[mod.politics] suicide


Many people who want to commit suicide are depressed.  Depression is
very treatable.  There are a number of anti-depressants which are very
dramatically helpful, and there is also a kind of psychotherapy which
focuses on people's distorted thoughts which has been as effective as
anti-depressants.  Depression also generally gets better even without
treatment, though it may recur.  So most people who want to kill
themselves will be glad they didn't if they are prevented from killing
themselves.  But a few weeks is an unrealistic period of time to give
them to change their minds.  Depression is more likely to last for
months.  Even anti-depressants take several weeks to have their full
effect, and a week or two to have any noticeable effect.  And
sometimes you have to try a few different anti-depressants to find one
that works.  If people should be restrained from suicide for a period
of time to be sure they really mean it, then that period of time ought
to be at least several months.  I also don't want to be in the
business of evaluating people's reasons, except perhaps for
restricting suicide to people who are terminally ill.  If you support
a right to suicide, does that mean that if I find that my brother has
poisoned himself and I rush him to the hospital I am violating his
rights?  Or does it just mean that I can't commit him to a mental
hospital for an indefinite period of time because he is suicidal?

Lynn Gazis