usenet@cuae2.UUCP (Netnews Admin) (10/26/86)
About the Journal The PostScript Language Journal is a publication devoted to the needs of the PostScript industry. It contains articles by authors active in the PostScript world, including developers at Adobe Systems, Inc. Every issue of the Journal will bring you a wealth of infor- mation about PostScript: the hardware that understands it, the software that produces it, the people involved with it, and the language itself. We'll have product reviews, font samples, interviews, an ongoing PostScript tutorial, PostScript hints and tricks, a column on the cover art, which will be different for each issue of the Journal, and articles on advanced topics in PostScript programming, written by PostScript software develop- ers. From time to time we'll also print articles on subjects not strictly related to PostScript but of general interest to our readers in the printing and publishing industry. The PostScript Language Journal is published quarterly by Pipeline Associates, Inc. ____________________________ Coming in January: The Premier Issue of The PostScript Language Journal PostScript Tutorial: Part 1 The first in a series of tutorials on the PostScript language. Typeface Protection Quality typefaces can take over a year to create, yet the printed version of the face itself cannot be copyrighted. Charles Bigelow discusses various forms of typeface protec- tion. When 300 DPI Isn't Enough A comparison between laser printer output and photo- typesetter output. Viewpoint The complete interview with Steve MacDonald of Adobe Sys- tems, Inc. Tips and Tricks A collection of useful PostScript routines for manipulating the font dictionary. Cover Art Spiral text. Mac Library Getting there from here: talking directly to the Laser- Writer. Subscription Information: One Year (4 Issues) $15 Two Years (8 Issues) $25 Canada and Mexico add $2 Overseas add $4 All payments must be in U.S. Dollars Mail payment to The PostScript Language Journal P.O. Box 5763 Parsippany, NJ 07054 For more information send UNIX mail to Pat Wood {ihnp4,harpo}!floyd!phw5!phw Note: A copy of the Preview Issue of the PostScript Journal (in PostScript form) will be posted to mod.sources. -- Ron Heiby usenet@cuae2.ATT.COM Moderator: mod.newprod & mod.os.unix AT&T-IS, /app/eng, Lisle, IL (312) 810-6109