std-unix@ut-sally.UUCP (Moderator, John Quarterman) (09/29/86)
Administrativia: N1, N13b, N51 mod.std.unix & P1003: N2 Publicity: N6 Access to standards: N7, N10, N11, N12, N13a, N21, N22, N26, N27, N40, N46, N50 Access to user groups and publications: N11, N21, N40, N45 POSIX Conformance Workshop: N20 P1003.2 Shell Working Group: N24, N25 (Hal Jespersen) IEEE 1003.1, POSIX, & ISO/TC97: N49 (Isaak) RFCs: N16 (jbc, jsq) write EOF: N5, N8, N9 tape file marks: N14 ioctl vs. iocntl (and fcntl): N15 (Smith, jbc), N17 (jbc), N18 (rbj), N19 (dag) mkdir & rmdir implementation: N23 (jsq, dag), N28 (dag) Timezones: motivation: N3 (Horton); location: N4 (dag); past: N4 (jsq) RFC.001: Timezones: N29 (jsq) RFC.001 Summary of mod.std.unix Volume 5: N30 (jsq) RFC.001 Timezone Interface: N31 (Elz) RFC.001 Timezone Examples: N32 (Olsen) RFC.001 Timezone Proposal: N33 (jsq) Responses to RFC.001: Previous call on settz(): N34 (Noel), N36 (Elz) (perhaps add) Implementor's TZ a bad default: N34 (Noel), N36 (Elz) (add note) Method to retrieve TZ name: N34 (Noel), N36 (Elz) (not tzname[]) BSD timezone(): N34 (Noel) tzset() of System V: N34 (Noel), N36 (Elz) (implement, don't add) TZ & DST rule: N34 (Noel), N35 (Horton), N36 (Elz)(can't be done right) Details of Olsen's implementation: N37 (Devine) The parenthetical comments at the far right indicate my interpretation of the outcome of the discussions on the various topics and what I recommended the committee do. What does time_t represent and localtime() convert? N38 (Harris) * unsigned for future: N39 (Franklin), N42 (Harris), N43 (Yao) signed for past: N41 (Olsen) an implementation: N44 (Campbell) Far Past: N46 (jsq) * different representation: N44 (jsq, genealogy), N47 (Horton) use time_t: N48 (Brader) * indicates the side of the discussion that won, as I see it. Abbreviations: Brader: Mark Brader Campbell: Larry Campbell dag: Douglas A. Gwyn Devine: Bob Devine Elz: Robert Elz Franklin: Dan Franklin Harris: Guy Harris Horton: Mark Horton Isaak: James Isaak (P1003 co-chair) jbc: John B. Chambers (guest moderator) Jespersen: Hal Jespersen (P1003.2 co-chair) jsq: John S. Quarterman (moderator) Noel: Greg Noel Olsen: Arthur Olsen rbj: Root Boy Jim Cottrell Smith: Roy Smith Yao: Joe Yao Volume-Number: Volume 7, Number 7