[mod.std.unix] Figure for P1003.2 Shell Working Group

std-unix@ut-sally.UUCP (07/08/86)

Date: Mon, 7 Jul 86 10:01:08 PDT
From: amdahl!hlj@seismo.UUCP (Hal Jespersen)

[ This is the source for a figure to accompany the article
in the previous message by Hal Jespersen on P1003.2.
It is in pic format.  You will need pic and troff
or tpic and tex, plus a laser writer, bit mapped monitor,
or other high resolution output device to print it.  -mod ]

OSI: box "Operating System Interface" " " "IEEE 1003.1" width 6i
     arrow <-> up from 1/6 of the way between OSI.nw and OSI.ne
S:   box "Shell \(**" " " "(Establishes" "Environment)" wid 1.5i
Dat: box "Data" wid .7i ht S.ht/2 with .sw at S.se
Cmd: box "Comm-" "ands" "\(**" wid .7i ht S.ht/2 with .nw at S.ne
     arrow <-> up from 3/4 of the way between OSI.nw and OSI.ne
Ap:  box "Application" wid 1i
API: box "Pro-" "gram" "Inter" "face" "\(**" ht Ap.ht wid .5i \
          with .se at Ap.sw
     arrow <-> from 1/3 of the way between Dat.se and Dat.ne to \
          1/3 of the way between API.sw and API.nw
     arrow <-> from 1/3 of the way between Cmd.se and Cmd.ne to \
	  2/3 of the way between API.sw and API.nw
     move up .5i from Ap.t
UIA: box "User" "Interface" "Application" wid 1i
UPI: box "Pro-" "gram" "Inter" "face" "\(**" ht Ap.ht wid .5i \
          with .se at UIA.sw
     arrow <-> from 2/3 of the way between Dat.se and Dat.ne to \
          1/3 of the way between UPI.sw and UPI.nw
     arrow <-> from 2/3 of the way between Cmd.se and Cmd.ne to \
	  2/3 of the way between UPI.sw and UPI.nw
     box "Terminal" "Driver" wid 1i ht UIA.ht with .sw at UIA.se
     move up .75i from S.nw
A:   box "\(**" ht .5i wid .5i
     move up .75i from S.t
B:   box "\(**" same
     move up .75i from S.ne
C:   box "\(**" same
     arrow <-> from A.b to 1/4 of the way between S.nw and S.ne
     arrow <-> from B.b to 1/2 of the way between S.nw and S.ne
     arrow <-> from C.b to 3/4 of the way between S.nw and S.ne
     move up .25i from B.t
     "\s+2Utility Program Sets\s0"

Volume-Number: Volume 6, Number 25