[mod.rec.guns] OPEN REPLY

jkh@jade.BERKELEY.EDU (Jordan K. Hubbard) (01/22/87)

Article: 1:44


First, let us thank the moderator for creating and
maintaining this news group.  He is owed a debt of
gratitude from all of us.

Second, this group is specifically directed to the interests
of gun owners, not gun grabbers.  If the people who wish
to expound the virtues of "gun control" feel that they
have been the "victims" of censorship, LET THEM START
THEIR OWN NEWS GROUP, talk.gun-ban or whatever.  
Total civilian disarmament (for everyone but themselves and their
friends) is all they are interested in.  If the
moderator wishes to "censor" those postings, it is his 
right to do so.  The majority of readers of this group
are not interested in civilian disarmament.

Third, I personally feel that it is very difficult
to own a gun and not become "politically" involved.
I do not know of any group of law-abiding citizens
that is so subject to government regulations
and investigations as are gun owners.  No other
group faces the confiscation of its property
at the whim of federal or local government.
No other group has been subjected by the 
general news media to such a degree of
character assassination.

Fourth, if the moderator feels that my comments
or anyone else's are not appropriate, he has the right
not to post them to the net.  I suggest that the
readers of this news group send mail to Jordan
and give him some idea of what the readership
feels is appropriate.  If my "political"
commentaries are out of line for this news group,
you can subscribe to the mail.firearms group at
cbrma!firearms and get them there.

Last, I think that gun owners are only now becoming aware
of how vulnerable they are to gun confiscation.
I recall reading an article in which an official
of the BATF said that collecting the guns in this country
is simply a matter of having access to the membership
list of the NRA and the subscription lists of gun magazines.
I also corresponded for a time with a very battle-scarred
veteran of the war to save the Second Amendment.  He told me
that the probable scenario for gun confiscation
would be, not a law passed by Congress, but
the invoking of the Emergency Powers Act by the President
in response to "terrorism," "civil disturbance," or some other
contrived event.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Jon Kaplowitz

jkh@jade.UUCP (01/31/87)

	I share your sentiments completely.  A well written letter that
even those of us who read without posting should support.  My thanks to
you and our moderator!

Jeff Carter
Sun Microsytems