[net.ham-radio.packet] TAPR TNC 2 command list

hoffman@pitt.UUCP (Bob Hoffman) (08/26/85)

I found this on CompuServe's HamNet.  I thought it might be of

                   TNC 2 and [FADpad] commands, release 1.1.0
 NOTE - when "Same as kit" appears, the operation is the same
          for TNC 2/FADpad as for the TAPR TNC 1


 8bitconv Y|N       N    When YES, permits the 8th bit in CONVERSE mode
                          to pass between the user and the TNC
 AUtolf   Y|N       N    Same as kit
 Ax25l2v2 Y|N       N    When off, valid C bits are forced to 0 and all
                          connections are pre version 2.0 AX.25 lev 2.
                         When on, connections with other v2 compatable
                          tnc's are attempted and allowed, but
                          the tnc reverts to pre version 2 if QSO is
                          with an older TNC
 AWlen    7|8       7    Same as kit.  Applies only after cold start/reset
 AXDelay  n         0    0<=n<=180 x 10ms
 AXHang   n         0    0<=n<=20 x 100ms
 Beacon   E|A n     E 0  0<=n<=250 x 10sec
 BKondel  Y/N       Y    Same as kit
 BText    ss        ""   1<=strlen(ss)<=120
 BUdlist  Y|N       N    When Yes, the LCALLS listed are termed buddies and
                          any frames originated by stations other than
                          those in the list are IGNORED in monitor mode
                         When No, the LCALLS listed are termed lids and
                          are ignored as above.
 CANline 0-7fH     ^x(18h) Same as kit
 CANpac   0-7fh     ^Y(19h)
 COMmand 0-7fh     ^c(03h) Same as kit
 Connect  call/via  N/A  same as kit, no trailing TRANS or CONV allowed though
 CHeck    0-250x10S 300 sec  T3 or WormTIME, if v=2 or v<2 connection
 CMdtime  0-250x1S  10sec     same as kit
 CMSg     Y/N       N         When on, the specified by the CText command is
                              packetized and sent upon establishment of a
 CPactime Y/N        N        "    "
 CR       Y/N        Y        "    "
 CText    string    blank     Message sent to people connecting (e.g. I'm
                           in jail, call next week) depending on the
                           setting of CMSG
 CALibr                  enter calibrate mode, valid commands in calibrate
                    mode are: K-toggle PTT, Q-quit CAL mode, D-dotting,
                     space bar - key toggles hi/low state on the NRZ>NRZI
 CALSet   0-65535 (UNKNWN) count setting for comparison while in CAL routine.
                     CALSET = (1+(525000/Fd))
 CONOk    Y/N        Y    same as kit
 CONMode T/C       C    same as kit
 CONStamp Y/N       N    When on, the daytime stamp is printed with
                              all *** CONNECT messages
 CONVerse                same as kit
 DAytime  yymmddhhmm     If parameter is present, the software clock/
                              calender is started for MHeard logging
                              and CONS/Mstamp functions
                         If it is not present, the daytime is displayed
                              in a form depending on the setting of
                              the DAYUSA flag (see below)
 DAYUsa   Y/N       Y    When on, the daytime stamp is displayed in the
                              form common in the U.S.
                         When off, the daytime stamp is displayed in the
                              European form
                         ( eg:
                              cmd:DAYUSA OFF
                              DAYUSA  was ON
                              23-02-85  11:05:30
                              cmd:DAYUSA ON
                              DAYUSA  was ON
                              02/23/85  11:05:30
 DELete   Y/N       N    Same as kit
 DIGipeat Y/N       Y    Same as kit
 Disconne                same as kit
 DISPlay  [A|C|I|L|M|T|] Same as kit EXCEPT Async replaces the Terminal class,
                                     Timing mimics TIming class
                         note: BUdlist and LCAlls settings are NOT displayed
 DWait    0-31x10mS   160ms      same as kit, except DWait
                       is ignored when there are outgoing digipeat frames
 Echo     Y/N       Y    Same as kit
 EScape   Y|N       N    Same as kit
 Flow     Y/N       Y    Same as kit
 FRack    1-15x1S   3    same as kit
 FUlldup  Y/N        N    "     "
 HEaderln Y|N       N    When ON, a newline is stuck between the ':' of
                         a monitored header and the I
 HId      Y|N       N    When ON, enables the HDLC id frame which is formed
                          at the correct times if the TNC is being used
                          as a digipeater.
                         When OFF,
                          prevents ANY hdlc id INCLUDING a forced ID cmd
 ID       n/a            The ID command may be issued to force a
                          final identification, used for example when
                          taking a digipeater off the air.
 LCAlls   c[,c,...] blank_list     c must be a valid call/ssid pair and their
                         may be up to 8 addresses.
 LCok     Y|N       Y    Same as kit
 LFadd    Y/N       N    Same as kit
 MAll     Y/N       Y    Same as kit
 Monitor  Y/N        Y   "     "
 MCon     Y/N        Y   "     "
 MCOM     Y/N        Y   enables monitoring of <C>onnect, <D>isc, <UA> and
                         <DM> frames
 MHeard                  displays heard log
 MHClear                 clears the heard log
 MFilter  n[,n..]  <default empty> chars filtered from monitored output
 MRpt     Y/N       Y    when enabled, displays the path selected and traversed
                   (eg. WB9FLW>AD7I,K9NG*,N2WX-7*,WA7GXD,NK6K,WB6YMH:HI PAUL
                      vs. WB9FLW>AD7I:HI PAUL)
 MStamp   Y/N       N    When on, monitored frames are "stamped" with
                          the current daytime (if set)
 MYcall   callsign  NOCALL-0   same as kit
 MAXframe 1-7        4        "      "
 NUcr     Y/N       N    Same
 NULf     Y/N       N    Same
 NULLs    0-30      0    true NULLS are sent out.  Timing is not performed.
                          otherwise, same as kit
 Paclen   n        128   0<=n<=255. n==0 interperted as 256
                               otherwise, same as kit
 PACTime  E|A n     After 0    0<=n<=250 * 100ms otherwise same as kit
 PARity   n         Even 0<=n<=3
                         n         parity
                     x   0         no parity
                     0   1         odd parity
                     1   1         even parity
 PASs     0-7fh     ^v(16h)   Same -- NOTE diff default than kit. COMMENTS?
 PASSAll  Y/N       N         When ON, the reciever does not check
                                   for correct CRC on rcvd frames.
                                    (note MHeard logging is disabled
                                     when PASSAll is ON)
 REDispla 0-7fh     ^r(12h)   same as kit
 REtry    0-15      10        same as kit
 RESET                        Resets TNC][ and loads default settings. Power
                              down to reset using BBRAMed settings
 RESptime 0-250x100Ms  1.2 sec    this is the setting used for T2
       {NOTE- T2 is used in both AX25L2V2 and !V2 connections}
 Screenl  0-255     0    Same as kit
 SEndpac   0-7fH     0DH  same as kit
 STArt    0-7fh     11H   "    "
 STOp      "        13H   "      "
 Trans              same as kit
 TRACe    Y/N       N   Dump of received frames only.
                         NOTE min abbr changed from <0.0.7
 TRFlow   Y/N       N    When ON, software flow (using START and STOP)
                              is used for transparent connections
 TXdelay   n        30   0<=n<=64 x 10ms
 TXFlow  Y/N       N    Same as kit
 Unproto   string    blank         same as kit
 Xflow    Y/N       Y    same as kit
 XMitok   Y/N       Y    same as kit
 XOff     0-7fh      13H "    "
 XON       "         11H        "
Bob Hoffman, N3CVL       {allegra, bellcore, cadre, idis, psuvax1}!pitt!hoffman
Pitt Computer Science    hoffman%pitt@csnet-relay