[net.ham-radio.packet] Foolishness


The following message is relayed from the K1BC PBBS:

This msg is being filed by the following route:
A terminal at K1BC-1 talking to a TNC-1 with WA8DED code in it;
K1BC-1 sending on 223.10 MHz;
Being relayed by K1BC/R audio repeater at Weston MA;
to W0RLI-1 on 224.70;
Gatewaying at W0RLI-1 to 145.01 MHz ;
Digipeating via K1EA Harvard MA;
to N1DL in Sudbury;
Gatewaying from 145.01 to 14.103 MHz at N1DL;
From N1DL to W0RLI-0 on 14.103;
Gatewaying at W0RLI-0 back to 145.01 MHz;
From w0rli-0 via KD2S-1 Digipeater in Lowell MA;
to K1BC-0 BBS in Lexington MA,  or about 3 feet from where I am typing this.

3 bands (220, 145 and 14 MHz)
10 TNC's (I think)
3 Gateways
and a BBS.

Hooray!   The Network Grows!

73,   de Bob, K1BC