[net.sf-lovers] "Nerve", by whom?

milne@ICSE.UCI.EDU (12/20/85)

From: Alastair Milne <milne@ICSE.UCI.EDU>

   Yet another request, this time for author:

   Quite a time ago, I read a very good book called "Nerve", about a
   doctor (name, I think, of Adam McKinley) who developed an especially
   fast neurotransmitter, and proceeded to experiment on himself with
   it.  The effect was to increase considerably his reaction speed
   (though with unpleasant side-effects that only became apparent over
   time).  He would use his improved reactions to challenge the ranking
   pro's of some sport where reaction time was key (such as ping-pong),
   and rake in the winnings, intending to finance a neuroscience
   research institute with them.

   To make it interesting, I believe the first sport he tried was
   boxing.  The coach to whom he went naturally told him to forget it:
   he wasn't physically trained, and could easily be killed in the ring
   with a pro.  Persuading the coach to let him have a brief demo round
   with a pro who was instructed to take it easy on him, Adam showed
   how he intended to survive: he was fast enough to dodge or deflect
   any punch thrown at him, and, though he wasn't especially strong, his
   own punches were extremely fast.  (Those who protest that pro boxing is a
   lot more than just being fast enough are quite right, and as I
   recall, McKinley found that out the hard way.)

   The author, I'm positive, is a physician, which helped the story
   greatly:  its medical aspects were very accurate, which is important
   when you know enough about biology and medicine to have inaccuracy
   spoil a story for you.  However, the believability of the rest of
   the story, which so often suffers as technical accuracy improves,
   was equally good.

   A very good read, and I recommend it.  But I'm blessed if I can
   remember who the author is.  I'm certain it's not A. J. Cronin, who has
   written several medical novels.  Sound familiar to anybody?

   Thanks a lot,
   Alastair Milne