[net.ham-radio.packet] Availability of TAPR source code

karn@petrus.UUCP (Phil R. Karn) (08/12/85)

To obtain a copy of the TAPR TNC-1 code, you should:

1) Send a letter requesting same to:

Harold Price
1211 Ford Av
Redondo Beach, CA  90278

2) State in the letter that the code is for your own personal use,
and you will not redistribute it for money, use it to make roms and sell
the roms for money, or in any way take the efforts of many people over
many weeks who did it for free and try to make money off it.  
A simple "I won't use this for profit" will suffice.

3) Supply a return mailer and postage.

The source is available on 8" SSSD CP/M disk (please send a formatted disk),
or 5 1/4" IBM PC disk.  If you send IBM PC disks, you have two choices,
the TNC code as it currently sits on the TNC, or a version suitable for
compiling with microsoft Pascal and run as a simulator on the PC.  Specify
which one you want, or send two disks.

As part of the 4.0 effort, the TNC code was prodded and now runs under
Turbo Pascal as well.  That code won't be available until after 4.0 is released.
4.0 should go into testing at the end of this month.

Note that an OEM package which allows you to make money off this is available,
contact TAPR directly.  The number is (602) 746-1166.

Harold Price, NK6K