, 1986
	       Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California


 Sponsored by:              Association for  Computing  Machinery  -
			    IEEE Computer Society - TC  on  Database

 In cooperation with:       Gesellschaft fur Informatik, Germany
			    FZI at University of Karlsruhe, Germany
			    IIMAS, Mexico


 To bring together researchers actively interested in specific  con-
 cepts  for  database  systems  that  can directly handle objects of
 arbitrary structure and complexity.  Application  environments  for
 which  such  characteristics  are  required  include  CAD, software
 engineering, office automation, cartography and knowledge represen-
 tation.  Important issues include data/information models, transac-
 tion mechanisms, integrity/consistency control, exception handling,
 distribution,  protection, object-oriented languages, architectural
 issues, storage structures, buffer management, and efficient imple-

 Format:   Limited attendance workshop.  Participation is by invita-
	 tion only.

 Everybody wishing to participate must submit a full paper that will
 be  reviewed by the program committee.  Description of work in pro-
 gress is encouraged and modifications to the submitted paper can be
 made  immediately  after  the  workshop and prior to publication in
 order to reflect the progress made during the time between  submis-
 sion and publication and the insights gained from the workshop.

 Participants will be invited by the program  committee  based  upon
 the  relevance  of  their  interests/contributions.   There will be
 ample discussion time with  presentations  and  special  discussion
 sessions.  Proposals for discussion topics are invited.

 Program committee:

 K. Dittrich (FZI Germany)-chairman U. Dayal (CCA) - co-chairman
 D. Batory (Univ. of Texas)         M. Haynie (Amdahl)
 A. Buchmann (Univ. of Mexico)      D. McLeod (USC)

 Conference Treasurer:   D. McLeod

 Local arrangments:   M. Haynie


 All participants will be sent copies of the accepted  papers  prior
 to the meeting.  A book containing revised papers and recorded dis-
 cussions (as far as justified by quality) may  be  published  after
 the workshop.

 Important dates:

 Submission of manuscripts:              April 25, 1986
 Notification of acceptance:             June 15, 1986
 (early notification via electronic mail)June 3, 1986
 Submission of papers for preconference distribution:July 10, 1986

 Mode of submission:         Please mail 7 copies of manuscript to:

      Umeshwar Dayal        or      Klaus Dittrich
      CCA                           FZI
      Four Cambridge Center         Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 10-14
      Cambridge, MA 02142           D-7500 Karlsruhe 1
      USA                           Germany

      dayal@cca-unix.arpa           dittrich@Germany.arpa
      Phone: +1 617/492-8860        Phone: +49 0721/69 06-0

 Remember to include your electronic mail address for early  notifi-