[mod.newprod] TransNet Comm Proc for MS-DOS

usenet@cuae2.UUCP (Heiby) (01/27/86)

TransNet sits in your IBM-PC's memory, gobbling less than 64K, and 
enables you to initiate and receive XMODEM files while you are busy
doing your normal data processing in the foreground, uninterrupted
by the transfer taking place in the background at baud rates upto 19.2K.

TransNet allows you to run a bulletin board in the background as well.
My TransNet bulletin board can be reached at (212)-889-6438 and you
can give it a shot with login id: demo and password:demo (in lowercase)

If you think you'd be interested in TransNet, then you'll be pleased to
know that I'm offering it to you for only $10!

Anyway, if you're interesting in more information, drop me a note
at ihnp4!allegra!phri!sysdes!greenber.  I'll forward the blurb sheet
to you, which basically tells you about TransNet in even more glowing,
PR-type wording.  Or you can call me at (212)-889-6431 (voice), and
I'll sing the praises of TransNet in person.

Ross M. Greenberg
594 Third Avenue
New York, New York  10016
Ron Heiby {NAC|ihnp4}!cuae2!usenet   Moderator: mod.newprod & mod.os.unix
AT&T-IS, /app/eng, Lisle, IL	(312) 810-6109