[net.ham-radio.packet] TAPR TNC2 Hints 'n Kinks


From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
This is relayed from a local packet machine:

Posted: Sun  Aug 25, 1985   6:00 AM GMT              Msg: OGIF-2241-3677
From:   TCLARK
To:     docs
Subj:   TAPR TNC2 Hints 'n Kinks

Now  that many of you have TNC2's coming,  here are a few minor things  you 
might want to watch out for:
 (1) I'm not sure if the artwork got fixed for the "production" run, but on 
     the "beta" test boards,  there is one trace error.  On the DB25 RS-232 
     connector,  there  is  a trace on the back side going to  pin  16.  It 
     should be going to pin 6. An easy way to fix it is to cut the trace to 
     pin  16 on the back side,  and then run a small jumper wire  from  the 
     plated-thru hole near the DIP switch to pin 6.
 (2) If you have trouble in the demod calibration exercise, the problem may 
     be  with noisy transitions from U8 [U8 is use ONLY in the  calibration 
     steps,  not  in normal operation].  I found that a 0.1 bypass  between 
     pins 3 & 4 helped a lot. 
 (3) Unless  you use all CMOS parts,  the 7805 regulator runs a bit  warmer 
     than  I'd  like  to see.  In later versions of  the  TNC2  board,  the 
     regulator  will bolt to one of the top rails in the cabinet.  For  the 
     first  batch  of  boards,  I'd suggest the following  modification  to 
     improve the heat conduction from the 7805 to the aluminum cabinet:
     a. Drill  a small hole (to clear the 4-40 or 6-32 screw in step b.) in 
        the  bottom of the case to line up with the mounting screw for  the 
        7805  regulator.  this should be 1.32" from the front lip  of   the 
        case and 0.55" from the side of the case.
     b. Find  some 4-40 or 6-32 threaded (preferably aluminum) spacers  and 
        cut off a 0.30" piece. Use this threaded spacer as the mounting nut 
        for the 7805 on the back side of the board with a short screw going 
        thru  the  tab on the top side of the board.  After you  slide  the 
        board  into  the cabinet,  use a second short screw to  "bond"  the 
        spacer to the cabinet.
 (4) Also  on the topic of heat control,  I'd advise mounting R80  "in  the 
     air" about 0.3" above the board.  On my board,  the leads are at about 
     the  same height above the board as are the leads on the adjacent  C12 
     electrolytic capacitor.
 (5) Since  N2WX  added in the time-of-day clock  software,  the  frequency 
     accuracy of the xtal oscillator is more critical.  I'd suggest putting 
     a  small 10-50 pf trimmer capacitor in C47 in lieu of the 22 pf "blue" 
     capacitor provided with the kit.
 (6) Keep the leads to the electrolytic capacitors C3, C6, C7, C8, C10, C16 
     and  C18  as  short as possible,  or you may have  trouble  with  them 
     hitting the rails on the top of the aluminum cabinet.
 (7) Although headers are (probably) not provided,  JMP1 will be  necessary 
     if you try to use hardware handshaking (e.g. on a W0RLI BBS). I'd also 
     suggest  installing JMP3 header -- the plated-thru hole on  the  trace 
     going  to the + end of C12 carries a lot of current and is a potential 
     "fuse";  the JMP3 header will insure a positive jumper between the top 
     and bottom of the board.
 (8) Be very careful to trim the tabs on the top of the push-button  switch 
     and  power connector or else they can short to the rails on the top of 
     the case.
 (9) I have a mod that gives a PTT indication by changing the intensity  of 
     the power LED. Is anybody interested?
73, Tom