[net.ham-radio.packet] Eastnet damaged by Gloria

clements@bbnccq (09/30/85)

From: Bob Clements <clements@bbnccq.ARPA>
Packet notes from Boston; re: Gloria.

Here is a quick list of outages caused by hurricane Gloria in the
Boston area.  Power outages took W0RLI off the air, cutting the
gateway to most of the rest of the world via HF.  As of Monday
morning, he is still off due to lack of power.  Other important
local digipeaters went off, including KD2S-1, K1EA and WB1EMT-1.
With luck these will be back in a day or two... Massachusetts
utility companies are quoting between 100,000 and 200,000
customers still out in the state.

More serious damage was suffered at N1DL. Karl is our gateway via HF to
Europe. [Hank, W0RLI points his beams west and south. Karl points east.]
Karl's whole antenna farm, VHF and HF, came crashing down.  He will
obviously be out of service for much longer.  He is also heading
off to BY- and JA-lands on business, which will delay reconstruction
at home.

I was very lucky at K1BC. Power stayed on, even though it was off
in a large chunk of Lexington just north of me, and in many other
neighboring towns.  The tree which crashed on my property was kind
enough to miss both my house and my antennas, though I did lose my 80
meter dipole [now restored].

Bob, K1BC