ecl@mtgzz.UUCP (e.c.leeper) (12/17/85)
BLACK WATER edited by Alberto Manguel Picador, 1983, $9.95. A book review by Evelyn C. Leeper This is an excellent anthology of "fantastic" stories from all over the world. Unlike most anthologies published in this country, it is not slanted toward American or British authors, but has a wide assortment of Latin American, European, and Asian authors. These aren't science fiction stories. Most aren't horror stories in the usually accepted sense, though some are horrific in nature. The closest common appellation would be fantasy, though if you're expecting unicorns and elves, look elsewhere. Run, do not walk, to your nearest bookstore to get this one! Evelyn C. Leeper ...ihnp4!mtgzz!ecl ****************************************************************************** * Get a Usenetter on the ballot at Confederation! * * Nominate MARK R. LEEPER for Hugo for Best Fan Writer in 1986! * ******************************************************************************
tom@utcsri.UUCP (Tom Nadas) (12/18/85)
The reason BLACK WATER doesn't seem like other American anthologies is simple. It's a _Canadian_ anthology, edited by Torontonian Alberto Manguel and first published by a Canadian publisher (Lester and Orpy Dennys, if I remember aright). The Picador edition is a reprint. Incidentally, the anthology was made into a three hour radio documentary series by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's IDEAS series a few years back. RJS in Toronto c/o -- Tom Nadas UUCP: {decvax,linus,ihnp4,uw-beaver,allegra,utzoo}!utcsri!tom CSNET: tom@toronto