[net.ham-radio.packet] How do X.25 and AX.25 differ??

wmbabineau@watmath.UUCP (W. Michael Babineau) (10/23/85)

I am a new subscriber to this group and I am not completely familliar
with the lingo/terminology of amateur packet radio, yet.
I would appreciate it if someone could tell me what the differences are
between the X.25 we all know and love and AX.25 which is frequently mentioned
in this group. Please e-mail your response to me.

                                 Thanks in advance,

                                             Michael  VE1BXR/VE3


                                                W. Michael Babineau
                                                Multiprocessor Systems Group,
                                                Dept. of Computer Science,
                                                University of Waterloo.
 	USENET:	 {ihnp4,allegra,decvax,utzoo,utcsri}!watmsg!wmbabineau