[mod.newprod] Complete 68010 UNIX System - $3995 - NEW!!

usenet@cuae2.UUCP (Netnews Admin) (07/02/86)

NetResults, a Convergent Technologies OEM, as an introductory offer
to our Total Systems Integration Service, provides a complete UNIX
system at a breakthrough price.

Convergent Technologies Miniframe system, includes:
* CTIX UNIX - AT&T System V.2 + BSD enhancements, 8 user license, preloaded
  and configured, includes diagnostics.  Demand-paged 3.5MB virtual memory.
* 10 Mhz 68010, no wait states          * 1MB memory, expandable to 2MB
* 50 MB hard disk, ~23 MB free w/UNIX   * 640 KB 5.25 inch floppy
* 2 RS232 ports, expandable to 10       * "Centronics" parallel printer port
* 1 RS422 port, SDLC line supports 8 Convergent terminals at 307Kbps!
* Optional ethernet board for TCP/IP networking.
* X.25, SNA, RJE and other synchronous communications require no additional
  hardware.  The RS232 ports are dynamically configurable as synch/asynch.
* Convergent PT intelligent terminal, 12 inch, 29x80 screen, 8088+64KB RAM,
  RS232/9.6Kbps, RS422/307Kbps, keyboard with 10 soft function keys and
  16 system defined keys, 12 key numeric keypad, separate CRT/keyboard units.
* 90 day hardware warranty + 3 hours software service, toll free.

                    A complete UNIX system for $3995 !!

The first 150 orders may order one additional PT terminal for only $150!
Toll free contact and ordering information below.
The following is a partial list of hardware, software, and support.
A complete list is sent with your system order, or upon request.
Order#          Description                                     Price 
------          -----------                                     -----
ME-901          512 KB Memory expansion                         475.00
CE-901          RS-232 expansion, 8 port                        525.00
EC-901          Ethernet expansion                              775.00
CB-901          RS-232 8 port + ethernet combination          1,350.00
SDC-4201-5      FORTRAN compiler    (F77, ANSI X3.9-78)         375.00
SDC-3001-5      PASCAL  compiler    (ISO 1980)                  375.00
SDC-4301-5      SDB Debugger for PASCAL/FORTRAN                 175.00
SDC-2001-5      BASIC   interpreter (ANSI X3.60-78)             225.00
SDC-2101-5      BASIC   compiler    (ANSI X3.60-78)             325.00
SDC-1001-5      COBOL   compiler    ('74, w/ISAM, SORT/MERGE) 1,250.00
SDC-1100-5      COBOL   animator                                650.00
SMC-1301-5      FORMS                                           150.00
SMC-1201-5      ISAM                                            225.00
SMC-1401-5      SORT/MERGE                                      125.00
SNC-1021-5      Ethernet TCP/IP (requires EC-901 or CB-901)     500.00
SCC-7121-5      BSC 3270 emulator                               500.00
SCC-2521-5      2780/3780 RJE Terminal                          375.00
SCC-4121-5      SNA 3270 emulator                               725.00
SCC-3021-5      X.25 Network Gateway                            375.00
SCC-3121-5      X.3/X.28/X.29 PAD (requires SCC-3121-5)         375.00
STC-2201-5      Word Processor (Wang keystroke equivalent)      250.00
STC-4201-5      Spreadsheet                                     250.00
STC-5201-5      ProChart (Graphics Package)                     900.00
SGC-1201-5      VISUAL-C Chart (Visual Engineering)           1,500.00
SGC-1301-5      VISUAL-GKS     (  "         "     )             775.00
SGC-1401-5      Font Designer for Graphics Terminal             150.00
TO-100          PT Terminal (RS-232/RS-422) US/115V             500.00
GT-100          GT Graphics Terminal                          1,250.00
COM-2400        US Robotics Courier 2400/1200/300 modem         450.00
COM-1200        US Robotics Password 1200/300 modem             250.00
CT-232          RS-232 cables (25 ft)                            35.00
CT-422          RS-422 cables (25 ft)                            35.00
MANUALS         Complete set: CTIX, Admin, Diagnostics		300.00
                Normally $1000!  Only one set per system order.
CTIX-SERV       Software service, 800 number access, updates    300.00
                for cost of media.  1 year contract.
HARD-SERV       Hardware service.  Details sent with system.       1%/month
                Begins after 90 day warranty.  1 year contract.
Toll free ordering and information:  800-824-7888, ask for operator 237
System price: $3995 + $50 shipping + $35 handling (+ California 6.5% tax)
Other  items: Price + $5  shipping and handling   (+ California 6.5% tax)
PT terminal offer at $150 for first 150 systems includes all charges.
Payable by check, UPS COD, MasterCharge, VISA, AMEX.  Financing available.
The operator will take your order, send financing information, or forward
technical questions to NetResults.  Order confirmation, and system questions
will be answered by NetResults via return mail, phone, or uucp mail.
NetResults uucp mail address is {hplabs,glacier,micropro,notavax}!well!results

Save shipping charge, use will-call in SF Bay Area.  Please ask operator.
Please allow 4-8 weeks delivery.  Shipment only in USA.  No dealers please.

UNIX is a trademark of AT&T
CTIX, Miniframe are trademarks of Convergent Technologies
Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox
Ron Heiby {NAC|ihnp4}!cuae2!usenet   Moderator: mod.newprod & mod.os.unix
AT&T-IS, /app/eng, Lisle, IL	(312) 810-6109
Submissions should go to newprod@cbosgd.uucp.
Comments to the moderator should go to newprod-request@cbosgd.uucp.
Requests for information should go to the author of the message.

usenet@cuae2.UUCP (Netnews Admin) (07/03/86)

It appears that I am the victim of a hoax.  The message was sure well
done.  After a mod.newprod reader sent me mail telling of his trouble,
I tried calling the 800 number myself, and got an answering service that
said they had never heard of "operator 237" or "Net Results, Inc."
So, I tried calling the "submitter's" home phone number.  Disconnected.

I've sent out a cancel message on the original posting and apologize for
the inconvenience it may have caused anyone.  Now, I don't know what to
do.  I simply don't have time to check up on every announcement I get
to see if they are real or not.  Any suggestions?  Ron.
Ron Heiby {NAC|ihnp4}!cuae2!usenet   Moderator: mod.newprod & mod.os.unix
AT&T-IS, /app/eng, Lisle, IL	(312) 810-6109
Submissions should go to newprod@cbosgd.uucp.
Comments to the moderator should go to newprod-request@cbosgd.uucp.
Requests for information should go to the author of the message.

usenet@cuae2.UUCP (Netnews Admin) (07/07/86)

[Wow!  What a string of coincidences!  It appears that the following
offer is genuine after all.  It seems that the answering service that
belongs to the "800" number moved their operation and, in the process,
lost the order to turn on NetResults' service.  Then, when I tried to
check with the submitter's home phone number, I found that it had been
disconnected, but that turned out to be a misunderstanding between the
submitter and his local phone company.  When I called today, it was
working just fine.  I called the "800" number again, and they know all
about "NetResults".  I had to pressure the operator to look for it,
though.  It seems the answering service is still somewhat confused.
Anyway, I've cancelled my "hoax?" message and what follows is the text
of the original posting.  I apologize for any confusions or problems
I may have contributed to.  The person from NetResults that I spoke with
seemed genuinely concerned and professional.  RWH]

NetResults, a Convergent Technologies OEM, as an introductory offer
to our Total Systems Integration Service, provides a complete UNIX
system at a breakthrough price.

Convergent Technologies Miniframe system, includes:
* CTIX UNIX - AT&T System V.2 + BSD enhancements, 8 user license, preloaded
  and configured, includes diagnostics.  Demand-paged 3.5MB virtual memory.
* 10 Mhz 68010, no wait states          * 1MB memory, expandable to 2MB
* 50 MB hard disk, ~23 MB free w/UNIX   * 640 KB 5.25 inch floppy
* 2 RS232 ports, expandable to 10       * "Centronics" parallel printer port
* 1 RS422 port, SDLC line supports 8 Convergent terminals at 307Kbps!
* Optional ethernet board for TCP/IP networking.
* X.25, SNA, RJE and other synchronous communications require no additional
  hardware.  The RS232 ports are dynamically configurable as synch/asynch.
* Convergent PT intelligent terminal, 12 inch, 29x80 screen, 8088+64KB RAM,
  RS232/9.6Kbps, RS422/307Kbps, keyboard with 10 soft function keys and
  16 system defined keys, 12 key numeric keypad, separate CRT/keyboard units.
* 90 day hardware warranty + 3 hours software service, toll free.

                    A complete UNIX system for $3995 !!

The first 150 orders may order one additional PT terminal for only $150!
Toll free contact and ordering information below.
The following is a partial list of hardware, software, and support.
A complete list is sent with your system order, or upon request.
Order#          Description                                     Price 
------          -----------                                     -----
ME-901          512 KB Memory expansion                         475.00
CE-901          RS-232 expansion, 8 port                        525.00
EC-901          Ethernet expansion                              775.00
CB-901          RS-232 8 port + ethernet combination          1,350.00
SDC-4201-5      FORTRAN compiler    (F77, ANSI X3.9-78)         375.00
SDC-3001-5      PASCAL  compiler    (ISO 1980)                  375.00
SDC-4301-5      SDB Debugger for PASCAL/FORTRAN                 175.00
SDC-2001-5      BASIC   interpreter (ANSI X3.60-78)             225.00
SDC-2101-5      BASIC   compiler    (ANSI X3.60-78)             325.00
SDC-1001-5      COBOL   compiler    ('74, w/ISAM, SORT/MERGE) 1,250.00
SDC-1100-5      COBOL   animator                                650.00
SMC-1301-5      FORMS                                           150.00
SMC-1201-5      ISAM                                            225.00
SMC-1401-5      SORT/MERGE                                      125.00
SNC-1021-5      Ethernet TCP/IP (requires EC-901 or CB-901)     500.00
SCC-7121-5      BSC 3270 emulator                               500.00
SCC-2521-5      2780/3780 RJE Terminal                          375.00
SCC-4121-5      SNA 3270 emulator                               725.00
SCC-3021-5      X.25 Network Gateway                            375.00
SCC-3121-5      X.3/X.28/X.29 PAD (requires SCC-3121-5)         375.00
STC-2201-5      Word Processor (Wang keystroke equivalent)      250.00
STC-4201-5      Spreadsheet                                     250.00
STC-5201-5      ProChart (Graphics Package)                     900.00
SGC-1201-5      VISUAL-C Chart (Visual Engineering)           1,500.00
SGC-1301-5      VISUAL-GKS     (  "         "     )             775.00
SGC-1401-5      Font Designer for Graphics Terminal             150.00
TO-100          PT Terminal (RS-232/RS-422) US/115V             500.00
GT-100          GT Graphics Terminal                          1,250.00
COM-2400        US Robotics Courier 2400/1200/300 modem         450.00
COM-1200        US Robotics Password 1200/300 modem             250.00
CT-232          RS-232 cables (25 ft)                            35.00
CT-422          RS-422 cables (25 ft)                            35.00
MANUALS         Complete set: CTIX, Admin, Diagnostics		300.00
                Normally $1000!  Only one set per system order.
CTIX-SERV       Software service, 800 number access, updates    300.00
                for cost of media.  1 year contract.
HARD-SERV       Hardware service.  Details sent with system.       1%/month
                Begins after 90 day warranty.  1 year contract.
Toll free ordering and information:  800-824-7888, ask for operator 237
System price: $3995 + $50 shipping + $35 handling (+ California 6.5% tax)
Other  items: Price + $5  shipping and handling   (+ California 6.5% tax)
PT terminal offer at $150 for first 150 systems includes all charges.
Payable by check, UPS COD, MasterCharge, VISA, AMEX.  Financing available.
The operator will take your order, send financing information, or forward
technical questions to NetResults.  Order confirmation, and system questions
will be answered by NetResults via return mail, phone, or uucp mail.
NetResults uucp mail address is {hplabs,glacier,micropro,notavax}!well!results

Save shipping charge, use will-call in SF Bay Area.  Please ask operator.
Please allow 4-8 weeks delivery.  Shipment only in USA.  No dealers please.

UNIX is a trademark of AT&T
CTIX, Miniframe are trademarks of Convergent Technologies
Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox
Ron Heiby {NAC|ihnp4}!cuae2!usenet   Moderator: mod.newprod & mod.os.unix
AT&T-IS, /app/eng, Lisle, IL	(312) 810-6109
Submissions should go to newprod@cbosgd.uucp.
Comments to the moderator should go to newprod-request@cbosgd.uucp.
Requests for information should go to the author of the message.