[mod.newprod] Announcing mod.newprod

netnews@wnuxb.uucp (Ron Heiby) (08/06/85)

This message announces the formation of a new moderated newsgroup,
mod.newprod.  This group is intended to be THE place where announcements
of new products, services, and conferences can be found.  The starting
guidelines are as follows:

	A) Announcements should ideally fit within about 15 screen lines.
	B) There must be a name and address (electronic and postal) for
	   receiving more information.  (A phone number is suggested.)
	C) Announcements that look like advertising hype to the moderator
	   will be edited and returned to the submitter for approval.
	D) Announcements should happen no more than once.

Announcements can go over the 15 line suggested limit if they appear to
be of general interest and contain sufficient meat to be worth people's
time to look at it.  I am open to further suggestions on modifications
to the guidelines.

The question of "conflict-of-interest" has arisen.  My position on AT&T
products is that I will not generate an announcement for any products
and that AT&T products must meet the same guidelines as other products.

Submissions should be sent to newprod@cbosgd.UUCP and comments/questions
to newprod-request@cbosgd.UUCP.  Thanks.
Ronald W. Heiby  Moderator, mod.newprod.
AT&T-IS, /app/eng, Lisle, IL